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Advertisements & Notices

... eL LPTPACKET-On receipt of thirty-she ,. ?? Stameps the Pack-et is sent post-free, for Wj,, ~tiy par of. th kingdom, EL T TIMES has a circulation of upwards . ' Tfl usand every Saturday, and is the Ca' . ,- t ;'amilv Niewvspaper in the country. This importance to Advertisers seeking i pr r Annolunc~ements before the consuming ~-c ,-n ii) a first-class Coik.-Apl,)y at the T k'i H . tel, Hull. \ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE 1H: ULL PACKET.-On receipt of thirty-six Postage Stamps the Packet is sent post-free, for twelve weeks, te any part of the kingdom. SHE HULL TIMES has a circulation of upwards T of Six Thousand every Saturday, and is the Cheapest Family Newspaper ill the country. This is a point of great importance to Advertisers seeking to bring their Announcements before the consuming classes. OUTH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 YOU WANT BEAUTIFUL HAIR, WHISKERS, &c? Dr. Russell's Lixivene, an elegantly perfumed toilet compound, for nourish- zg, preserving, and restoring the hair, is guaranteed toproduce moustaches, whiskers, eyebrows, &c., in Iw. or three weeks, strengthen weak hair, prevent its failling off, check greyness in all its stages, restore the original colour, dispel scurf and dandriff and made it clean, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROUGH OF KINGSTON-UPON-I:IILL. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the - MIDSMMERGENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE f- h Bruhof Kingston-upon-Hull will be holden at the Smexocis- HOUSE, in the said Borough, before SAMUEL WARREN, Esq., Q. C., D. C.L., Recorder of the said Borough, on THUIRSDAY, the 5th day of Jul~ next, at Ten ?? in the Forenoon, when the atteny ance at the Town-hall aforesaid of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7: O lt I L PACKET.-On receipt of thirty-six I If' .teage KStamips the Pnckef is sent post-free, for .i `ee- t any part of the kingdom ?? TIMIES has a circulation of upwards ?? housand every Saturday, and is the 1 tamnily Newspaper in the country. 1his Ci'iS'.Z' rareat importance to Advertisers seeking their Amnouncemenits before the consuming -r 1yytD a Lady not under 25 years of age, and 'i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SSTITUTE, Assembly RtoonisC Cmwn-stret.-Tomorrow (Sunday), April 2fth, at three O'elock, the )31ev. JAN'T.S FIN'CH willgpeach. P97 d7 ETHODIT NEW CONNEION CHAPEL, .Y.WOODHOUVSE.LANE. LEEDS.-TO-MORROW, April 29th, ined TWO SERMONS will he preached iea this chapel, irsithe Morning at half-pest ten o'clock, by lice lRcv. WM. WiIiSA 4, of Dewsbury, and in the LverilO, at six o'cloek. by the Rev. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .3UrMrM-RI lOAS12I~INS. 'TRE DERIC FOIP.STER hegstoun11Olt1 Ilis return from Fj' the various mnar'keta, eanlti fc 'hia spsii Orbeet Sofon the NE WES zpnit in 1r1roriody large arai Choice Assormn fteNI.OI B3ONNL-TE CAPS, HrfAD.DRESSES, and MATNTLES, Od ispctfuilly. invites an ealy iaraction. THJ'jI LIEEDs MOUR IG WAREHOSE 12, BRIGISATE. A 822S e SUMMINER FASHIONS. J 2E EITON and CO. have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON, VILW 'i-ois ?? ,111URIU.IIALL, A LldION.ST~I/E't'f V`1lOIS- TRIN ATE COLLECT[ION of SLW_1EIU WATER IIly I ~COLOUl l/DRAWINGS/ 1 1/EAUTIFUL OIL, IA t' ?? y Artists ?? Ellittn';3C &SuiteI of macuoll Cint OltlmultI f(3KOM ala (JNNDELASBA Vt A tetLLN,MlliU CARNV]/l) INIjt)D CLOCKJI GO J, I-TOL-. ?? MIII LANIS It hilic a% ll I.;, Sold by AaWti~m ))Y ?? I A MPAeors. 1iAlRtiMIC 111>- 'd W'O't-' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (ADVERTIBEM'N'T8.] PIn1PLES D DLOTCIrES ON THE FACE &ND BODen are caesed by the acerumlation of morbid matter in the blood, whicb is thrown to the skiR. When the blood becomes puritcdby tbe ace ot TrlE BLOOD PURIFLER, OLD DR .ACOB TO XNSEND'S SARISAYARILLA, all the unsoenely spots disappearland the oom- ple.xion bo sthat lustrous clcornoe ;6belonging to a pefuect stetbofhaltD . Sold by all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO AVRI1S &I Addrfti (c~apitao Ifel r ande numarnltr- neono Ie ap isit aitv O Yit ad not to appltypersonatflly. AjTz~m~st shtould riot in ally caon jervZ oRuctoA., etimlltis bug All iter 'ooosulr to Attoot'tisernints ?? ito P tfba 0- woynod-t to Lte pr oper saolit, aod tite PiIldrt liave 00 iatiC Controol Over thilti. AIN'fTE, at TEA Itit, for ;irIS' Etoflino, School. Atpply by bit ter Witti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Freehold Estate in Devoahary. ? ?1bot'itt Itotet, in Dawobserv, on ?± edsr.?d?t4 ito Tecnlieih dais of Join, lltiliitltieforeix oclookin y tim evening, eubjert to conditioni IIOLLY llOYD HOUSE AND GROUNDS. LL tlii±t ME?UAGE or Mansion Honoc, Lot 'A called 'Holly Ito il 11 ,Wit the coaeh tionon, gig r house, sn?dk' room, eteble. end tinY with a cottage ant other 0uibuildlOSO, lowe, tinS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisements of the following classes oLY, viz.:- Land and Building Sales by Apartments Wanted, Private Contrmet, Apartmeuts to be Let, Eouses to be Let, Pdrtoerships WantedA Situations Wanted, Money Wanted, tituatioeu Vacant, Miscellaneous Wants, Ero inserted in this Journal at the underimentioned charges IF PAID FOR PREVIOUS TO INSERTION:- Any day ...