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... Faust, the chef d'iusre of the most: celebrated French composer of the day, was, performed' at the Theatre.Royal last night. Elsewhere the. , opera has-been a remarkable success. It sWas, ,equally uo here. In stating that. Gqouncd is' a4 treat comp'oser, we but echo' the common 'senti- L ment of th4;Auasioalworld.' .Heisa great artist. in a higher sense. .: His Ml5li as eminently re- ...


... TIlE TEACHINGS OF MODERN PHIYSIOLOGY. In the Lqetssre Theatre of the Midla'nid Institute, yester- (lay evening, a lecture, entitled A 'Glan11ce at Some of thle Teachinlgs of Modern P'hYSiology,' Was deiveired by Dr. T1. ?? Hoesiop. There was at siu11ylnerou audfience. Having referr-ed to thle gradu11al gr-owth of the s~pirit of enquiry into thle wonders of nlature, the lecturer Spoko of thle ...


... F A QEYTOt.0N. TH1E COURT. OsiaOmN, FlUDAY. Y-1er Majesty walkied out yesterday morning, and tilove in the afternoon with Princess Louise, attended by the Dtclh ss of Rox- burghe. The Qneenlield a Council to-day, w/hich was attentied by the Earl Do Grey and Ripon, the Earl of Beessborough, and the Right Hon. Sir C. Wood. Previous to the Council, Sir C. Wood had an audience oi her Miajestv, and ...


... CONSTITUTIONAL HISTOR Y.* IT is hardly to be expected that the constitution of this country will ever flnd a better historian than Mr. Hallam. Several authors of great ability and Unquestionable learning have written upon the same subject, but none iave Combined those qualifications for the task which, though rarely united fl One man, were found together in him. We can picture him to our- ...


... lie Mr. Henderson always provides a. good pro. are grainme for his patrons, but that of last night was en especially attractive. There was Mr. Charles gn Mathews's comedy of IUsed Up, with Mr. U1Mathows himself as the hero; there was Planche's ad burlesque of the ' Golden Fleece, with Mrs. l ed Mathews as heroine; and finally, there was Madi- ed son Molton's farce of Away with Melancholy ...


... A i FASHION A1D VARIETIES. Herr Joachinm has been playing this wveek at tile Philarmonie Concerts in ldinbsergi, conducted by Mr. Mdlle. Carlotta Patti is re-engaged by 1r. (ye for four SCasons. Madame, Trebelli i'.d .'Iigino l'-ttini have been received Wi great favour io tile mart3 of Zeraintg snod Don Ottavlo in Don Gieranbei, at the Opera at Warsaw. Signor Ciampi (Leporello) and Mbadame ...


... 10 ADnmAnn, FMn 17. 19 APPOiNTMIENTSg.Sub-Lieutenants : Henry A. Street, 8 late of the Scorpion, and Frederick George Dundea, to 7 the Wivern, 4, screw ironeased cupola shipp at Spithoad, 0 Midshipmen: Henry B. Warren, to the Favourite, 10, 3 screw ironcsed corvette, at Sheerness; Robert L. 3 Groome, to the Gladiator, 6, paddle frigate, at Plymouth. 0 EMPLOYMENT OF CHILDRIMN AT COLLIERIES.-On ...


... LI TE IRA T U-RE. THE GUEST. Speechless Sorrow sat with me; I was sighing wearily! LampL and tire were out; the rmin Wildly beat the window pane. In the dark we heard a knock, And a hand was on the lock; Ono in waiting spako to me, Saying sweetly, 'am come to BsUp with thee! All my room was dark and damp; Sorrow, said I, trim the lamp; Light the fire, and choer thy face; Set the guest ...


... A NIGHT with Gounod is a somewhat heavier ordeal to pass through than a nicht wi' Burns. The national airs to which so many of the lyrics of Burns are wedded, and which the late Mr. John Wilson used to sing with a gusto worthy of Tam o' Shanter, or Souter Johnny, on market night,- Fast by an ingle breezing finely, \Vi' dreaming swats, that drank divinely,- are all melody-melody that once ...