Advertisements & Notices

... 1?r oide 1 to eitend til noee widely the amvaiagem which the ?? i ?? prepaid advertiee hre offers to the Publioswe havedeelded to REDUOB THE CHAR(4 for the mItilleN elass of An- nouncelients, and to establlh & scale for eon. ectve ingerlol°-I ht future t~he following will be the ch ?? Two {ep ni(d words to a line) ?? % Ditto Three Insertions ?? 1 o Ditto Six Insertions ?? 1 6 Three ad for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4S THIS DAY. This Day (Saturday)1 tho 6th instant, at Tw IvO o'clock, at t~he IBrohr OiB0cc, 16. Exrhian~a-h, luedi , ' T 100 Baga NITLATE O SOD i Za faults). I For further particulars apply to jn6 J. H. RAYNER & CO., oliers. MONDAY. thn Monday next, the 8th instant, tt Twelve o'clock, at the t BErkers' Office, 1 and 2, (Ilarendon-blldingsi, Tithetarm- street, Abont t0 Bales re-packed Amorican ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F ~~ddrssE L ISONS bY an ci`snac5 ?? ., 1Z = n Im MrardLso y-e~dofiCO 911 ' IRENCH w LESON givexn bya olee.l ao; c .Uand I, according to the did ?? (for a wel M 76, Mercury'Offioo. Ipial 1 'UJNTD iomdltey aofioelt A55ist553t KWSE= i for a iiationai 8 L~ a Statme 1. - Address BA Posoflloe, Blackburn. . 1s W reneb, drawi~g-drU IQPANISH.-TeAvrie dale the I - k desires the ?? san, Converse.-Ad 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAODEL WATCH U Oepie Bt~~~tsrlu n silere fro t I A COBDEN: .a Biograty, wit JL lt and AutograPh, and WOg of ~pInce See LEIISUREI HOURt for. JANtTARY. Mionthly, 8JiW~P~n-- S4 Prnosterlrow. O[N iBROGDIN. A-'&RI GISAL loLD -CHAIiNMlANflFACTORY, L' 10, ENBETT&-SfljXEI. CO W T.-OGADEI,. JOHN BROGDEN'a GOLD CEHAINS JOHN BROWI)EN'S GOLD Glt ARD CHAIN iOHNBROGDENSGOLD ALBERTCHAINS. JOHNBROG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G-1 S. EDWARDS! WEEKLY LIST OF Go SALRS BY AUCTION, Within the GREAT SALOON, 53 COCKBURN ST. 3o-day at Elever.-WEEKLY SALE of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &o., ?? Semi-Grand Pianoforte (by Broadwood), Drawing-l0oo0 Suite in Walnut, Largo Chiffonniere, Plate- Glass Mirror, Marble Top ; Easy Chairs in Wal- nut, Dining-oom Tables, Chairs, Sofas in Haireioth aud Danasl, izabethan, Fiench, and other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13 GREAT MARLBOROUGH ST1tEET. HURST & BLAOKETT'S NEW WORKS. The Ion. GRANTLEY BERKELEY'S LIFE and RECOLLECTIONS. Vols. 3 and 4, Com- pleting the workk.f~anury 30. ENGLISH TRAVELLERS and ITALIAN BRIGANDS. A Narrative of Capture and Captivity. BY W.J. C. MOENS. 2 vols., post8vo,with Povtraitsand other Illustrations, 21s. SIr Moens tells as in this book of his life among the brigands. It is a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATIOINAL PROVINCIAL BANK N OF ENGLAND (Established in the year 1834) OPENED for the transaction of Banking Business in I.Qlldon 0:1 the soth of January, 1866, at the Head Ofli ce, Bishopsgate-street, corner of Threadneedle- street; and at the St. James's Branch, 14, Waterloo- place, Pall-malll. Subscribed Capital ?? .n,2noo,ooo 0 0 Paid-up Capital ?? ?? a o Rescrved Fund ?? 5,450 6 2 Number of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTiSEMENTSM GOVERNMIIWT OF' SOUTH AUSTEAI EIIIGEATION IDEPARTWIMT. Fvessecs chartered prsty by H.M. E~rto om bricklyeM weehnq blacksmiths, sawyers, capenters, gardeners gloems, coor and harness makers, country shoe- makers, &o.; also to ?? female domestic servants. Further particulars ~d forms of application may be obtained at the office of the Emfgr~ton Agent. for the Government of South ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y CYNNWYSIAD.1 j I yr Wydd ?? lgjwycidiadau, &a A4qct7tyddiaetl , frP Eglwys Sefrdledig Nczvyddion GrefyddoZ ltewyddion Trarnor Prif Ert7lt.vplau , ?? rewyvdiolw Cym7reig Tim y Grinder , ?? lfag.ohnadoedd , ?? Gohebiaetiau .. . Ba7ddoniacteth Hysbzjsiadau 3 4 - a ?? 6 ?? 6 9 U 11 .. ,.12 ?? ?? 13 ?? ?? 14 ?? ?? 15 a a d r r y a 1: r ?? ?? i ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y CWMPEINI YSWIRTOL UNOL :S GWL.ADOL CYFY'NG-DIG. (PrSoviiCial ?? Aessura)2- Compe ny isaaitced) A sefydlwyd yn Nvrsediol fel X QCYMDBITlIBS GYFEILLGAR UKOL FRENITENOL. ymgorphorsdig ?? Soneddol y Cwrnlleu Uncleg, c 25 a 20 Vie., Cap. S9. Capital, £lOO,Oo, 1 PP.Ir EWrDvfEV1Ds)D. 104, Fleet-street, City, eT,edon. Andovea-street, Sherel-l. 4, Ala-street, Pwheihai, i Ogledd Cyrmru. t *Albart ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rfiETE TNSTANTROUS CURE FOR TOOTH- IACTIE, BUNTER'S NELiVINE, immediately on application gives persament rolk, by the painless destrue tiOe1 of the nerve in decayed teeth, forus a stoppIng, and renders extraction seldoas uccensory. Medical Testimonials. From J. Lonnsell, Esq., Surgeon. rridport, Ddreetsbfre. I consider BUTNTER'S NERVIINE a specific for Tooth- ache. Very severe cases under ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rU il J1,1 T, Part of a Furnished House, J 1!1 -td~ dirably situate. Apply 14, Northernhay-place, P, NT £20 A YEAR-NO TAXES. MM L' convenient Family HOUSE, No. 1 l-ttrrtce, St. Sidvell. Apply atNo, 5,the Ow yl l ST. MARY, SOUTH DEVON. 0 le l.LT, RIDGWAY COTTAGE; rent r, 1-. 'Apply to Mlr. M&YNE, Stationer, No. 244, .l , ,;Exe ter. ?? Cl(ARENCE HOTEL, EXEPER. S . F ORC E is favoured with tl ...