Advertisements & Notices

... * , N7IOlB TO PASSENGEiS. i PASSPOltTE to the UjNITEDSATES aro NOT NOW rRIBTH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEASHIPS. A 6W' NOTICE. .a The SteSamers call at CORK HARBOUR on both Outward sad Homeward Passages, to receive and land Malls. PA PAn U.'@-Paro containing samples of goods Th on b d wl b taken free of freight by the mail p~ght en othter Parceis So. each and upwards, according to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO0TICE TO ADVERTISES pullloac r~eotal- ifomed that the CHAR1GE 51Ren ?? pAID ADVERTI:SEMdENT8, Wt 010eod411tre d0 10li InIiengt,0 24 lwords) referring to Stit~ltiofl'. 00, T El Feceraina anted, ProVerty to be Sold or Let Apartmlelte, - and all the Mislcellanoieus 'Wanrts I the 'NSEB.TuNS, T SIXPIONCE -that the charge for TR l RE S RTO Is ONE SWILLING-for SIX INSERtTIONS (Or ' L. Hutt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VVORDLEY & a.0, J-L0.DS3 ITT'3, SILVE.SbMITTiIS, AND JBWELt.E'tS LOR, D(IU)STRBET', LIVERPOOL, ?? 'ctfuIly svllcit III 1 spctinu ot their C(O'STLY AND ELEGANT STO(:c, ilad. fr r beaity of dealigl and hig.h character of uLoiu:anshiii, cannot bo LBurpausot THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN 1A, .U15NNERi, & DESSERT SERVT 3.; PLA'TIF sUITAiBLE FOP, Fl'lESENTATION. P1LATB LENT ON HlIRE. IfoAs31 rlT: AI.I'.I '- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T O e Diliced ofImmeiatey, wl-establahfed LADIS' ?? uresrues and healthy ?? refererree 'at, Mesesury-elles. 1114 A ,e Ldy, late puapil of the NatinlQU CollegeO Oft HedUe k ~ - sopen to reeive PUPI1LI for Musle anu~ foulting. Terms ?? P 33, ,oeuv7-efieo. A13afe I~i~t immediately, for a Boarding, School, a OVR1.NESSt comeent to tnealh E119 ish, Fr-Oath, and, rnrsolr naiay £,5.- Apply, to Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TAH~,LVERO TMERCANTILE C Fce. per £S ae. :, Subseflgtlon, 1 per mouth. Etac Pee, s. pr 11aM an Quarter Shares in Proportion. A hAL. DIVIRION. Or PROFIT. Mr.lae W. TRUSTEES. Br sa joblnson. Mr. John Torner. M9r. John A. lim sou 35r. Joint Whalley. T ou,?ir. James Wason. in ea were M L'T Mx.a TitEASoRERxc Half. wee Mr ?? .Francis H. ItOcll. c COMsccTrEE.inr Mr. Thomas Arrowsmith. Mr. Henry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. 1TH BAR SCHOOLJ~ BEVERLEY. - ,pupihs are qualifit4 ti Professional, Mercan. iiiaM.JA~etS SHlvES, Licentiate of 'ithe ~~cllg o receptors, formerly head assistant I~r.M~r John's College, Cambridg~e, ~and a 'Teei opart of Engaind ealto Beverley 5tood for te healthy recreainof youth.~- ,scial Traveller. ST. LUKE STREET. 'jpLS received to be instructed in Classics Mathmatcs, nd he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~ANsTE 12 1 2,1,of ra SERIVANT, 12.o0 1t1 'Wiitioz. -APPly' but evio tile bournr of 14111400 a221 Two, ait Iq 110W jjANTED1. a glpord S1E0R1N RATae13022 1A ATMc 211 guod plalo (2(0 ?? 121HI 1)7. li ?? ro-rooc r .lO j~,-.A11121A hoiw( ruthule 0( try 2(1f3rrd8. 0 II.Iat l 1i (,w ?? rii tet. c2793 WANTED. A (LSEocrAN WATD n uedt hlra At 51 2 1. ?? 85 2 I T il; ;Plk-ia ANT11V A pelyfro ?? andU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0(IO aa~s? AD07aRT1XR Y order to extend still more widely the adv antage which the systemof cheep prepaid advertlse mant off6rs to the Public, we haveds41ded to RED UO THE HiARGB fo: the smaller dlaws of An nouncementa, and to eatablih a scale fow con aecutive inerIOfl= In future the following wi be the oharge Two lines (nine words to a line) ?? 3 DItto Three insertions ?? 1 0 r, . Dltto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ViV SATURDA Y NEXT, Tml'ruwry 3, THE SUCCEEDMNG CHAPTER Ad A E W T A L E Sn'TLIM THE BlEAR AND RAGGED STAFF A TALE OF WARWICKSHIRE, Will appear in the gBATURDAY BVBNING POST` And will be continued from week to week, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEEH RD;IKE AND MIDll)LND COUNTIES1 LA] ~ EST, sTVE (ONB P.ANY (rLtI1tTEla) 15prepared to MAKE ADVANCES,, for short or longer Occ DLPosol'; andi h, assist iii thle itctosductioa of acy stolirt tlods- trial or Coremercial Undertatiag. s0, UNION'1 STREE'T, Bill WnfvG FAXl 5162 108 JOS hutV1 TAYLOR, Secretary. T HE VIC0TORItIA B UI1L DI NG, INVESTMEUNT, AND FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY. OFFICES: Ne. 7, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'yHE GOLDEN TREASURY T SERIES, beautifully printed on toned paper ils tlaso. With Vignette Titles by Millais, Woolner, I4 hloan Hunt, Noel Paton, &c. Booend in extra cloth, Price 4s. 6d. each volume. Suitable for Presents, for the Drawingroom Table, ot for the Library. MACtIItL.Ns and Co.. London. THE GOLDEN TREASURY T SERIES. THE ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. Edited from the Original ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NATIONAL BANK. T (Established 1835.) HEAD OFFICE, 13, OLD BRoAD-STRtET, E.C. Capital subscribed, 2,502,000. Paid up, 1,soo,ooo. Rest or undivided Profits, ss6,oao. DIRECTORS. James Allan, Esq. J. N. M'Renna, Esq., George Ashlinm Esg 1flIP. a Jeremi Don, ksq John O'Mtcara, Esq. B. H. Hartley, Esq. Albert Ricardo, Esq. F B. Henshaw Esq Rotrand Ronald, Esq. Sr Ralph Howard, Bart. J. Bogin ...