... IIWVELPOOL POILCUE COURT. I .. MONDAY, JULY 2, 15F0R15 MR. T. s. EAPP9 A WOMAN CHARGED WITH THROwJN0 VITRIO_ Mary Reed, a womnan aparoatly abouet 50 y of age, waa brought up cuatody 0o the o arh of throwing a cup of vitrlol into the face r Henry itaren, a ship carpenter.Mr. Cobb appeared on behalf of the prosecution, and in opebing thocasi said the charge against the poisoner was a ve'y ...


... THURSDAY, AUGUST 3. CROWN COURT. IB;FORE MR. JUSTICE LUSH. ATTEMPTED MuRDnn.-JohuWhittaker, 29, was indicted for having at Oldham, on the 31st May, discharged a loaded pistol at James Burrows, with l intent to murder, The prisoner was a deserter, and Burrows gave information, twelve months ago, which led to his apprehension and im- prisonment. He said then, in the hearing of a policeman that ...


... BIRKENiHjD POLICE COURT. 7ONDAY, AUGUST 27. BEFORE MR. a. J. PARSTTor. SAVAGE ASBAIULT WrrU A JUG.-A married woman, flanzed Miia Neile, was brought up charged with ha severely assaulted Margaret Black, an unforteunate whota appeared In r th prVotinae~ .Behr ?? ?? with her head and fade bandaed. -Inspeotor Went stated that the presoctrir, on unA morning, gavethe prisonerincohageforhaving aaul~& ...


... | XCRONE' 1NQ ?? I 1B1FORII NIL JOSEPH DEREY, D5PUTY-GOONNEL On the body of Michael Gaughan, a labourer, 60 years of age, who lived with his daughter in No. 5 Court, Newlhall-street. On Wednesday night the deceased went out about six o'clock,quite sober. He did not return home, and on Thursday morning his body was found lying alongside the river wall opposite the Brunswick Dock. Verdict, ...


... EXECUTION AT KIRKDALE .-1 JIAUIIOyAOL 71r iv 2 L . i. _Thomas Grime, convioted at the late assizes of Stl murder of James Batrton at' Haigh, near Wifran, -in'-Jnar- 18n'nS' pen~altyb'f the .l ' et~the-extrewe atton.~atra 3 COn a dark January night in 1863 a man named Jaiiies Barton was inl charge-of ;a-pumpiu-engine tit a oolliery b ?? and Wijgai, HE Mas list s`een hlive by his soii'ai si'x ?? ...


... AL?bEG)?b ?HQRRLB??1 G1M? TRE'JMjID]lJNT.,TO AtqXd TR I lN .CARNS~ VONSHIftEi The publio will be ehoeke4 to-learn that sze four woimen and'vtwo men whyto havqxqowdied troi the cialarmty upon the yet plopeioned OpXrarvon.: shire, Railway, on Thursday evening last, were. apparently murdered The yeoy painful nfora5 tioiadpon whioh this statemnt is boased.p out in evidence at the resimeO ...


... :~ L7EPqlp POLICE. COURT. i I E P 0,,lUz AUGUST 14. ,: ,j tE5OAU UR. RAFFWSkS MURDNA0ous ATaVK DBY.A WOMAN.-Mary Coleman, described as a basket woman, was brought up on the ?? cf bl'ing 'committed a murderous asatt upon Anthony O'Donnell, a labouring mais' who lived in No. 6 Court; Jordan-atrebt, and with whom she had cohabited. About halfp east 'one o'clock on Monday night thle injured ...


... . THURSDAY, Al-GUST 30. BEFORE XESSRS. LAWVEFSCE 7tEVWORt'rH AND .J li BAL GHTON. CONOMITTAL OF A DISAP''OIXTED SUITIH, 3 k; F- TE311'ED MlUBDEn.-A young man1 of ratlhr ::-^sprtA appearauce, namned James Fitzpatrick, a habwr, i;5; at -No. 7, Nevshamn-street, Lives pool, was pla. e ie dock charged with attempting to murder Emna wyrse, a domestic servant employed by Mr. John Henry litts- sall, ...


... IBORUOUG QuAU-TARfSES.SMAN. MONDAY, JULY 23. BEroBE J. B. ASPlNALL, RECORDER. 'The borough ?? ?? day in the civil court, St. Lieorge's Hall. T'le calendar contained the names of 1(9 prisonerb, and the number of esseg was 84. XinetyVoight prisoun(rs were charged with felony in 75 0ase5s and eleveil with ijisdemeafnours in nine COseS. The following was the classification as to edua3- tion --Read ...


... LIVERPOOL POLICE COURT, I - -- ~i ly, TY THURSDAY, JUNE 21. , in BEFORE- MR. RAFFLES. ati SERnlOUS CHARGE AGAINST A COMMERCIAL TRAVELLElRn -Id John Lynas Gray, a man of respectable appearance, md who has been engaged by Mr. Samuel Vestoy, provision or merchant, Temple-court, as a commercial traveller, was Ele placed in the dock charged with embezzling several sums ot of money from his ...


... BANKRU1TCP? tCOURT. II ?? b is i s A: s r f * I I BIDFO a~w N . a ero s t' luY | W ,! .UESfDAY, !JULY3Sl. IN RE W. H. DAxurm-This was'a furthor hearing, by direction oft the, Cburt of Appeal, of a trader debtor summons eued out by the.North-weptera Bank ([,trnated) agaiinst Mr. WV. H. latnt' a merchant, uarying ou Prosiness jn LIverpool. The matter was'last 'before this court on;r the bth June ...