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Advertisements & Notices

... [Advertlememnt.1 BANKi O0 EW SOU~TH WLEt;S. The half-yearly general meeting of the abrer holders of this bank was bold in Sydney on the 25th October last; Hon. G. ALLEN, EFq., ?? in the chair, 'The ?? read the following report and. balnce- sheet:- The directors submit herewith a statement of the asets and liabilities of the bank on the 30th ultimo, end hate Pleasure in reporting the favourable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I B. aOE1niTONE d Co., of: 109 110, D D 13-1. JaondH112, EWDWARE-ROAD, will SEOUi, Thist and followlng days, the various lots of GOODS as under. An 6 inspection oI the same is respectfully solilcited. TAPESTRY CARPETS, 2,000 yards, at TIs. Cid.,yorth SS. ed. RUSSEL$ CARPETS 3s. lld. per yard. r B }xtra ualty. IDI)ERM1NSTERS, DRUGGETS, FELTS, 1 ~K c, in al new patterns, at equally low prices. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (AIR f TAL PA XO - THX$ DY-Th= ~JWINTER GARDEN af the WOE1DIA 5 ?? j. Doars openat . . . ' ?? 3(rs. Ithi's Tea Part, In Iloem1 adjoflAUS~:'I EgyrptaniCurt fromm , - . -fi - -i ? , - - Gres ?? and e Fobr 7 0, nade until ?? ?? Admission, or. by NeS l1ket, daflla fromlst March, for twelve ?? en- lencsmto the alnoo. I Note.-Rta ved Seat can only be had atha ?? 1n the Palace. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T lE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL TOVER ENO4LAN I) ?? the RtAILWAY STATIONS. Miessrs. W. 11. SINITII And SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS ait till thie Rafiway Statimns at lHIRaERIENCE per S'INGLE, COPY, and will SUPPLY all tCtUN~TtY BtIOKSELLEROS and NEWS- Au 'N IS tin Such teemis as wrill enable them also to SELL the DcslY NEWS at ithe marcint price of TIIREE'EINCE per SiNiLE cOPY. 156, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL TiQvElR ENGLAND aid l at the RAILWAY STATIONS. .Neiirs. W. It. SIN rth atid SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS li o h ailwaiy Itfteolls ait at~TI'IREEPFNkE per SINGLE COPY, ,e,I will CUI'PLY` all COYUNTROY IBOOKSELLEES and NEWS. A0ENTS en1 mcll ternis as wcill eniable them also to SELL thle DAIIy NEFNS at the marked price of THREEPENC e sLIiGLE COPY. 186. Strandl. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I~TEST-END ECONOMIC FUNERAL CON- H, VYT PANY,5, 3,Edgware-road, Ityde-pork, W.-PINERtALS of every description contracted for, in town or country. Pro- tn spectnese priced, cemetery charges, railway tariff, on application, orpost free. S. CIIESSALL, Manages'. ) mllIDMAN'S SEA SALT, the Substitute for Sea ot 11Balhing.-Astonloloing rcsults are effected by its daily use in rheumatismsrann, ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -I--tioLs 5,IIILspuLIP (fLord) Ilyr. ManaIOa.houel, March 27, IBM8 FVHE NATIONAL RVDN INSTITU- Ptt TiOwn a an ifliretital MITING Of ONDON BANE of MEDUCO, Bapsated tSO ttl i Institution, held at the Londqis Tavern, BiahOusgy tsolvred:t THI1S DAY (Tueflsdy). March 27. titvas UTaRigio l oores blved That thii meetin, is of opinion that ?? B. S. Phillips, tim Lord mayor of London, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNERAL EXTORTION AVOIDED by I F Executors and bereaved Relatives of deceased noblemen, M gentlemen, tradesmen, and others, sending in the first instance to SHILLIBEER'S ESTABLISHMENT, CITY-ROAD, near Fins- bury-square, or No. 12, North-street, Quadr..nt, Brighton, in- stead of employing their up'solsterer, or the nearest undertaker, who, not possessing the needful requirements, resort to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (CRYSTA PALACE.-SPRING RSR. T klT D ..-SHiILLING DAY.-t)0Ors Opel, a~to Oreheeas U tiall Band, ?? Great Orgaiti, 2.3010 Orcet atl mi, 4a*Ir0 o l'lctmre G.Alleries wyiths ew titditiOlls, Also 1 vl Gley fr impjortsiit Modern Pictures lent by F. WV. Cesells Esql.-Fiie Art ,Couirti, Ill variety cudt beauty unequalled .in the~ ?? VI Uolle~li~ll-Tri)IC 'lents in grciit lnxmirilnue-skating- il01 Se, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL OVER EXGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. Messrs. W. U. SMITH aiid SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS at all the Railway Stations at THREEPENCE per SINGLE COPY, and will SUPPLY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS said NEWS- AGENTS on such terms as will enable them also to SELL the DAILY NEWS at the marked price of THREEPENCE per SINGLE COPY. 186, Strand. IIESSRS. MONEY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1ARYSTAL PALACE. - ARRANGEMENTS. (J TllIS DAY-SPECIAL ATTRACTION. Doors open at 10. OrchestralBud ?? IL. O i Orcheotral Band ?? 4.30 Great ?? 2.301 Picture Galleries with nevw additions; also Private Gallery of important Mtodern pictures, lent by F. IV. Cosens. Esqi. The Fine Art Courts. and the thousand and one other attractiions of tile Crystal Palace. Admission, One Shilling. The new May ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BENS0NJJbyApEIANPPINMENT B ato EfE . the Prince of WALES. j~ESONJ.W, 25, OLD 13OND-STREET, .3F hlaving reounstrileted thlese moagnfilcent premises,5 invit4s S asn inspection of artistic works. - i 1ENSON'S, J. W., STEAM FACTORY for : B..PCLOCKS cul'd WATCHrS, 08 and 80, LUDIGATE-Hnta BENSON, J. W., 99, WESTBOURNE-GROVE .t BENSON, J. W SON, J. W.MAE of the GOL BENSONlT' Jp treaby the Ciy0 ?? to ...