Advertisements & Notices

... (0ORDuN 8TREEI1 - . L lIGHING MACHMIES for Carlts LorrI WEIGHING MACHINES for Failww W a WEIGHING MACHIKES for (jnal gatchs, WHIG MACHIRES for Box and Bale Goods .yS-Alf Bbyga a CO., PFile STRE, ?? Plaidty ED T NEW PATEN! IN -LN'ING. ; A I N. K E M PT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AND TlI FRANCHIsE BIaL. V -The Government Franchise Bill, which was carried p in spite of an unnatural coalition between whigs, pro- g fessing liberals, and conservatives, applied a severe test ti to the political honesty and consistency of the present ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it has been reported as spke with ouco it left England. IT. B.-Mr. Bernet, Osborne was Secretary to the Admiralty, In the Whig Admintetration, from 1812 to 1818 He always voted on the Idberal side, and was in favour of anx extension of the suffrage and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... also been iavorably reviewed by the Press, including the Times, Mfoneyp Motkef Revien,, Belfast Nescas-Letteo', iforlther7 Whig, Mfanchester Examin7er an 7i e s,and Econormist'a Invest-or's M1anual. Orders executed by Mr. H1ESPa! Gnxa, High Street, Belfaet; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Friee Pr-or; of 1 Ireb r'ire't. . Waes this-I' Tlloy 5tire 1' Farmers) cury rot hliac airy very dleciderd oprinionis albout Whig u''srt Tory; beet let pireise be concedled Whcre it is circe; lres. - ceny wero cirlme iidelited to Mr Foerlyce for his able ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Printeil by Joii' Duprius. tle) ON FiIiDAV, PRICEi ONIE PerNNY, -Au- THE ABERDEEMNSHIRE ELEC TMON, , the nie, hor A WORD TO WHIGS AND TORIES. To be had of the Booksellers. Y . Oldmachar Parochial Board. (OPIES of the REPORT of the FINANCE anod J ASSESSMENT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... overluookitg the perk a-sd Iriel woodled scentery of tlso' dlistrict, v-cry subestantially tbutlt andi stuccoed, with twvo whigs and intervening Colonnades; comsprising 'IO best and tiressiag rouess, msirsery, bathroots, &Ac., entrstnce 11,tlt 30 feet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5teesrs. Ldeivi Craven and Co. iatltted up with 6ll the rinchney ndlituis neressery for carryin DEn the bissinecs of a stuff ?? whig-prmur stam-nris for working the Therolinssodpiceromeundr teusseise~e reample and cram- inodota iid ac lt i higly espctale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Belfast .Yeana-Letter.-- A vary lively end intereetisg paintin-the best of M~r. Barker's pictures we have seeeo.'-Nortterat W~hig. - The pr integ is very strikiing; Mr. Barker deserves grealt praise for its minute faithf~alnees.-Belfaet Mornirng Newe ...