... POuLICw INTELLIGENCE. BOW-STBEET. S- op AIM PUBISHING IIMMOBRA Boom, &c. -A ?? man, who said his name was -*eolphus Henariv dge,. but who had' been appre- hended as Adolphus Henr DelWangue, was charged with selling and publishing obscene books, prints, photographic slides, &o.-Mr. Sleigh, in: opening 'the ease, said he' believed the name Judge, which the prisoner new gave, was his real name; ...


... LANCASHIRE.-A STRANM E StoRa-Some cir' cumstances transpired at 'an inquest held by Mr. Herwood, city coroner, Manchester. - About two months ago a man and a woman, the latter being about twenty-four years old, went to lodge at a house in Angel-street.' They passed as husband and iife, and gave thin name of Sweeney. The woman subse- quently became very iil, and was ministered to by her ...


... WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18. 13F:FORF; W. SPOONF.it, Esq., JUDGE. Mnr,, CJIETWYND AND iS lATE WllE'S DsEIS.-Mr. J. Batkin, bairdresser, &o., sued. Mr. IV. H. Chetwynd, of Longdon Hall, near Rugeley, to recover a ,sum of upwardE of £3. for hair brushes, hair washes, and other articles sap; plied to Mrs. Chetwynd before her divorce. Mr. G. Fdelies appeared for the defendant, who had pleaded the Statulte ...


... BIRKENHEAD POLICE COURT, IATur.DAY, ArBJIL 28. BesOPB MR. IL. BAANS. A DANGBROUB SARAOTHR.-A prowling beggar wvho gave the name of lfederick Mannion, was brouit, up charged with having on the previous day at~tmpte to extort Wnoney at the houso of 3Mr. Maddooks I a gentleman living at Raby. ?? the evidence. It a4p- peared that the prisoner called at the house of Mr, Vaddocks, and produced a ...


... te, fBEFORE 0, J. nliYWOOD ANI, B. ROYDS, MSQ, a IN^ OnAlRG OF ROBBING AN EMPLOora-4JameB Dempsey, hmu a young man, 18 or 19 years old, and Mary Doyle, appa- J . rently about the same ago, were brought up-the anile w5' IJL prisoner charged with robbing his employer, Mr. Snocrs, the ts, grocer, &c,, Derby-road, Bootle, of a quantity of immuis, Ly( iS, sugar, soap, picl;les, and other articles; ...


... I WEDNEMSDAY, APRIL 4. BEFPORES MRI. RAiFFLES. ROiiBiOY FROM A. PAWNBR5OKERI'S SHOP. -TWO youths, named Hugh Hessian asud.'atrick Murray, ware charged with being concerned in stealing several articles of Weasr- ing apparel from the shop of Air-, foury Banner, pawa- broker, Llmekiln-lasre. Murray was defended by Mr. Cobb. It seemed from thle evidence adduced that the prisoners had been engaged ...


... i, TIIUMSDAY, APRIL 26. BEFOBE THE REV. M. COXON AND M1n J. RAVENSNORS. D ROBBBRY IN A PUBLIO HOUSE.-Two rough-looking r fellows, named lhomas Carlan and Jamesrld Wor* . c charged with having stolen a pair of Aho-rom thl e person of Bdward Regan, a labourer. It ap d that t on Monday last the -prosecutor went intio the public; house of Edward Jones, in Grange-street,,whare tlef hsA sore drink ...


... CORONER'S INQIESTS. Bel'ORE MM. J. WYBERGH, DRPUTY-CORONM. e On the body of Thomas Cotter, 56 years of age, ;. a painter. For some time the deceased had been e addicted to habits of intemperance. On Wednes- 1 day night last a woman brought the deceased to a e eerhouse ke~pt by Thomas William Jones, in u RoHe-place. They were both drunk. He was r afterwards put to bed, and being unable to rise ...


... FRIDAY, ArRIT, 15.bl ?? MR. RApFLES.d -PRnOSECUTION lIY THEB SOCIETY FOR THE PRlcVR.1i'jrON I OF(0? RXIELTY TO ANIMALS.-Peter Cannon, the driver of a he one of Messrs. Busby's eaminibuses, was charged with a he working a horse in an unfit state. Mr. Brydon, the t' Or- society's veterinary surgeon, stated that the animnal was g so lame that It was unfit for 'bun work at prosent. The lJ ...


... I THURSDAY, APRIL 12. REFORENE MESSn. J. YOUNOICUSBA5ND AND J. . cAsr. ODDEIIY OF LEAD AT A-STHAML-Johln Duffy, a hawker, wvas chlarged with having stolen 21 cwt. of iead, the property of M~r. J. A. Tobin, of Ezastham. The lead Wliels wns valued at 30s., was stolen on Saturday lasi from a slippoo, the door of which was left open. On the same day the prisoner had the property removed from the ...


... JrRY TRIAL, MAITLAND Ol STEW-AoT V. BsOTTTSHl NORIOT-EASTURN A BAILVAY COMPANY, T Tues is an notion for damages in consequence of an acel-hI dental death on the Scottish North-Eastern Railway. In T November last, a surfaceman named Charles Stewart, in re. -e turning from his work along the line of railway between IS Catrnrobin cutting and Cove Station, was steeck by a train I and killed ; and ...


... Q'.MAHONY CHARG33J:D WIWJ1 7SWINDLING. I A letter has appeared in the New York 1l)orld from James F. Montagu, who styles himself Captain in the Irish Republican army, charging President O'Mahony with swindling. The writer says:- at My countrymen, be deceived no longer * give up Su the idea of moral logic talk from John O'Mfahony G and Co., for it will not save you. He never in- Lo tended to ...