Advertisements & Notices

... tnurt slid siviturinuaf Loading Berth Southl Side luskidgson Branch Dock, ;L RO THROUGH RATES T o ROTTEN8, PARIS, D1JNKIRI(t 1rORBA CTr uTRASBOURG3 WISSIBOUlU ?? & BASLE, And, to and frous otlier town ur3a may bo agreed lien. AMERICA ?? CIaptain Kl'LL.LS bNIAGARA ?? Capltain EseoINDsoN. RALiIEC , ?? , CaPteinU I sy, BRITISH QUE1 N8. |Cap~talin WV N. ?? .I Cap)taln H.liUiiAVE. These or other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ffibnam Leding BDerth South Side Huleki8on Branch Dook. ST TH-ROUGH R.ATES To ROUEN PARIS, DUNKIRKC FORtBAOH, T Pl STRASBUGEG, WISSEMBOUBIti h BASls, Cotu A .d to eud from othor towne w may be aareed UjOn. thw ERICA ..apapia If £LLY. cncl NIAGAitA ?? Captain 1 DEOEONDCON, will IILIIRO -- CaptainIuiev~ay. not BlRlTISHI QUEE N ?? atal4 WA'r30cc L STROMJ3OLI ?? Captain H.xoartn.v CUa Thriee or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATURDA andMEVENING CONCTERTS, U~~HX WDNEIIRD) NRI84N-Sn1p. TWESETY48ECGND tEON. On h ?? anil Mowniv Evuienee NZXT, Jam e nd a, MR. AND MRS. HOWARD PAUL WiU arpear in their new Enitertainnent, Rt I P P L E S O N T H E L A K E After which they vwialappr inreie f ersOnalilon, and Sing the following ong The Ship one f , Te The Shic n Fuel', ' The Dream of the Reveller (Hnry Rusells tw be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 50, BOLD-ST111PET, LIV'EEPOO1.9 EJ. J. & D. NICoLL, TAILOizS TO THEQtT1:N, ROYAL FAMItY, AND T1IE UO UTS OF l tuIIopL'. FOR GENTLE-MEN. The Fashions for the Winter Season, for the Promeoutoe, orDemi-dress, are Suporinie EliOCK COATS with rich silk breast fatwing%, or MIOStN ING COATS of suerfineln Moltout Cloths, the charge for the fonler biiug from 3;A to 4 (Guineas, eor the 11ttnr 2!. to 3t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M0, BOLD-STR:IRET, LIVERRPOOL a II.JL & D NIUOLL, TAILOR4 Tto 'TRE QUEEN, ROYAL FAMILY. n AND ICUN Vouitmoir 0BUIZOP& FOR GENTLEM1IN. TIe slalsos ter the Winter Se|ou for the Promenade, ?? e - SuSerfine FiROOK 8OATS with rioh ellk ?? dan#, or M RNING COAIN of euioerlne Melton the ?? for the former being frote 3 to Ai Guineas, bir the later'2 to 3j Guejas. For Negligee purposes- E iMORNl.Gs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYALi, ]AIRMINGHAMI. Ussvae -fill MANAOI~aF.NT Or Mn. M. H1. Sisirson, ?? TREAMENDOUS SUCCESS or THU (tRCAT ANNUJAL COMIIC CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME, jre-ijcad with the, most ulgtahriena applause by Houses Crammotnd totoRoof. rHIS IgVENING (Wednesday), Januar-y 3, DELICATE TORIIOUND af~ter whichi, the Great Theaitre Royval Pt'tantimiCO writtcn by CRARLES MILLWAtiS), EsQ, entitlea ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [Advertlememnt.1 BANKi O0 EW SOU~TH WLEt;S. The half-yearly general meeting of the abrer holders of this bank was bold in Sydney on the 25th October last; Hon. G. ALLEN, EFq., ?? in the chair, 'The ?? read the following report and. balnce- sheet:- The directors submit herewith a statement of the asets and liabilities of the bank on the 30th ultimo, end hate Pleasure in reporting the favourable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vj OWN HA:,LL, Leeds, Saturdav, January 20th. Y. GGRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL, by DR. MARK AND HIS LITTLE MEN, V be given in the following order:- A rand Fashionable JUVENILE FESTIVAL, at three o'clek. damismiond, Fist Seats, adulte, Is.; Second Seats, adults, l6d. Children I alf price. Anwepeci l Per'ormae at five o'clock, for the PUBLIC SCHOOL gBILDB EN of all dmlorninntiens. Admission Id.; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISEMENT8. A correct idea of the immense consumltion of Horniman's Pure Tea may bc formed from the fact, that their warehouses contain the largest stock of duty-paid tea in London, comprising the very choicest growths, and above twelve thousand feet of warehouse floor. ing are in constant working occupation by their staff of packers. Horniman's teas are now eight-pence per pound cheaper; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13 GREAT MAitBOBOUOR STREET. HURST & BLACKETrST NEW WORKS. -0- ENGLISH TRAVELLERS and ITALIAN BRIGANDS A Narrative of Capture and Captivity. By W. J. C. MOaNs. 2 vols., post Bvo,with Portrnits and other Illustrations, 21e. Mr Moaens' book is one which ought to be widely read. It is well and vividly written, and is intensely interesting, It giaes us a thorough view of the interior of brigand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TVHE LONDON FINANCIAL ASSOCIATION (Limited). CAPITAL g Subscribed .. ?? ., 2,000,000 Paid-up. 100,000 Reserve Fund .. . DIRECTORS. JOHN HACKBLOCK, Erq., Chairman. John Dorradile, Esq. William Lnie, Esq. q. Chattel Butter Leg.Chebe E. hiedoctanaeli, Lg James Fraser, -og , WiliarnTarquandLegq. . E. C. Koceh,'Esq. ?? B. Wade, LEsq. Henry Faull, Esg., M.P. ?? Walker, Egq. P. C. Ralli, Esq. BANKERS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... snIPPING. A-5A AD BELFAST, REGULARLY d I ERY FOURTEEN DAYS. V poWjTERFUL SCREW STEAMERS, , lN BR A L L E E, of Dublin, Captain 1,000 Tons burthen; VARTRY, of 6,,ta i WAsLH 700 Tons burthen, are in- leVe as follosws: A, lFROM ROTTERDAM. Ltee on FRIDAY: January 19, 1866. &c., apply to J. C. PINKERTON, sn Tomb Street, Belfast. 5-:i & B)LOKHUYZEN, Agents, Rotterdam. 291 DAILY SAILINGS. *NUARY, 1 ...