... LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, AND ART I SC RAP S. FSlicien David is spoken of as likely to obtain the next vacant membership of the Institute, Paris. The King of Hanover has conferred the distinguished honour of his newly created order Ernest Augastus upon Mr. Jules Benedict. The Orclhectru announces that the next three act opera which Offenbach will produce in the winter is to he named Caliph ...


... TITEIRATTJE- TBa Ae sRT N'vANrZA, Great Basin of the Nile, and Explorations of the Nile Sources. By Samuel White Baker, M.A., F.RG.S. With Maps, fl. Iustrations, and Portraits. In two voluimes, Lon. don: Macmillan & Co, 1866, XT has been left to the enterprise and heroism of men of our own time and country to solve the problem of the cradle of the Nile, which had bfflied the research of ...


... LOWER WARD OF RENFREWSRIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOW. Yesterday the annual exhibition of horses, poultry, and dairy produce of the Lower Ward of -R enfrew. shiz Agricultural Society was held in the Academy Park, Greenock. The weather was favourable, but the turn out of spectators was not so large as on previcus cecesions, which circumstance may be partly accounted for by reason of the ...


... PUBLIo AMUSiEMENT. HER MA3XSTY`S THEATRR. Meyerbeer's chasrhing'pastoral, Ditoreh, w55'pro duced for the first timen at Her ?? theatre on Saturday last, and the assamption of the Mart of the heroine by MdUe. lima de Murska attracted a full and fashionable house. Froa lthe first her success was undoubted, and -her conception rf the distiaughit' maiden-one of the most poetic creation on thelyrie ...


... THE-- LANDING STAGES AND THE RIVER. 1 - . . . . d .1 - - v re. ' c of The neighbourhood of the docks and landing to IS, stages presented an unusually gay and interesting d he appearance. Along .the whole line of dook an q' of in ?? adjacent streets the display of bunting was o most profuse, but more particularly so in tlke , on immediate vicinity of the George's and Princes jP lii landing ...


... Her. Majesty the Queen and o the royal IarOsily are expected to leave Wendeor Castlefor Blalnioralon or about tho 3lth instant. Her Majeoty wvill only reoainin Scotland About a fortnight, aud thon retiun to Windsor, In order to be present at the Princess Helena's wedding in the privato chapel on the 6th July. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cam- bridge gave a grand entertainment on Friday ...


... the (From Le Follet.) fraul We fire happy to announce a decided reactionary move- 28th ment towards simplicity of attire. Therecan be no qUeStiOn each that luxury in dress has of late been indulged in to an thet alarming excess. It is, therefore, grat~ifying to observe that Pens the leaders of fashion now show a decided inclination to al- itm low the judiciously elegant to replace the merely ...


... FAbIION8 FOR JULY. (Fiomn EC Folkt!.) We are happy to announce a decided reactionary movement towards simplicity of attire, There can be no question that luxury ill dress has of late been indulged in to ass alarming excess. It is, therefore, gratifying to observe that the leaders of fatshionl now slow a decided inclination to allow the judiciously elegant to replace the merely expensive. We no ...


... ~ i OTI.Et halew'rcetwddTHE FAVOURIT OF 4f~a ally Moore BMos C sl.MI lfs seocoib, amoiS, a Vafl ?? Groat seebo eitmt oey FF1-MORROW addrn i.we taqatrps ilt T.THE RIVA& ?? lllayton, Rolfe, H rvDaX.5 atr ?? rn matthewo, B.fa.a'easadMp ?? y seo ?? Me~c.M. VeoNco. Kospostvely the Iset twelve ?? Hr- sd Mm. CharilRem~an O.MOt~tW ad eeryevenngto ommncewith a come- Rean.To cnclue wiho ?? Lrek, evn G ...


... FF!ti:lE FASHIONS FOB (Abiludgedfom ooa Jtn wadtS Grand Mon.? We mentioned l monh th bsque n cture a being ono .of the'-greatest noveltes, nd we mu again refer to it,- as there is fno doubt itis afashion thabt Wil be very much adopted as the warm weather 3ets in. The newest style of cutting these basques is in iimitation of the Greek tunic-not the basque of lsat summer,. *wich was simply out ...


... 1cAMILLANS MAv.&zINE for this month opens with an ably written article Oil The Philosophy of the Cave,'. having, of course, reference to those political free-thinkers in the House of Comm11111ons who aire indebted to Mr. Bright for the designation of Adulliiinites. The writer observes that Th~tse philosophY of Hobbes, like most political and social chimeras, was traceable. in great neasure, ...


... POETi6Y. BE KIND TO AULD GRANNIE. Be kind to auld grannie, for noo she is frail As a time shatter'd tree bending low in the gale; When ye Wore bairnes, tgtt, totting about, She watched ye when in, and she watched ye when out; And aye when ye chanced, in your daffin' and fun To dunt your heads on the cauld staney grnU', She lifted ye up, and she kissed fu' fain, Till a' your bit cares were ...