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Advertisements & Notices

... f IEATRE ROYAL, DUBLI. T MR. AND MRS. CHARLIES KEA t, cjiyieted' their Professional Tour round the orld, n ilnda to Lilglarld aiter an absence of three yetra, rr ili hc the gratificatlion of announcing that them . rln popstlar Artistes vwill he asaleted by 1MISS JM J F. CATI[CAIIIP, and MR. G, - Tii i-T llS IEN ING (Wednesday, ,November2l, jIicrO- we ill c ;nsetoce with rihalkepero'i slistori- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. .l Under the PatTonage of FilS GPAV THE DtUKE s~ 1,EiNSTER.-iiENItT OF lMR. GUY, (Box Book K'epe) -T1J1S ElVENING (Thursday), March let, the rPI lance will commence with the Comedy of OUR. Fe.-Maris ide i-nJ,31rStretton; CountDeBrelsac, 3lr IV P ?? ; Pi riarrt, Mr Granby ; Rosine, Mims A Fairer, Mi *ietto, t1,iJ A Melkhaitt. After which Mlr. Li i. YIE~t BtIlEi will Sing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7'rrCEN RANGES.-A Large 8took of , ,Ai~nd Oeen to, salmnt fyoa. Thsa Ranges have gal thoe nA.VIMvfow'onts, and aye the (owt,. of makss of the higheaS replit. l.ROOK.0, TBOhAAB, an 00., 8AUYVIfT.FKP'.IAKC. 3iA)Afl ) AND LODGING. _ _ _- v-WO Gentlemen, who havo just taken a Tflne House in one of tho hoalthiest parts about Dub- Ain, and handsomely furnished same, are avxious to 0cot with a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I - TETARE ROYAL, DUBLIN. t IPBBIS has the honour to annonnce tie BYEN- c 1 ENT for Six Nights only of MISS AVONIA JONTMs 51.. G. Vl BSookoe) THis il -I_~NGI Tuesday), October 23, the Perfor- manle will comme Co with *by pnrticulor etre) the nevr .adc Powernul Drama entitled EAST LYNNE.-ArcblbSId (anye d i Mr w Rignold . Justice Hare, Mr Morgan; Sir F Leojoni Mr F lantley : Earl Mount Severn, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d 1 SHIPPING. ;'TO GLASGOW, VIA AUDROSSAN. I BIZ i HE NEW AND RAPID STEAMER j COUNTESS OF EGLINTON, Every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY, At 7.15 o'c'ock Evening, with §st4&aeg accommodation amndships for Wabin Passengero, and a commodious Steerage aft. Fares moderate. !. HENDERSON & SON, Agents. April, 1866. 50 DAILY SAILINGS. tL. J: El I;. 1, I3 V?-, Ela;~i ClAPP.IL, 1 Sp 6. ?? AAYH PORE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. SALE CONTINUED THIS DAY. The Sale at CULOAVEY COTTAtIE, near Hills- borough, late tre R sideuce of HERCULES BEA11 SHAW, Esq., decse Red, will be continued This Day, THURSDAY, 8 h Februarv instant, at Eleven o'clock, with all the Farm Stco. and Implements, including VOUR FARM CARTS, ONE PONY CART, F three Dray Carts; three Harrows; Seed Har- row; Drill Harrow; one Grubber; one ...

Advertisements & Notices


Advertisements & Notices

... SIIIP PIN'G. ?? stc'ii'r( do NOT SAIL from cither I'1 LiNEIAtS DAY- or NEW-YEAR'S DAILY SA ILINGS Fll')I jL 'FAST To GLASGOWJ V[A A RD'OSSAN. - ?? ;tith Gla. ,ow and South-Western llailwav. 1- y IVENING ATir 730 O'CLOCK. ' 'A ' , ii Vd l nlit excepted). ' ?? .1kitc n StIanlship (i'mipally's ! ?? New Streaxnt'S, ii ?? .. .- t taiii William Kinnear, ?? Cr1U .. '.it in -Vlt'xander 'Crc, trI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIlPP ING0. WEEKLY EXCURSIONTS, liVPS11'Y FRIDAY A-ND SATURDAY, 11LRING JULY, 1Q?1J' BELT'\5T15 A1,L)1IOSSAN_\ AND TILE IIS LA'ND O F A R RAIN. By ine ;iiist-c~iass et~flaiucts, 01AL 'O BELF~AST' ORt@UTE OF EGLINSTON. R ,ln el Fst evory F-iI DAY and SATURDAY, -15 p. in.. returnig from11 ArdrLossan any tlay 31 Tihe FAllowviig week, ait 10 put. V'abini. Steerige. F,, to Ar'irossan and Back. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTI ON. SALE THIS DAY. AWDJOI'ENI) S \IE. AU CTION O)I rE)-8()M Fi V R NIT T RE, PIANOFORTl, S T PiNINC TAPI.LS, 1)AMAlSIA AND 'il s T N WI'iMAV (i-- TAINS ;. n sSE 'SI) i )M; k Ei MLS- l' r ; CARPETs'lS- StE I' ?? \-STIiu2IE5us' MEDICINE Dot'LI! .i,, &C., &c. To be Sold b)y A UCTIO*N (hIv order of the l-sten- tors), at the late Dr. II'mii Dt' S f-K BONE- ] GALL STlEEl, ona SATCVIV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. r1OUNTRY LODOING}S ( FU R NIS8H ED ) three miles frorm town, in a localit! bighly re- commended by the Faculty to persons delicate or threatened with consumptiofl. Apply to Coontry Lodgings (3829). Office of this Paper. S UPEPlOR COUNTRY LODt+IN(*S, AT TadE Misses MiALCOLM,{ Hlllhall Houlse, Lieburn, wilthin a short drive ol Belfast. Terms moderate. T Oo L ET. THED UPPER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION.. A 1. i T II IS A 1-. CLEXRA NC( XSALEk 4cON I ON 0FO w\-)OLE PtjJINt F')1]DS o To le SoldLox- At ( l TON, at the 'tOMMERPIAL SAL.i'-OO(M. : \N. NN STRLEET, oen FRiDAY, -Itis Sept., at Lie; eni oclodk, LAIME QU'ANTITY 0r FASHIONABLE AL, W'oollenl Cloths, Tweeris &c., Comprising Blaek Cloths, Bldek and I cile Aleltons, Pilot Cloths, VitCrtrt, Ii st1' Friez-s laczwk ra-t Fancy ...