Advertisements & Notices

... 7: O lt I L PACKET.-On receipt of thirty-six I If' .teage KStamips the Pnckef is sent post-free, for .i `ee- t any part of the kingdom ?? TIMIES has a circulation of upwards ?? housand every Saturday, and is the 1 tamnily Newspaper in the country. 1his Ci'iS'.Z' rareat importance to Advertisers seeking their Amnouncemenits before the consuming -r 1yytD a Lady not under 25 years of age, and 'i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QATURDAYTVNN ONET ~o-leBROW SATUR~~ VIJ0ll fb. 3 ani4 8. PM N Zle,340 -- -OrilIA. ANDANE Introducllg (l Friends and New Wa6s. ?? ?? Mr,W GtTin AIM = lSe&.' oile tiallefles. t1 I~sesved Se~ti, 1s. TO Wonaf~.col ORNH G&LIItwu01. 8lermtWt7 = WALES. THEATRB, RAeg I lmARA 8L ?? Ir-is i VyWlO Feb, the rerformanem vllJ: Vale FR~iT) t~, he Fevite Cetnidy RAISIN, THE WI joremy ?? .. 1,f Irig Af ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4S THIS DAY. This Day (Saturday)1 tho 6th instant, at Tw IvO o'clock, at t~he IBrohr OiB0cc, 16. Exrhian~a-h, luedi , ' T 100 Baga NITLATE O SOD i Za faults). I For further particulars apply to jn6 J. H. RAYNER & CO., oliers. MONDAY. thn Monday next, the 8th instant, tt Twelve o'clock, at the t BErkers' Office, 1 and 2, (Ilarendon-blldingsi, Tithetarm- street, Abont t0 Bales re-packed Amorican ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'll ANY a BOY 16 or 17 years of age, for a Spirit - Val'tSApllY , Warren-strect. 20fen -- cuhi'ASN Y require an exspersecd hlAN for E'VA~ sti rpet Be1lulnnelt. ~ 2@eld -x W lA ) Eng iu, etes CGOO ferHM. Doucngal.- A1m1E 'Et Lualy, Ott board. e 5 ,ri Cl) i CLk. Moat write well and be quick at S.- dres U 3, kiercury-oth1co. Ibie23 -. r-XTED, itnimitmatelY, TCSWctable Youngl ME, to tho unery. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 50, BOLD-3TREBT, LIVEIROOL I [I-. II De, NICOLL, TAILORS TO THE: QUIEEN, ROYAL FAILY, t] AJND THE COURTS OF EUROrPE. POR YOUNG G1ENThEMEN NToL ?? Years of age: The MORNING COAT- E UGI&biE JACKET. Alno SUITS ot Arngolar .a 9hsev1ote; tho iulcs oedng tol Wlto, eoxnmenetsw 'gn | LY the snit.- or BOYS from Four Yearas of O se3 RXNICIRABOCIK:ER awld 1IGLLAN3D COBS' T slaok Velvet or Fne (}loths for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AIY RTISERSY o NOTICE TOt ?? 1-- ?? 3 g uot exooedlng three tines fcc INSE~vgTDLffl-sornlng 10 S1tuatIons, Htouses, and n p A5O ny to be Sor 0e Let. Apartments. I .iOhy0,SOI piae~05 Waute of th oinmual~tt ts __ bj giteae bargte for THrIINElSi sERT! B ksfit m~o~,~lG-forSilkX NSRRXN o s j tho L. a DAIY ~btt cre booked Adll boe td theo ub - *abf~iit ary Adtor 0ruxre fodi vry tile J.I ~G 9~* ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLARNE-TET PRAENTj Entrance Fee is. per shore. t Charles Turner, I'isq M.P. 4 Mr. Edward E~s 'Mr. Tlhomnas Hughes, Mr. Peter Garrett.` Mr. Coutu. Win. Williams. Sho The NEXT MEFTING for payenentof subscriptions reid ii taking UP shares will be held at the OdldfelloiWs H-all, St. N~ 1,Aeine-streot,Tiiis(Wl~'emNefIuIAY I VICeINsio, tile 11th hiostant, to a1fo Seven to Half-past Eight o'clock. te ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -S ewll 88sn B ruton-scr~ee Bod-StthOI. Lends- ZPrhiness of W~ale fee bsto thr Q$ueen and the lriaCO and 60, BC°t LIVERF wi ae NICOLL, AND THTEUoaQBwg CO ~ ~ p Th he Yashlons for tbo - 'Lntor io COATS with rich sot Qr Demli-rs, ares S ' hJ,,' G COATS of Iuperfne Melton ?? ONL ?? r b f 3I9 lUON-N e , 210ftrH .,jateorh~ eeas. For Negligee purposes-- ftr the latter 2t to 3i ('tb pocket aps ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. Thdu Iay' IIs ellnay), the 218t Instalt, at the Brokers' .Office, 1S Ofwsse Black ROS1N, new ex Tamanulpas andi No 25 Casks ROSI1N, or Itaboili Croll, In sture.d ?? gartlenlarso upply to IIIGLANT), SONS, & JEFFREYS. This Day (Weilcesday), tlso 21bt insotont, at the Broker? Oncec. Chapel-street, ENGI About 6 Balesa Sea-darsiagel Aulericatn COTTON' and a quantity of Wet and Dry P101(15 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... granty aWia4a: Loading Berth South Side Huskisson BraDr h Dock. ,,T THROUGH RATES To ItTENB PABIS DUNKIRK FORBACH, , A STK&SBOfRG, WiSSEMBOUR.,& BAGLA, Co And to ad from other towns as may bo agreed upon. thb AMRC .at KHLLY. O NIAGARA ?? Captain EDsOsXca. win BITISH ?? . .. ?? Captain WTSrON, 1 ASTRIA ?? .. ai.a.U..omt AV Ca These or otbfe dirst-olasm Steamers are intended to sail (with or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F ~~ddrssE L ISONS bY an ci`snac5 ?? ., 1Z = n Im MrardLso y-e~dofiCO 911 ' IRENCH w LESON givexn bya olee.l ao; c .Uand I, according to the did ?? (for a wel M 76, Mercury'Offioo. Ipial 1 'UJNTD iomdltey aofioelt A55ist553t KWSE= i for a iiationai 8 L~ a Statme 1. - Address BA Posoflloe, Blackburn. . 1s W reneb, drawi~g-drU IQPANISH.-TeAvrie dale the I - k desires the ?? san, Converse.-Ad 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Loadng Berth South Sidelu Yukilaofl Branch Dock. 'THROUGH RATES To ROUBN, PARTS DUN Bl. ORACIX, MTAEUG IASMIO I BSI, C AMEF ?? Capta tLY NIAGARA ?? ?? 4 EALB~E0 ?? I~upc. 1 EiTRObMBOLI .ates sc~m ,These or other ?? Steamers are -intended to Ball (wtorwlthout pllots) re ~rlhbetweafl LV rPomLEPOOL toI HAVRE. JOALBEG ?? Feb. 18, At 7 P.Tm. ?? Saturday, Feb. 17, at 10 p~m. EnltlTIS1 QUEEN ?? Feb. ...