... THE BIISTON LIBEL CASE. COMMITTAL OF TEl DEFENDANTS. At the Police Court, in W'olverhampton, yesterday, be- fore ir. Isaac Spoonor (the Stipendiary Magistrate), John White, contractor, and John Thompson, grinder, both of Bilston, appeared on remand, charged with having pub- lished a libel upon Mr. William Riley Taylor, surveyor to the Bilston Township Commissioners. Mr. Young, of the Oxford ...


... YESTERDAY. 2EFOnRR Mi. COXIMIS91ONE'R SANDERS. Re Scott llptoj elsi, Hantey, consnissorc ?? for last examination and dischargo, attended by. Mr. Grililn for tie Uasoig- neesr and Mr. J, Smith for the bankrupt. Mr. Griffin snid that previous to tiho last meeting In dhe matter, a latter tronm some one giving thie name of French, bal been received by the Registrar. In that letter grave charges ...


... aniORI, MiR. IEDL, DEUPUTY R1ECORDER1. et STEALrING A WATCH.-Mlargaret Hunt, ag5d 3i, end Rt Catherine Fowlor, aged 114, were indicted for stealinlg, on the 9th March, a watch from the person of Robert hi William Morris; and WViliam Marpihy, aged 24, was ., Indicted for harbouring and maintahainlg them, knowing . them to. have committed the felony. -31r. litzadam 6 prosecuted, and Mr. ...


... ' LX, Les CIVIL CAUSES. J. tat TUESDAY, APRIL 3. ?? MRS. JUSTICE MELLOR. ar ACTION ON A BANKRUPT'S EFFECTS. HARDMAN V. MAY. -Mr. Littler appeared for er-1' the plaintiff; Mr. Pope for the defendant.Th icaction was brought to recover money received by b1th ehafendant, an auctioneer, at St. Helen's, on ce lfof the plaintiff , the assignee of the creditors - all of a bankrujst at Widnes. The ...


... COROWR'S INQUESTS. BPEORD M. ,J. WYEsGUI, JUN., DEPUYr-OOBNER. On the' body of Joseph White, who was a brick- t layer, 23 years6of age, and lived in Dundaeestreet, c Kirkdale. He was in' the employ of Messrs.I Thompson- and Co., 'railway contractors, and on I the 6th instant was.working at the hlew station in' ax Derby-road, where a derrick used' fort hoisting t bricks broke down. A portion of ...

Law Intelligenec

... Xx fnUffistart, LAW NOTICES.-THIS DAY. CiitR'T OFl CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. A-1 -BEFOiif Tilt, Loitt CHANCELLOR. - Bankmtpt BP- I I Naa ?? , Brztgiltotsi, part ?? v. Parkin- is, 1;I ,uhnd-luai v. Htartlantd, part ?? v. .NtW~s ., 'watsatn-Nsfrmfl v. Leveaux-Leiightoflv. ?? v. lilencowe. B0ILU4 ('(11RT, CHANCERY-LANE. A: ?? -I`y Is dt ?? tim rnteit V. Ii~tonttii ROLLS C HAMBERS, CiANMRY-LANE. ...

Law Intelligence

... 3LEW flittIligence, I NoTICES.-THI11S DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN.i AT Isi-BEFOSE ?? Leoan CHsANcEILOtt.-Appleals : NIIntosh p1 v. Great Western Railway Company (2), part boerd. ti AT IOfr.-B3EFORR1 TilE, LORDS JUSTiceo.-For judgmaent: Wood v. Stoles. Appeals: Lilley v. Brunti part Iseard-Bitioy ?? Stepheonsots-Wilii~tans a-, Williamis, part heard. ROLLS COUJRT, CHANt'ERY-LANE. I AT ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YESTERDAY. [Before J. a.o'DoNNELL, Eeq., R.l.; EDWD, OCME, Esq., R.M.; and Dr. Munezx, J.P.] NARROW EsCAPE. o0 John Collison, aged 14, was charged by Railway- e: Constable M'Neice with being drank at the County bi Down Railway Terminun. It appeared from the evidence that the prowecutor e8 found the prisoner lying drunk between the carriages ti and the platform, so that if ...


... [FRO31 CUR; BXPOBTER-1 DOWNPATEICE;, SATURDAY. Tlsc morning, at a qutarter to eleven o'clock, ROBEaT JoHEsTOX, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Chairman of the County Down, took his seat in the Crown Court, and proceeded with the business of these Sessions. The following magietra'es occupied seats on the Bench: -Cept. O'Dond, R.; Mejor Craig, J.P; James Greer, J.P.; James S. Crawford, Esq., JP.; and ...


... MURDER AND ATTEMPTED SUICIDE TN LONDON. We briefly reported, per telegraph yesterday, the fact of another murder having been com- mitted iu London. The facts are as follow:- The crime was perpetrated in the densely-popu- lated neighbourhood known as Feather's Court, Drury Lane, London. It appears that a man named James Whitley, a bricklayer's labourer, with his wife and six children, lived on ...


... THEE MYSTEEIOU UEDPR SEAII PER~TH, (From our own correar°: - ! Since Saturday morning the usutbjr-'K ho3Ve* busily engaged in making invezt:i:- of murder at Mount Stewari, te p3.t which we gave ye-terday A - re tea ceed, circumstances seem to p1k tow!r, innocence of Henderson, the brother ut tidlte who, at the first blush, was very ?? 3 to have some connection with the r - derson, it appears, ...


... The April County Court for Bangor was held on Molonday fast, April the 9th, in the Bechiabite ltall, before It. Vaugham Williams, Esq., Judge. There were fifty-three new plaints entered for hearing, many of which were settled out of Court, together with eight adjourned judgment summonses, and fourteen ordinary ditto. Peter Il'illiaams v. Edward Elliott.-Thiq was an action to recover £23 for a ...