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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Mr. HARRIS respeetfully aninlOOS an engagemoet for a limited period with Mr. JOiN COLIANi. tho celebrated Irlih Comedian and Vocklist.-TIIIS EVENI .lG (Wednesday), Fovember lt, will bu pcrformed (for the third time theoe Ii yesr) the favoerite eremly, by Mrs. Gore, entitled KING O'BEILL; or, Tbe Irleh Brigada-CCaptaln O'Naill, Mr John Coells (in which character he w'll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. L ti ?? AIM LbNL(>..i)N8- W006LWI0E DLA -BA-INDURST- NAVY - UARINES-CON4ST&. LLRX..-UNIVERSITY-AND CIVIL 6ERVICE I XAXINA,. 2!IONS Detailed Proepectuses may be bad of Ur. DUINBAR'S In. 3totlootion, cots'inh the terms f:r Boarders end Day Puptils (b the month, year, or quarter), rofereocee, &C., and tt e nimes of o ore tbms I'll 800 Bcr1disetsu olelly preparB from ta6t li til he lat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE BOYAL, DUBLIN. Mr. IIARRIS respecttully ,announces en engagement for a limited period with Mr. JOHN COLLINS, the celebrated Irlsh Comedlan snd Vocal fst.-TEIS EVENING (lhlbraday), November Sd, will be performed (for the fourth time these.I$ years) the favoorite crnedy, by Mrs. ore, entitled KING O'VEILL; or, 3he Irish Brigado.-Captain O'NbeIll Mr Jahn Coilhn. (in which character he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL FOSTINGS. COURT OF BANSkRPTCY AND '17SOLVRIOY. 7OWk OF ATHY and COUNTY OF HILDARL _ In the Matter 0o T0 BE SOLD BY E an Arranging Trader I PUBLIC AUCTION, by q - - ordzr of the Judges of the Cort la of Bankruptcy and insolvency, at their Cour GBE AT II MTRAID.STBEET, in the City of Dublin. in 15 Lote, on C TUESDAY, the 7th day of November, 1865, at the hour of I One ?? in the afternoon, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOTTELS. THlE~g- ANGEL HOTEL. T[ I rns-QUAY. TRIPE and COWBkEL'I1II be dressed On TO-MORROW (84torday) and on every WEDNESDAY and SATOJRBDAY duilog the Season. D. J7. BERGIN. O L L E G E H O T E L, C COLLEGE STREET I A J FLIET.STREET. I OYSTEBR, OYSTERS. OYSTERS, t WALSH'S LI8SADILLS t At di per Hundred, Ga per Dozen. I Hot Joints from One O'Clock to Seven. Dinners, ls. Luncheon, da. Beds, it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ¢jtEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. gr. HARRIS resectfoinly announces an engagement ,~lmited perlu twith Mr. JOHN COLLINSt, the celebrated ?? and Vocallot.-THIS EVENIXIG (Friday), 21obory d, will boiperfornmtd (for the fathth time theose 1t itho favoerito ^cmrody, by Mrs. Gore, entitled KING {.dIL7; or, The Ir!sh Brigado-Captaln O'Null. Mr Joha e(ln hich character he will sing the celebrated song .te Boys ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIEATBE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T r. HARRIS respectfully annonucos an engagement for a limited period with Mr. JOHN COLLINS, tha celebrated Irish Comedian and Vocallit-Tais EVENING (Saturday), November 4th,Will beperfeormed (for the sixth time thesd L6 yeers) the favourito Iamedy, by Mrs. Gore, entitled KING O'NEILL, or, The Irish Brigade.-Captaln ONeill, Mr John Collins (in which character he will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL FOSTINGS. In the Goodi of 1 D UB SUANT to the ldm I145015 Penelope L,& Ac& of Farilasq2t4 rding BDaes, dceased, Iln and 28rd Victoria, Chyater 86, testate, I Notic is hereby gven the J Creditior of and al other per. 6m01 having any claims upon or against the assets of Mrs Louias Penelope Barres, ?? 0Boe Cottaig, Balilybrack, in the Connty of Dublin, widow, who died at Rose Cottage store. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rn THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Mr. HARRIS respectfully annoncres an engagement for a limited perlod sith Mr. JOHN COLLINS, the delebrated Irlbh Comedian and Vocalct.-THIS EVENING (hbouday), November 6th, Ila porforuimancia ill cotmmence With the celebratcd Drama, by S. Lover, Eeq, entitled ROily O'MOItE -Rory O'More, Mr John Collins (In which he will sing Paddy Msgee,. Crslabeen Lawn, and 'The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. A UTIbSOF W(OOD GOOD;S lit A SIR 81BJOHN ROGERSON'S QUAr. JPFFRAY BABOBOFT, Wood Broker, has received in. Dereotions to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTAON, on TO MORBOW (Tuesday), tbe 7th Nov. 1865, A choice add well-alsorted Parcol of Wood Goods cost. swting of 250 Pleces QnebscRod Pine, losglengths all free'ab lnuded Igs Pieces QuebecWhito Plue, IS to a6s inhesquare, cleai weod, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLiCATIONs. JnSt Pubilabed, Price lo. ITN EAVEN WE KN1QW OUR OWN, I Or, SOLACE FOR THE SUFFERING. Translated from tbe Yrcncb, vitb the permisilon aud approval of the Author, BEV FATIIBR BLOT,8J, By A L ADY. Dublin :JOEIN MULLANT, I PARLIAMENT STREET. IS.LL ON CHIMES AND MaSDlMZAtN5ufS. This Day is Publiabed, I Volumens, royal 8ro, ptl0e 15 Us Cd, A TRETTISEA ON CRMES AND A B)S~l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T3HEATREM ROYAL, DUBLIN . Mr. MAllIS respeetfully announce. an engagement for a limited period with ir. JOHNODLLINS, the celebrated Irish Comedian and Vocai1et.-THIS EVENING (Taueday), November 7tb, tho performances will commence with the oelebrcted Drama, by S. Lover. Rq, entitled ROnT O'uORZ. -Bory O'MorT, Mr John Collins (in whichbe will alng ?? segee Crulskean Lawn, and 'The Widow ...