Advertisements & Notices

... of the newrest Ittikhric. select d, switht care :ani juidgmsent front Ste principal Htome r te Pecin Markets. 'Tle follo whig are tite London addresses of E. 3MOSES and SON: aid5, I i~solti~lb. I. il, Mis ohIIls. 157, ) ILct ~It I RS. 87, AtLDArHL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5teesrs. Ldeivi Craven and Co. iatltted up with 6ll the rinchney ndlituis neressery for carryin DEn the bissinecs of a stuff ?? whig-prmur stam-nris for working the Therolinssodpiceromeundr teusseise~e reample and cram- inodota iid ac lt i higly espctale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROMWELL AT HOME.- Oa these fignris the J Artist haa lavished all his powers of exoree8iLn and forces of his brush.--(Northern Whig) C ROMWELL AT HOME.-IA groep eeldom to J be eqisqllad, a Pic nre most attractivc and EUg- gestive.-(Belfast Morning News.) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (0ORDuN 8TREEI1 - . L lIGHING MACHMIES for Carlts LorrI WEIGHING MACHINES for Failww W a WEIGHING MACHIKES for (jnal gatchs, WHIG MACHIRES for Box and Bale Goods .yS-Alf Bbyga a CO., PFile STRE, ?? Plaidty ED T NEW PATEN! IN -LN'ING. ; A I N. K E M PT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... overluookitg the perk a-sd Iriel woodled scentery of tlso' dlistrict, v-cry subestantially tbutlt andi stuccoed, with twvo whigs and intervening Colonnades; comsprising 'IO best and tiressiag rouess, msirsery, bathroots, &Ac., entrstnce 11,tlt 30 feet ...