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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHl'flS, t January 6, at Sonth-street, New Rose, the wife of John irlegher, Esq., of a daughter, i Jaunary 0, the wife of Alderman Buggy, Cantwsll's-court, c KiJl'ennly, of a eon. 8 January 4, at her residence, 14 Rauelaghlavenuo, Rane- in :h-readi, the wIfe of W. B. Murrow of a dauhbter. December 6, at Meerut, Iudia, the wife of Captain F. G. c livrecihill, Royal iHorso Artl'lory, of a son ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BtlltTlis. March 13, at Waterunder, l)rorbedia, the wviie oS Thomats Branigan, Erq., of a son. MarchI 21, at 30 Elgin road, the wife of James Scully of a daughter, stillborn MurpIh 17, at Alexanodra-terrace, Luerier, thc wife of Mr. Edmond Downiig of a daughter. March 19, at Gorey, the wife of Lennox 1. Bigger, Esq, Bank of Ireland, of a daughter. March 10, at Cloyne, conity Cork. the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. May 19, at Shannon-view, Athlone, the wife of Bernard Kelly, Esq., of a daughter. May 18, at 29 Harceurt-itrCet, the wife of Dr. Halahan of a daughter. May 18, at Somerville, Lady Athlunmey, of a daughter. May 10, at Myragh Rectory, Letterkenny, the wife of the Rev. William Anderson. of a daughter. May 16, at Dover, the wife of T. WV. Vailbace, Esq, late Captain 5th Lancers, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. July 29, at tussell-street, the wife of Mr. John braar, of a son. July 27, at Ceastlebyde, Fermoy, Lady Emily uber, of a6 son. July 28, at Newsrz, tble wie of GoorgeG Black, Bg, Sub- Inspector of Constabrlary, oS a dareghter. July 28, at Leeson-etreet, the wife of John Coote OW, Re~Q Surgeon, 61.h Dragoon Gnards, of a SOn. July 20, at Grosvenor-squareo, London, the wile of Mij1c ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. August 14, nt No. 8, Rostrevor-terraoe, Rathgar, tbe wife of John Galley, BEg., of a son. August 14, at Sandford, the wife of the Rev W G Ormsby, rector of Arislow, of a daughter. August 1S, at Ballileborough, the wife of the Rev Digby B Cooke, of a daugh ter. MADRRIAGES. April 15, at St. Catherine's churcb, Meath-street, by the Bev. Mi. A. nleker, C.C., Chrisltopher, fourth son of Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIKTI~Iu September 3, at Drunbshaebo, couuty Leitira, the wife of Mr. Thomas Brad), of P. dautater. September 3, at No IS Westland-row, the wife of Surgeon Madden, hLBC.S.I., of ason. September 2, at 0n1=b-l,, oo..t,'Coric. IC witeof Cap- tdu T. Gardiner, Recruiting Staff, of a daughter. September 2, at Chlnrlemont-tierrace, Cork, the wife ol Samuel E. Hamilton, E]sq, of a son September 1, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B131 S1 January 8, at 3.3 Nords Groat George's-street, the wife of Ienliy J. P. We2t: Er;q, of a aon'. . January 5, at .iatblkelio, the sv c of AssIltant-Surgeon R. A. llleyne, Bombtay Iiedical Service, of a daughter. January 0, at lBelticlburne, near Dro~gheda, the wife o the rev. Edward Groome, Rector of Beaulisu end Dramear, of a son. Januoly 6, at Ardtrea, the wile of the 1ov. Taoman J. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i~llItlliS. Mareh 3, at Wexford, tile wife of llon Farmer, Esq., General Valation of Ireland, of a dalluhter. Februnry 28, at tile Royal Jlospital, Chbelsea, tile rife of Major-Gencral G. Plutt, of a son. MARRIIAGES. March 3, by special licene, at St. Androw's chlurch, Westlandl-row, by the Rev. M. Doyle, oniel D I |atia, Esbq., Grove Villa, county Dublin, to Kate Iliryv. ?? daughter of John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... April 2, at Uarble-hill, County (talway, Lady Burke of a March 21, at Balmie House, Ilversess, Scotland, tbo wife of Colour-serguant Deiugeoti, C. lo., of a son. April 1, at Dontard, Icount)' WiNdlcow, tile wife of Johns Fallon, Esq., mernclalt, of a clulghter. April 2, at errion.sqIunre, 5erLth, tle wife of Samuel G Wilmot, osq., M.D of a daughter, Marc 30 at prig Ldge, (3alway, thle wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... YUjIERAL 0F RICHARD KELLY, ESQ., J.P. The ?? of this worthy citizen and amiable gentleman were consigned to their last resting place yesterday in Glasnevin Cemetery, attended by ali the 'arks of respect that could be shown to the lrnry .f one who was held in such high and de. er~ved estimation by all who had the pleasure of his ?? IeW iimen possessed a more kind and genelOUS nature than the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHIS. Januatry 17, at Castle-street, Carlov., mrs. Edward Kin- sella of a soil. January 23, at ?? Hoilse, 3RoS-osiina, trs. Sheil of a son. January 24, at No. I fl- rlbcrt-street, in this city, thw Eon, Mrs. Net~terville of a daughter. January iS, nt Troyserood, Killienny, thle wife of Jaiufc Poe, RErj., of a daugliter. JInnuary 2.0th, at4AVanlier, the Wife of Alfred Sinclatr Leathaim, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A MURDEREIVS FUNERAL. At twelve o'clock on Saturday night last, any perl son who happened at that untimely hour to be tra- versing a, lonely road near St,, John's, Isle of Man, would bave witnessed a strange sight, In a rude cart, drawn slowly by one horse, migh have been seen an immense coffin of the cornmonest description, on which there were none of those ornaments usually placed on coffins ...