Advertisements & Notices

... original. This flne and most interesting Picture is attracting many visitors and obtaining a large subsniptior.Llist.-Nort eret Whig. 312 EDUCATION. HILLBROOR SCHOOL, BOARDING AND DAY ligh flolyw oot?, County Dowen, PRINCIPAL: JOHN TEUPIN, M.A., First Honcr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIt has alao been favorably reviewed by the Press, Iincluding the Ti'ues, Money M1arket Review, Belfa8t News-Letter, Northern Whig, Manchester Examiner and Titoes, and Econornist'. Investor's Maanual. IOrders executed by Mr. BlaNnY GUnxEa, High Street, Be'fast ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It has also been favorably reviewed by the Press, including the Times, 3Morny Mark7et Review, Belfast Netos-Letkr, Nortzhern Whig, Manchester Examiner _ aeu Times, and Ecoxomiste Investor's Manual. Orders executed by Mr. HENBY GREEB, High Street, Belfast; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... also been iavorably reviewed by the Press, including the Times, Mfoneyp Motkef Revien,, Belfast Nescas-Letteo', iforlther7 Whig, Mfanchester Examin7er an 7i e s,and Econormist'a Invest-or's M1anual. Orders executed by Mr. H1ESPa! Gnxa, High Street, Belfaet; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Be1'.s rLife, Tablet Z Pntncic, Illustrated NVews, Sutrdugy Reieew, Era, flasygoi Free Press, Ulster Obser-er, NVortltern W'hig, Belfast Mforning News, Belfavst NYei-Letter, and Banner of Ulster. PERIODICxtS, &C.-Cornlill Maguaine, Dublin URnirersity ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It has also been favorsbly reviewed by the Press, inclading the Times, Money Market Revview, Belfast News-Letter, North/errn Whig, Manchester Egxminer and Times, and Economist'. Investor's Manual. Orders execRted by Mr. HE1;Y GRszE, High Street, Belfast; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... original. This fine and most interesting Picture is attracting many visitors and obtaining a large subocription.list.-Northers Whig. 312 THEATRE ROYAL, BELFAST. NoriCE.-This Evening, and every Saturday dur- ing the Season, the Performances will commence at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... original. This fine and most interesting Picture is attracting many visitors I and obtaining a large subscription-list.-Northern Whig. 312 THEATRE ROYAL, BELFAST. GREAT ATTRACTION. On TUESDAY, January 23rd, the Performanceg will commerce with Dion Bouieiault's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... has also been favorabiy reviewed by the Press, including the Times, Jloney Mark-et Review, .Be~fcas News-Letter, Nor-thern 'Whig, Maechester Examiner and Times, and Economist' Iaeestor's Manuals. Ord!ers executed bay Mr. HrNax GBP.FB, High Street, Belfast; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It hso also been favorably reviewed by the Press, including the fl77es, Money Market Review, BRe st News-Letter, Northern Whig, Manchester Exeaminer and fVmes, and Economist'> Investor's Manual. Orders executed by Mr. HENRs GREER, High Street, Belfast; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... preseuta frontages to capital roads Of upwards of 1,000 ?? aufflistnt-for the aerecion of about t0sight or ten roomed houses, whig ar muh I deand In the neighbourhood, - PsAt~caIl b~he~t te Pinceof Puass, Bunnick-square, Canlifr. we? Newon, Evas, and o. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2i',.- Zek,. - The n1g likeness is in the finest style-of art.-Bannrer of Ulster. The likeness is admirable.-Nortkern ), Whig. MARCUS WARD & CO., PROTOQGAPBERS, BELFAST. E 'I2357 S~r Si- -G. W. GRAHAM, [A Watchmaker, Goldsmith, Jeweller, and Optician ...