Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IIIRTRS. SONS.-March 22, at 7, Haamitonplace, Piccadilly, the wife of Major Sir J. Hill, Bart., of the 17th Lancers.- March 22, the wife of the Rev. W. H. Dond.- Marth 21, at Cambray Pavilion, Chdltenham, the wlfe of the Rev. H. E. Bayly.-Blarch 23, at Cheam; Surrey, the wife of the Rev. B. H. Riggs--larch. 22, at Brockwell, Dulwich, the wife of Major. G. Pritchard, }oyal.Englineers.- March 19 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A nnouncements of Births are subject to a charge of 2s. Ad. each, and toust also be properlt authenticated. The sords .o Cards, or amn addition to the simple annountcement ofa Marriage or Death, subject it to pagment as for an advertineinent. .ll Notices of .Mfarriages or Deaths sent froim a distante must So autheoticoted by/ the sigdnnture of one of our Agentst, or lp that of a known ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... f~ivl'x#, AItt'rrrkte0, ntn4 §eattS. *rNo Notice of BhtMad , or Det an he insrted ulesis aultheticatedby teame and ad s of t sender, 28se words to carr y similar additio. :,N ~d;r11.arae or ?? datobet, oh to the simple announeet f a-as rdah subject it to payment as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. Al teeate March ill, at 11, Norwoosdl-grovo, thieo wife of . r Iee ?? Alnlutoi, of asinRol. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE REV. JOHN KEBLE. It is our duty to record the death of the Rev. John Keble, the venerable author of the Chris- tian Year, who was taken to his rest on Good Friday. Mr. Keble had attained his 77th year, and the signs of his approaching dissolution had for some time past awakened the anxieties of his friends; but last week they became so apparent that prayers were offered in many ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Al l Notices of Biavszs, DEATHs, and MA uazoi S muat be aulkwicatd by the nwne and addrees of the sende:r-. . BIRTHS. WAIRBn-At 3 Rutland.Square, on the' 30th ult., Mrs Walker, of; a daughter. Tuoussos-At Melville House, George Square, on'the 29th ult., Mra Alex. Thomson, .prematuiely, of a son-still-born. ParDB-At 23 London Street, on the 30th ult., Mrs Pryde, of a son. UADAS-At Leith Saw ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. March 30, at 20 Jaecs's street, the wife of Mr. F. Bray, 5un., prematuirely, of a daughter, wvhich only survived a tfew hours. Miarch 28, in Cavan, the wife of Henry Douglas, Esq., morchant, lo. 1 lilain-street, of a d iugihter. March 28, at Merrion-square, North, the wife or l'lluip Crampton Smyly, Bsq., Mt.., of a son. Marcih 29, at Holywood, county Down, the wife of Ar- chibald ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIA GES, AND DEA TS2S BIRTHS. SONS. ARUNDEL-COLLIVER, Mrs. B. McI., Quadrant- grove, Maitland Park, 26th ult. BENNETt, wife of Rev. J. A., The Rectory, South Cadbury, Somerset, 2gth ult. BtcsLEr, wife of Rev. J., Sopworth Rectory, Wilts, 3oth Ilt. CHRISTOPHERSON, Mrs. D., Blackheath, 3ost tilt. DRLIMIMiOND, Mrs. IV., falcon Lodge, Putney, FRANIKS, Mrs. C. B., Bedford Lodge, Balham, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MHARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. 2 , Al? Notices of Bnus, 2MAnieAaES, and DEATus, ;o';st be authenticatod by the name and address of the scader. O .IT S h B I R T Bt S .h Barbour-March 31, at Dunowen, the wife of James a Barbour, Esq., of a son. . HarvsRV-larch 31, at 136, York Street, Belfast, the wife if of Mr. Wm. b. Harvey, of a Bse. 0 M'EKboin-Ma ch 28, at Rainford Hall, Lancashire, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH& At Balornock, on the 1st instant, Mrs. Andrew MenIzies; a daughter. At 101 St. George's Road, on the lat inst., Mrsn' John M'Lay, iu. - a son. At 14 Gayfield street, on the lst instant, MMs' Matthew Miller; a daughter. At Sandsford, Paisley, on the Ist instat, rs Archibaldauampbell Holms; ason. At Barlocb, Milagavie, on the lst instant, Mrfs William Robertson; a son. At 2 Clydeview ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 29 Devon Street, on the 2d instant, Mrs. Wn. M-eiklejohn; a daughter. At 13 South Park Terrace, Hillhead, on the 2d instant, the 'wife of P. T. Rameay, Eiq.; a son, At 9 Braid Street, on the 2d instant, Mrs. D. Bowman Chisholtn; a daughter. At Sandbank, Partick, on the 23 instant, Mrs. James Kelt; a daughter. At 134 West Graham Street, on the 23 instant, Mrs. Thomas Haig, jan.; a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. March 31, at 13 Dawson-street, the wife of Rlobert Kidney, 13sq., of a son. April 2, at 27 Leinster-road, the wifv.of John Grene, E41, of a daughter. April 1, at Whiteville-terraee, Seodytnount, the wife of Patrick P. M 'Allister, Esq., of a daughter. March 28, at Bessborough-parade, Rathrnines, the wife of G2orge 0. Al '?aboh, Esq., of a daughter. March 30, at RIch niond, lFairview, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rer BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. re ' A1 Notices of BIRTns, 4ARcsAGEs, and DEATHS, mint be ths authenticated by thename and address ofthe sender. Be to as BIRTHS. pa' Bailey-March 30, at Highpark, the wife of G. H. Bailey, o Esq.. of a daughter. So Carewell-April 2, at 19, College Street, Belfast, the mZ wife of Mfr. Robert Carswell, of a daughter. Fleming-MArch 29, at Dowupatrick, tha wife ...