Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 69 London Street, on the 4th instant Mrs. Slater; a daughter. At 3 Shields Terrace, on the 4thinst., Mrs. Arch. Mackechnie; a son. At 23 Killermont Street, on the 4th instant, Mrs. Robert Simpson; a son. At Rosehall Academy, near Coatbridge, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. Edward M'Harg, teacher; a daughter, A.t 20 Uleveland Street, un the 3d instant, Mrs Thomas Davidson; a eon. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Br8ZnAF-Dsw ?? 4th, at St. p artinh onour th, Htll, Scabro, y to Bv.1!.Blutvicair, Samuel Hesse Bebrend, BEg.q bsrietar.atilaw, L iverpool, to fettle Wiicock, eldest dau-ghter of the late Jamses Dewhurst, BEaq., Spriutghesa, Northowram. BlxceA -Aesnr-SrAwnnlxs-April ith, at the parish church, Btowdon, by thoe Pev. W. Polloek, Mr. Louis Breslauer, of Albert Villa, Vic- toria Park, Manchester, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Announcements ?? are ea tto a choroe of s. 6d.cach, and must also be praoerlp, authenticaeed. T27e ?? NXo Cardse, or anV, addition to the simpte annoneaveenI of a Narriage or Dealh, sukikcl U to pagtnent 4e for an adverlismenet. .dli Noiwices of ariioaties or Dealts sent from a distance sngsf bo authtnticated by the sionolure of one of our Agents, or ou Oiutt of a known correepondent . those ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A nnouncements of Births are subject to a charge of 2s. Ad. each, and toust also be properlt authenticated. The sords .o Cards, or amn addition to the simple annountcement ofa Marriage or Death, subject it to pagment as for an advertineinent. .ll Notices of .Mfarriages or Deaths sent froim a distante must So autheoticoted by/ the sigdnnture of one of our Agentst, or lp that of a known ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [; 1 I LA-TEST TEi4E . I of . NI T11LEG1RHIC N3E Wt DE ATH OFf ARCHBISHOP DIXON BULrAtST,. SUNDAY. l)r. Dixon, ROMan Catholic Archbishop of Arinad& diocerfe, died at hi- residmnts in Armagh at five' o'clock thin rhorning. He wti-ilt of fever fron1 Wednesday or Thiuirsday last. THE FNIANS. A IP'%CE OFFIMER MURD1 ?? D-VUB, SUNDAY Earrtfa. & A police constable named Chulos O'N0ill wao c shot at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. Notices of Dirths, Blarrihges, and Deaths, camiot be inserted without they are properly authenticated by the name sad address of the sender. BIRTHS. FRIEND-Oll the 28th ult., at 6, Queen's-place, Southsca, the residence of her father, the wife of W. Friend, Esq., St. John's Wood, of a son. l'EAEN-01 Sunday, the 20th unt., at 'Lamar House, Green-road, Southsea, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Alarfiageu. ArPrLYARn-CRO5ELEY.-April 4 th, at Sion chapel, Halifax, by the Rev. James Pridie, assisted by the Rev. Bryan Dale. M.A., George, eldest eon of the late Jonathan Appleyard, Esq., of Wainstalls, to Rebecca, youngest daughter of Thomas Crossley, Esq., Rent House, H1alifax. CLAneKE-RnLY.-March 3lst, at the parish church, Searbro', by the Rev. tho Vicar, George Clarko, Esq., South ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHTS, DEATIIS, AND MARRIAGES, TEMPERATURE, AND EAJN-FALL, iN T111E EIGHT PRINCIPAL ToNwS OF SCOTLAND, For Week Onding Saturday, April 141, 1566. fiessiicd by Sutoilhlity of Vie Rcgistrar.Gcserai Temperatures. llaiu 'Co SyNC. , ia n ._____________________________ fall in , S ;i 0 H S iighest Lowest. Mcan. inches i GLA{sGOw' .. :i 331) (;1 5G°0 3 370 9 450 8 0.390 EmNalulrIII ;IM 51) ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SUDDEN DEATH OF THE TOWN CLERK OF DERBY. With deep regret we have to announce the sudden death of John Dunnieliff, Esq., for the last ten years Town Clerk of Derby. The deceased gentleman was washing his hands, in his Friar-gate office, last Wednesday afternoon, prepara- j tory to dining with the Directors of the Nottinghamshire I and Derbyshire Fire Insurance Association, when he was I ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? No Notioe of Birt, [ardaye, or Death con be Inserted sender. The words V.o cardes, or any similar addition to the simple announcement of a marriage or death, ?? it to payment as for an advertisement. G I W BIRTHS. stre Bianamn-April 1D, the wife of Captain R. H. Blunie, cou 82, Northunberland-terrace, Everton, of twin sons. spe Fiela-April 20, at 12, Brownlow-hill, the wife of Mr. anl I ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -, BIRTHS. April 17, at the King's Head inn, Weston, the wife of Mr. S. Wolfe, of a sron. ;t April 18, at Alfred-place, Redellif-parade, the wife of Mr. George Morgan, of a daughter. April 21, at the Gloucestershire House inn, Monmouth, the wife of Mr. William Dugmore, of a son, e April 23, at St. George's, Gloucestershire, the wife of Mr. a George Thomas, of a son. d April 24, at Redland, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE G. V. BROOKE. A meeting of the friends and admnirers of the late lamented G. V. Brooke was held on Tuesday even. I inD in the NorthumbdYInind Hotel, for the purpose nol of ?? to perpetuate his mermory in Sc( his native city in ab manner worthy of his fame. There wit . was an influential attendance. a -of i On the motion, of Mr. Barry Collins (solicitor), int the chair was tak en, ...