Advertisements & Notices

... SATURAY EENING CONCERTS. RDAL NEIsCN-STRHET. O i TONOAXV FVenIngs, March 17 ?? 1, eItIetI Ciir..rdi P si-t A1 C' Ult ilie iiig.i L: jlo Ahiy aE'l'iiicl,' au ?? 16pul it'g. r lie SI tilI c-gi'V h i ii ti;te l .5. 1 niacin l ii Oil) it; A ?? ?? Uit - IoiL n, diply i ol3itl, tirts ?? tr.( ,, I~i 'iE.S 11~il S 4n milbs- v' 14ul ?? 01i -11 llC-- oeaJo110 iilte %,Ith ,Ur tii juie' ?? cdir . USE U. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... loadrtng Bert West Side Husklason Doc. 13 ThXOUGH RATES To OUR PARIS DKNXt FORRACW STRAEBBtRG, WlBSEMBIOURG, b BASBUI, C And to and from other towns as may be agreed upon. t AMIIRICA .Oaptalsc WAMeN, a WG15MBli ?? Npwt~u FERGSON 6 NIAGAItA ?? ** *C-spltain Pganusoor, a BALBEG ?? ?? MrPy. n BRITISH U'QIN . ?? ?? KELLY. STR0DMMu ?? CaUPt V!E;. RC These or other ietl-ssa Stonoora re intended ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (Sommarlld~i Xlto. _I. 'i.HIS DAY.I ON5 AMtOU3NT or JOI1N SUTTON AND nTENatV T1OAH5ON,, p 1 EqS. YT5'TeJil t0: Wh1OM IT NIMY OON CERnN ThlY Day lttatueday h tho ?? ias'aub, at 'i'wo o'clock a tho m( 1'u1buo Stiar0oui, E xcturge-buildiis, Aolat f.O alce Asien ioan and 30 1toles 111rtd ins TTON Th ?? freul the latc lire lw Ar Tlh-stceot, lYlf. i the YarO flI ho1useo thero, II hyl o Apply to H. J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .ONDAY EVENING COXCE1TS, CON BT HAL LORD NE1,80N4.Tnlip TWENTYl-OOOIND SEhAON. MOisDAVID Is cut illust'ati've Of ?? *F anti MONDAY CL 'II ?? 03ont{, PAUL wG aGEN omF Mual, end JlS~sa 35ntertainmlent A TIp |O PAnid5 o, d o th Aal, M;Si Has 64.. oje LemeeandI h916agedrywrrw', XEMtd1|1S igdepes. Tororiomismeu;,MroetylgO. FBAE OF PIC THA THEE3J~yAT Ri TE, STBnAL lENGAGEMENT OP . bISS LYDIA Tho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WORDLEY & CO., OOLDsMITa1S, SIlJVERSMITIS, AND JEWELLERS 6, LORD-STREET, LIVERPOOL, ?? solicit an inspectlon of their oSTLY bAND ELEGANT STOCK, Waichb, toO beauty of design and high character of .orkrnLusahP, cauio be surpassed. THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN g, DINNER, & DESSERT SERVICES. p;,ATE SUITABLE FOR PRESENTATION. PLATE LENT ON HIRE. ifeja3l ISALERS IN GE2NIs AND PRECIOUS STONES. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1TOIRDLE Y & CO., COLDMMITHS. sirenFS; ]ITIIS. AND JMWELLEP. 66,I.O>D-TZlE T, L2IVFlJltooL r3..peolflflry solicit. all i yl votfiu73 of their (CDSTLY AND> ELiEUA.N'J' S TOCK, Whiel for hetoltv f l isi i Pane hifh ohararcor of wo}llmilau';iliki, -.'I;llmL I~jl ?? THE D;.N ES11 D)ESIU.Ns IN TM DINNE1:R, & 1)IlSSi',RT SERVI(J 1iS. ylWr10 SU;TTA 1; J&: Ittsit PltjPCjlI:XTAj~oN' PLAT 1. I,,NT ON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WORDLEY & 0, )SBTHlS. sILvEMITMB. AND JEWELLE;R f6 LORDSTREET, LIVERPOOL, Beepectfully solidt an nsxpection of the FTLY AND ELEGANT STOCK, for beauty of deogn and oigh oha fat $wror''habP, cannot beO yuraned. THE NEWEST DITS9GNB IN VNMER, & DESSERT SERVICES. LATE SUITABLE FOR PRESENTATION. PLATE LENT ON HIRE. lfeJanI , IN GEMS AND PRECIOUS STONES. 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... trANTEI), 6 YunaL A IADY` for the (lash ?? i Otela 60 and 62. OlllOch-street. eli-i . -UWr ANTED, an Otlice BOY.--Aeliress, tne Wagos IV reetired, R 05, Mereeny-oftlce. 6el5 i oOD JOINERS Wanted. -Apply to T. Iclyrsi.-sl, (7rtieatre-street, Prenton, Lancahtle. KILl AIlORa Wanted, to esake Art~llry UI , m --Apply a at 52, Eastle-6treet :hou i-raNTED, a ?? YOU't'lI In for eIB l-nwter,- (V A^ptly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gublu *t~ug BINE O WLE' TEATRE, positively the LAST NIGHT of TUBE OVERLAND ROUTE. in ,iirbS~r.'md MCHARtLEnS ATTIEWO, Ur. Kendal, Tocnludie with (last time) FOUNA IN FOUP.-WHEELER, bdeesra. Saker and Brough. GIN allNEry, JUY2 s ?? ailrm .. en. Mr. Tharee. Doostoen cmmenin ?? Charll-e araes ?? a Sir Cile Coalds atrewni. dMr. Chnarles.tes N EW ADELPHI THEATRE. ,,we and Maniazer.-Mr. W. S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II BE & I G H TING ALE L 16 ASLE-STRHET-16 LIVERPOOL V MENTS receivdd Up to Seven p.m. ad A Ds,.ptl fomwanied to The 2nthe Games and all rn and Periodicals at homxe anid abroad.. oRnElsPONDENTS (s.iecjsialv autogt ) for the able C Loedon and Provincial and Foreign NEWPAPERS. RINTING of every descriptioD by Steam Power. gORTHAND WRITING for Solicitors, Bank Direotors EoTHERS for the Electalo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I. on KNS INGTONCI PERMANENT d ~~~Isb OCesofUIsG SoOle751 REMOVED TO . LO I-TMET. a The Meetin es take placon ?? in the U Mnth.-Esta ?? La L~l] LVERPOOL MERATL ONeTPTUTIO$AL PERMANET idat aa~euatoc,-' n firtherim a3 id; KOOPImeeting, b at the Clarendoa4rom on, 06e RcdWedneetny in them1nu ?? OIitOIk Z C alsof t a ladt reporttAJ be, ob and nd habastken ht =1 mucation to Mr.ase lth, 4, Commerce- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r0 PLUMB7a8.-Wanted, a atedy Plumber.-See refer T ence lit MexcMry-oflce I AN TFD.godonutdoor iMPROVERS totho Millnery. V -Applyy tn blright, and Legge. Bold-street. l-iael5 T OHAIROUTTE-ILS.-Wanted, asteady Aesistant. Also an ?? at 4, Beualaw-treet. ' 3sel9 CLRng. alad COLLECTOR Wanted. Cash security of £200 ?? L 9, Meroury-offleo. 12solB W1I~,IAMl >SHILLINGLAW. Chemist and Dentist, V ...