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... HOUSE OF LORDS.—MONDAY, Mar. 12. Lord Dunsany, in moving for an Address to the Crown for Various reports relating to Captain C. Coles's designs for tur- ret-ships, expressed an opinion that the Admiralty had not shown themselves very friendly towards that officer, whose ingenuity and industry could not be disputed. The Duke of Somerset, after stating that he should not ob- ject to the ...


... LLAXDAFF MOXMOUTII EDUCATION BOARD. The following report was read at the annual meet- ing held at the TOWJJ-lwlI, Cardiff, on Friday last lo presenting the Annual Report of the Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire Hoards of Education for 1865, the first subject which calls for remark is the change that has taken place amongst the officers. It is with great regret we an- nounce that increasing age ...


... The French Cabinet has addressed a note to the Prussian Government, pointing out that the great changes in the political organisation of Germany ren- der it necessary that the French frontier should be rectified by a cession of territory to France. The French Cabinet made on Wednesday a further communication to the Cabinet of Berlin, demanding the restoration of the French frontier as it ...


... MONDAY.—(Before the Mayor, R. O. Jones, J. Pride, and G. Phillips, Esqs.) INDECENT CONDUCT.—John Cassidy, an Irishman, was charged with being drunk and exposing his person in Wbitmore-lane on Sunday. _P.O. Coles proved the charge. Fined 10s. and costs, or 7 days. ASSAULT.—John Simpson, boatswain of the ship Lady Romena, was charged with assaulting John King, a seaman on board the same vessel. ...


... The Dublin correspondents of the Star and Tele- graph furnish articles from which the following ex- tracts are made The gentleman who has just been elected as one of the Parliamentary representatives of Wexford county, Mr. Arthur MacMurrough Ka- vanagh, is the most remarkable man who has ever occupied a seat in the House of Commons. He is a Tory of the most constitutional hue, his ...

Glamorganshire Epiphany Quarter Sessions, 1866

... N0'tkr SIfeSvlST;uthat-t^ EFIpHANY QUAR. J^j TKR SESSIONS of the said County will be holden br ADJ0UEKME5T at the TOWK HALL, CABDIFF, in the said County on. \Y EDNESHAT, the SIst day of Februarv 1866 at Ten o clock in the forenoon, for the trial of Prisoner's only! THOMAS DALTON. T Clerk of the Peace. Cardiff, January 27th, 1866. T3518 ...

D1f Q9 piniun

... D1f THE GUARDIANS OF THE POOR. The Times remarks that guardians need not fear what others may do to expose them to ridicule and contempt. What they have to dread is the recom- pense of their own conduct. It was well said by Napoleon that a statesman's heart should be in his head, but these men have hearts nowhere, or heads either. They are public functionaries, yet they have no conception of ...

[No title]

... The death was announced on Tuesday morning of the Rev. Dr. Samuel ltoffey MaitlauJ, ueuilt-uian ot considerable mark in the Church of Knglaud. He was educated at Triuity College, Cambridge, where be graduated iu ISitj, having bad amongst his intimate college companions S11 John Herschel, late Master of the Mint Dr. Peacock, the late Dean of Ely; Archdeacon Robinson, Master of 1 he Temple; the ...

[No title]

... The action against the managers of the Constitutionnel and the Pays has been stopped, on account, it is said, of MM. Chevalier and Morny having been implicated in the affair. The King of the Belgians, it is said, intends to enrich Brus- sels, in emulation of the Hague, with artistic treasures-a point on which his father was very indifferent. Mdlle. Patti is enchanting the Parisians not only by ...


... The following appeared in our Second Edition of last week :— HOUSE OF COMMONS.—FRIDAY. This morning Sir William Colebrook, Mr. Charles Wynu, and Mr. liiekards sat as a court, in the Members' Tea Boom) to determine certain points of locus standi affecting the Taff Vale Railway Company and Mr. W. S. Cartwright. The agents For the bill were Messrs. Wyattand Metcalf; solicitors, Messrs. Luard and ...


... The arrivals of live cattle and sheep, &e. into the port of London from the Continent during the past week have been small. The Custom-house official return gives an entry of 1,530 oxen, 158 calves, 4,979 sheep, 190 pigs, and 14 horses, together making a total of 6,871 head, against 7,205 head at the sam- period last year, 4,518 in 1864, 3,692 in 1863, 2,783 in 1862, 2,907 in 1861, 2,552 in ...