... I R 2'ks Miracles: HdP to Faith, not Hindrances. a By William ML Taylor, M.A. Minister of the United Presbyterian Church, Derby rosd, P Liverpool, author of Life Truths. Edin. le burgh: William Oliphant and Co. ISG5. Mt The subject of which this book treats is one of o- great importance as an evidence of Christianity, a, nd of great interest amidst the controversies.of )d the present day. It ...


... I ' ' - TaES TERN.-The habits of the tern are exce edingly, in- teresting. From time immemorial, I believe, a colony of these birds has visited annually the same locality. It is not easy to find their nests, which are simply hollows made in the shingle, and the eggs resemble the stones so much in their general colour that they can only be distinguished by a quick eye. The colour of the eggs is ...


... I The Dowager Viscountess Ashbrook has arrlved at the Gresham Hotel fromn the BoUlb, The deaih of Lady Thereon Lewis, widow of Sir a c Lewis, and Aliter of Lord Clarendon, Is reported. The High Sheriff, artr Boyce and suite have returned totheltreaidenoce, Upper Mount street. Mr and Mrs Codett left town yaeterday for Laondon, Mr and Mrs Far rell, Mrs James Farrell and family hbie arrived at 30 ...


... PROFESSOR FA WCETT ON THE BRITISH LABOURER.' THE book whose title we give below is a reprint of lectures lately delivered at Cambridge by Professor Fawcett. They are not altogether in harmony with that calm Conservative tone which we might expect to prevail at one of our ancient universities. Certain of the doctrines pro- pounded savour rather of the political prophets with whom the Professor ...


... I ; PRINoC OF WALES THEATRE. Brother Sam wan repeated last nlght in the Ipresence of a numerous and highly-respectable audience, to whom Mr. Sothorn's impersonation of the Higourable Sam fSling8ly, the hero of the comedy, seemed to afford a great amount of plea. sure. The piece of absurdity written by Ur. H. J. Byron, and entitled Lord Dandreary Marded and Done For, was added to the ...


... LITERAT URE. Tile BRee'eatiwss of a Country Parson. First Series. II- lustrated by ROBERT F. PRITCHETT. London: Longmiman, Green, & Co. TIIES pleasing, queeint essays. conitaining a good deal of somo- C thing alkin to wisdoiii-laid onut in ingenious settiolgs-cOn- , cerning the Country Parso'-'s Life, the Art of Pettilng Things, Work and Play, ' ifrmly and Leisure, and so forth, ...


... -ACI'OILLAN's MAGAizi.:E this month has seve- ral good articles. Mr Thomas Hughes, M.P., _fornishes S paper on' Trades'. Unions, Strikes, and Co-operation, wabrhy the attention both of employers and employed. The account of, Eyre the Australian explorer, by Henry Kingsley, con- cluded in 'this number, is full of romance and adventure of a kind'peculiar to the great Austra- lian. interior. ...


... MISS 3A'lMAN AS B[AMCA, Miss Bateman made ber first appearance before a Qlasgow audience last night in a different character from that in which abe has won her laurels as a_ tragedienne; and those who had the pleasure of witnessing her muet hveofelt that she achieved as gre at a success in Biansa asB in Leak, 'The vener- Itble Dean Milman's tragedy of Fazio is one peculiarly snited to bring ...


... LIT ERA T U BE. BRETON'S ANNUAL. c Ur.Beeton may honestly claim to have conhiblte& u publisher, very many excellent works to the vast mld varied library for the young, which has been is- sued from the British press of late years. By far the best-the most graceful, learned, and at the same time understandable, historical works which the reading young of this country have ever onjoyedare those ...


... IJTEn-ATURE.:I K SraIG HoLES! iN ISTALn. By Alexander yacLaren, AiniRter of Union Chapel, Manches. te. Manchester: Palmer & Howe. Tqss little book is necessarily panoramic in its roethod. As with a sort of theatrieal apejd the aketches of which it consists pass before us, we can lmeost fancy the author standing at the side bf the stage with a long pointing.stick in his baud Japidly ,Sing and ...


... WEsD MaYOR'S DAY. The order of the civio prooession on O'hursday hat was as follows:- Police-constables to clear the way. Drums and TFfes of the London Militia. Watermen bearing the .Banners and Arnie of the Oity and of the principal LAVeTy Companiess. ' ' The Band of the ?? for the Protection of Life from Fire. The Master cf the Spoctacle Makers' O~mpany ihis Chariot, attended by his nasplain ...


... I EVENLNGS LONG AGO. And tbere was a blent oerirer I nen call before roy mind, (.Ah I rhit rnoleil-s iii he riered i tibose 11tle wor-s I fin !) When tbh orib o -Iti bo led in *ftrT ?? the bare ond barren beach, Hurling he a, driftof cart ,i farr beyoen tire wter' reech, While the froki1 -rrO.t C tt cirninrg-shertr of ?? the sbore; . tbheir sorirbo csteit-a i04 ,ordi lenrenb~red evencore, O. ...