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... STAFFORDSUIRE QUARTER SESSIONS. CROWN COURT.-YESTESDAY. BEORE TiHE E3:, O0 Lnnu11FELD. STFEALING FOw' LS AT HANDSWOnT1t-Joseph Stannier (IS), cabinetmaker, Joseph Aston (40), forger, and Thomas Chaplin (29), gunssnith, were indicted for stealing nine fowls, the property of Ann Walton, at Handsworth, on the 20th October last. These fowls wore seen safe at home on the Saturday night, by Charles ...


... ~LAW WAVIH~4ff0EL.B - t>F ?? ?? NX05IOM-TkS DAY. coURT 0f DAWKODFTY., BASINGRALL10Mr?. ByfoxU NIL Ooma1imtonU WHM0LW.- FftmiN, relcume, 5MXMLR SMRatp O1 U. ?? (alln Oopl), first awist II-J. e3sabclow cthoice 1Orfr ecr ef ?bn o d CA. DBeg0a V (MS i~thea1 yetrltr o UP: Holn ?? il-T.Uackre, at 12- S. T. Rentoo at 12-V SmIth at 2:-. Irsa, t1-Uf. Stone, at 12tV'. Emlott. at I w. ~. Jdd, at1- Vi. ...


... CORONERV8 -nQUESTS. xBFFOnE ill. P. F. CURRY, BOROUGH CORONER. A JuRoR aFINdU FOR NON-ATTENDANOCL-On ?? an inquest wae opened on the body of a. Woman named Malone, and it was adjourned until : twelve o'clock yesterday for the production of the necessary medical evidence. At that hour several of the persons summoned upon the jury were not - in attendance, and the coroner commented strongly upon ...


... DISTREkSTIG. CASE OF SHIPWRECK. LOSS OF TEsEBE LIVES. (From the Dundee Advertiser) During the fearful gale which swept over the coun- try on Sunday morning, a most distressing case of shipwreck, involving sad loss of life, occurred off our coast opposite the village of West Haven, anduearly a mile north from Caruoitid._ The vessel lost was the EChooner Isabella of Seaham, commanded by Captain ...


... e SATURDAY. -Present: F. Smith, Esq. (chairman), h Colonel Oldfield, and G. lHenty, Esq. a TRANSFER OF IICENSE. f The license of the Canteen was transferred from Eliza. I beth Bishop to George Jamieson. I HIGHWAY PATE. A highway rate of 3d. in the pound was signed for the s portion of the parish of Ruraboldswhyke beyond the city , boundary. t OFFENCE AGAINST THE HIGHWAY ACT. VWiliam -Pitman, ...


... ar l; Yesterdiay, the adjourned inquest was held at the Neptune Inn, Willenhall, upon the body of the polieeman, Enoch AuguB tus looper, ?? was murdered at Willenhall on thie th of December, under the circumstances already detailed in the Daily Post, Thle prisonor, Patrick Hane, and Mary Klane (his wife), were present in custody. The ether three prisoners wvero of detained in the cells; they ...


... Agent-MIa. G. SUTTON.bPt PFAREHAM PETTY SESSIONS. G MONDAY.-Before Admiral Sir 11. D. Chads, x.c.B. lie (chairman), Major Wingate, and Captain F. E. Brace. fo ALLEGED UNLAWFUL POsSESSION OF GUNPOWDER. or John Sleath was charged with having a quantity of ,i gunpowder in his possession, supposed to have been stolen in from Hilsea. go .Mr. Field appeared for the prisoner, who, on the appli- T] ...


... A BRAE AFTER A CRIMINAL. Ad A ric of rather an exciting character is going on at ir- the present moment, the ?? being the broad At- n- lantie and the geol New York, and the circmastancos mn- are somewhat similar to those that ocenuroe in the ea case of the notorious calprit Mnller when ho mode OS. s. his flight from this country after the murder of Mr. ! le. Brigge. The culprit on this ...


... THE PFQIOE COUBRT GUILDHALL. ye~derckt Midadanto a very 'little boyaged 11, was charged. with assultin Sidney Charles Moffaft, by striking him In the fare with a brink on the 27th of December last. Itapred romthe videceo a itle boy named John whilstho wa playig wit Offat thepi anoter by hed Moatt' hans th prionertoo ips The band trw ita oftsfcad the ran away, 2Ioebo's fathe r ecie h fet ftebo ...


... ALLMEGqED AIS,_ INLOND M I At the Thames Police-court on bonaty, Eicnlaed Butler, aged 58, of Nb. 2 Vine-court, Whiteohapel, shoemaker, and Thomas Farrell, SO, of Nu. 45 High- street, Mile-end New-town, boot and shoe tnauufac- turer, were brought before Mr. Paget, charged with procuring and persuading, at the parish of White. chapel, John Farrell, a private soldier, to desert from her ...


... W - C S W^INXIIESTER CITY SESSIONS. anl These sessions were held at the County R-loU, on Monk. re dlay, before the deputy' recorder, ?? H. Gunner, Esqi., and ar: thle Itlayor, NV. Bndden, Esq., and Alderman Dowling. co1 The Calendar contained the names of ]4 prisoners, con-. tained in nile cases, being the heaviest presented for some years. W The following composed the grand jutry :-Messrs. WV ...


... These sessions were o-pened yesterday at the Court-house, Northallerton. The chair was occupied by Earl CA'necinv, and amongst the magistrates present were the Earl of Zotland, Lord Blolton, Lord Teigomiouth, Lord do Lisle and Dudley, thle Honl. W. E. Duanconbo, M.P.; Mr. Basil Weed, MBI..; Colonel Croxnpton, Liout,- Col. Straubenree, Captain Clialoner, Mr. A. Milbank, Mrl. if. It. Hill, Mr. T ...