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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CITY GRIDIRON. TCHOPwSDITEAI;S, AND, KIONEIYS D eet from the GrI Ure - In five Minutes at tho Dlar, A T As in London, K I N S L E Y'S, T I}E B u t L I N G T ON CiURCH LANE. Eovery SVPierior Billiard Tables. . MERCANTILE SALES. se by Auction of French r0o BE SOLD BY AUCTION,.for account! T of whom it may concern, on TUESDAY thol2th Dl-e comber, 1805, at the Merchants' Stores, 12 BURGHl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rIlEAT1`E ItOYnL, DUBLIN..; :lr. IlALPIS respectfully announces tile Eguge.- ,,cat fr r a linited period of the favoutrito Coetndians, dir and]1 Mr6 It T (AIIAV1S1N, from tho Royal Stranm ifeiatl --'11S EVENING (Saturday),DeorembndrItIth, the srrffrrl)anles wvill commence with (irnxth tince) an original ?? ty 11 T Craven, Req, enlitied'r'flL Crll£INEY C(I.N Flt.- Sciomonn iProbity, Mr ityng; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDED ESTATES. I l).LXiREi,tOUN'Tyoip DUBLIN. ISLAND-V.IEW llOUSE. In the Estate of I BY Order of the Patrick M'ovln nand his Landed Estates Court thoe Asignees, ISoicitor having carriage of tloe Owners; 'Salo will, up to the 10th day of James Birch Kennedy, January next, receive pro- Petitioner, pt sals for the purchase of this ?? Dwelling-house, Lawn, rnd Gtar- den. 7ho whole Premises, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HsUSES AND LANDS. | rfOLET, a NEAT COTTAGE, with Pipe I T0Ws ?? Range, and every convenieDnOe, In- aufe of Mr. Domu, 1 Crwford-torratue, BaUybough-roaeL 50 1B, LET, the HOUSE No. 5 USHEWES- 1 QUAY, with G(te Entranco and largotores and Warbonrso ktacgod. For terms apply at N6ro. 0. dl4,11 1 TIO PROVISION DEALES.-TO BE! LlT, tha Old Esotahilshod'Hlouse, No. 2J LOWER llOTNT~-STRE:ET (lalely ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Auctlon of ?? Sugar. THOMAS BEWLEY and CO. intend L OFFERIN( BY AUCTION, at the Broker's Sale- room, COMMERCIAL.BUILDINGS, On THIS DAY (Wednesday), 13th December,' At Ono o'Clock, 100 EBirlda. } Porto Rico Sugar. 00 Brim. J~orto AME i FOXALL, Broker. Comrnerial.Dnildings, Dublln. Auction of Currants. lOR SALE BY AUCTION, at the Bro- ker's Sale Room, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDED ESTATES. LANDED IXTATES COUJRT, IR;ELAND. GENERAL NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS. In the Matter of I rpIHE Court having or- the Estate of l dored a Salo of the Houses Williann Morgan, Admi- and Pre IseH known as Nos. 3 ?? of Robort Far- and 4 Lombard-strcot, In th City roll, deceased, ot Dublin, and the Houseos and Owner, Prainises known as Nos. 8,9, 10, Ex-parte anld 11 QuInaborough.-road, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11 iEATPiE 1ROYAL, DU i3L I -X Mr. IIARRLI haq tihe honour to nat Stuet,~ta 1T1 1,0ire tr,aled ti. tnjko ocrrn, tran Ith 's.TOELIIN, .oi her AT.%,:-sty's 'Tceatro. thle Royal It ?? 01ira. anl'l thle 'JirAtrC ROyal, DrTury- hoc, aosl~tecl by Mr. llury Tolllbn ?? SIT. Wifflarn Telbilli to pillilt Lho cG fr thle Orand tjottt 'Chirlittoam Pantoirilose. -THUI liVE S ~atr il clh. r:1).thcprf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ltHEATRE tROYAL, DUBLIN. Mr. llARRIS hnF til' hononr to annonceo that ho ?? ieen Cn11 eedbI to ne3ke arrngwaeliltis with Mr. TELBIN, nf her Majimty's Theatre, the Rtoyal Italian Operm, and the 91hatre Rllyal, Drury-lano, assisted by Mr. Henry Trlbin and Mr. WVilliam Telbla, to paint thes Scenel for the G rand Conic Christmas I'antnominii.-TiJ IS fVLENING, (Firi- 413y,, Poiueiuher °O, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iqIJEATIIE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Jl Ir. HARRILS has tire honour to annousee that he lis beenl enrabled to make arrearguirents with Mr. TELBIN, of )Iijesty's Theatre, the ltoyal It5lilan Opera, alntl the Tbeatre oyal. Dmrry-lane, assintcd by Mr. Henry Telbtn ann Yr. William Teli1in, to palsut the Sceones for the Grand C, uric Clirlstias-s i'antrairnre.-TilIS EVENING, (Thirs- Injy , teolirer 28, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARD AND LODGING. .k. 'OoUrNTY 'asLow. 9BBJIAB;RoHOTEL AND A ONIDG HOUSE The roprletoraot Qulsboro' flolub (tie new portlon of ?? Quins Hotel) respeot l announce o thir Fronds and the PubUc that they have now eansderably eltonaol Uhal ?? meet tho -nuero dends for 0e6MModAtlon Which hitherto they-were unablo to suppl: andk l~po to merit a continuation of, thlir uppo and p bnrage by assiduity ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? -1- W3ATRE ROYAL, DuBLIN. 'On TTJVESD,%Y rVTrlN Doerambor 2(;thl, I8/' Tbec Grand Burlesquae Connic (kHrstmas 'PartCnuIM0te DCAUTY AND THE b318TS VAIRLE(QT IN AND TiHE MiA l'OSE MORE! The Stplendid Scenery samd Maglificent ?? Dcigned and Painted by NR 1'F.LBTN, Asalated by lS. itelly Telbin and ?? Willianm Telbin, d22,15 liflE QUlTlEb'S ROYAL THEATRE, Mt J C. Joseplb, Pateutee. 31r. J. C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THUEATER ROYAL, DUBLIN. TMr. IHkBRIS bas the honour 'to announce that lie llas bcon enabled to mako arrangemnonts with ?? Tl:LBIN,- of her Majesty's Theatre, the Royal Italian Opera, and the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane, assisted by Mfr. Henry Telbin and Mr. William Telbin, to paint tile Scenes for the Grand Comldt Christmas Paustomlme. -TIIIS EVEXING (Woinos flay), December 27, the performances ...