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Advertisements & Notices

... gooT AND SHOZ STOCK, &O. pA WILLIAM CLIFFORD. DROZAED. AND W. JEFFERY AND CO. hvo T . luoht e front Ml- B- Smith, Aoooultant, 59, totD Wol¶ batou. itritlmoted tathe Blsou. itaeatate-lbe weothoe aj~y~D0 t, 1f7.HBlh-stRoej60erbauo. 0Ljob fit a socount 8 pew ament. M -o S~bD, ouj1os of ths *erY beat and obeapostiatneks ever portion being tho Wilar. !wheo 1 ro may yews oasetid on a tthe FoO, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o'Dl ONPTEVNING EOONCDTS, NOW A, sate-oe T Tel8 (SOODAY) EVIMJNO, Oaetobep p T NrW ORGANOIPHONIO oouPANx, RUTONBS ODD. FOLKS, TRg U T13 ODDEST OF TOIM ODD. 'Wnm W b tor5ten, Swngs, and E1ffcte. -P cdy of the H&Ll. -S' 1i1e Galleries 6SL. Aoserved tea Is TO coMMmence at kight Qo'lock. on SA~,¶DAY and MOND&V Next, Ot. 14 and la, the Si, 1,W SHIA SDud ANN IF, Will go thelr 0mlo RA2 H~toj c en, ...

Everything relating to the state of Ireland is just now of so much interest that our readers will us for

... laying before them the chief points ;>f ail article, entitled Ireland in Transition, published the last number of the Economist. The article from the very competent hand of Professor Cairnes, of Belfast, and this circumstance alone would entitle it attention, independently of the light it throws incidentally upon the reasons why Fenianism receives little support from the better classes of ...


... fast. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6. a Privy Council meeting, held yesterday, at Balmoral, the form of prayer against pestilence, to be issued by the Archbishop Canterbury, was determined on. The statement that a working collier had just come into possession of the Drummond estate, near Swansea, and £8,000. a year, is denied. He was only a claimant. The heir to the property i 3 ! Mr. Richard Backhouse, of ...


... [From the Economist.J The opinion of the best-informed judges is that money will not cheaper for a little while, and we have little doubt that this opinion is well founded. It is certain that some money will sent to Egypt, and some will probably be sent to India also. How much it is not possible to say, but still some fair amount worthy of consideration. The holders of silver ask long prices ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tro LET, No. 26, a PEW in the Gallery of Christ's IL Church, containing four ?? to Mr. MOUFNE. SALE THIS DAY. f)WELLING-HOUSES & LARGE, STORAGE CELLARS IN ROBINSON-ROW. VOR SALE' BY AUCTION,I JL by Mr. NATHANIEL EASTON, at the George' Hotel, 'Whitefriargate, in Ringston-upon-Hull, on :FRIDAY, the 0th day of October, 1865, at Ohtree ?? in the afternoon (subject to conditions wvhich 'will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOnaiC to P-AlilENOIGNUS PASaWORTS to the UNIT=D ITATRG AMe NOW NO0W wrIziSH Aim zrouTH A311112CALK ROYAL e MATi C :W~xHIP. the gboasouseca~atCo3KgLAEBOUROnbOthotutard no ~TOS5 ordiffeldu~~mlont ues ollected uis mad up E vlitab lackage. aldws: e ooe fr sle-i OANmeris. or tha e puipose lof low orolafs on oi httr, gl.unpowdr oraulinatfnlr goeds bh*In the ~unot taento suc mantterms orCIe. nture: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wmmmmmmmwm. gamadal11Rt5 THIS DAY. TbS Day (Thsmday), the 19th inatlant at Twelve dtoIk at the Brokeri? office, 19, Edbasane-b15Sldoa%* 142 Cainke Breach RLOBIN, Hz XOtur.-Por ltooduas yt r lYBDa l~eoel DIGEVND. SOkes Thie D'ay lThusiday), the l91h Instant, at Twel we doclock, at the Bleokmesa OWies, 10, Hxelause-buildings, 440 Beiat cgnoon uRom, now landing ax (leeilds.-Apply to Neoun. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The North of Scotland Banking Company, INCORPORATED UNDER AcT oP PARLOAMENT, HE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the T PARTNERS of THE NORTHf OF SCOTLAND BANK- ING COMPANY, for the Election of Directors and other pur- 3Ces, will be held within the BANIY[NO HousE in Aberdeen, on PIDuAY, the 3d November ensuing, at Twelve o'clock Noon. The Dividoud for last Half-Year, at the rate of Ten per Cent. e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T I15BOATS1ERYXO D g the stOrmS Ii oS the put year, the NlATIONEAL UPISOAT INSTITUJ- SION, by lb AllebotaX and other rmesas coniributed to the ?? 1°6 ol §95 persons from diftevent wraks on our coasts. The Ititution a lso expend d e19i500 e se period on ite n Ie- let establismnet, in aldditbo togeantig £1,^53 ra rewards. 2'S Cormittee of the Insitution earnestly APPEA to the pblc Sor ASS STANCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T O I C B I T T E R. palsinbie ad whoeisonie bitter In exbiseee. A XPPIOiZT TONIC une~qualled utmcc and a gentle Stbr~t. poera lee gwceboa n 16wine. mercans sea getoes and others at3 aK doas.x Msaisoteed by WATERS anld WVJLIUAMB, ftm NOTHING IMPOS8IBLIL-The greatest and .L'ImostseftInventionof theday, AQUA AXARhtLL.. Mqen. JOHN GOMINLL sand Co., Three Klng-couort, Lombard- street, London, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jiiSALE PRIC of tho DAILV AW&ALU I OVER ENGLAND and at tm RALWAY STATIONS.., W. B§. SMT and SON now EL Xt DAIIWY 1NAW wVA SWPPLY al COUNTRY iand E on Zh terms as whU enaebb the abe to SBELL te a>,y NEW sata tbe acot THREENCR V MBW&LE COPY. 18, Sand.,, i'ASTLE LINE of PACKETS ior CA61(6iiA. ret.-iC to SIPPUR&-be pdid lr DAVIaDi Ce .pnncinsllr on the 27th October, All cargo eisged by hie wnmsi ...