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... .. , MUM, NATO# ?? I ?? A. rERDYFE[ FEL PORTHL&DD. . yffudaj doul Yu eis~teddfo& Aberdyfi, Dydd GweaeNer N Groglitli. R-hed afbn Aberdyfi-ir nmrt Rhwng, Meirion a, Tbeifi; Rhwiag deu gdreet h anffii' Yn yetr-ym ifan lestri.. . : Ydy ,e 'in achlesedig-Q gyrh.edi, , Iar garw ewynfrig; . Cyason,rbag y. don a'i dig- * ylaw fiyd dan Penhelig. .sgeldy Towyn Meirionydy. Y-Lmwoa, . SERCH Y BARDD AT El ...


... gottvp. AN ENGLISH PATRIOT'S SONG. The Rosec is esteem'd the Queen of all flowers, Her beauty is matehless in Flora's gay bowers; So thou, Alblot's Isle I art Queen of the sea, No land in the world thy equal cali be; Abroad, is strange climes, roam wherever I winl, Mly own native Isle, I think of thee still; Thy much honoured statesmen, and heroes of war, Whose names are applauded at home and ...

Our Library Table

... Oeur irary r able TnE PFiNcE's PROGRESS, AND OTHEn PoEMs. By Christina Rosotti. London: Macuillau and Co. There is much to praise and something to blame in this volume. Miss Rosetti has a poetic genius, bat she wants skill to direct it properly. Thus we have beautiful passages, mixed up with others, that certainly are not poetry; they want both sound and sense. The good and pleasing, however, ...


... ENTERTAINMENT TO TilE TENANPRY OF LORD WILLOUGHBY D'ERESBY. With his usual generosity, the Bight Honmirable Lord Willoughby IYEresby, invited the farmers and shepherds ons thee Gwydyr Estate, in this district, to a substautial supper, on Wednesday evening, the 80th silt., at Ty'n-y-coed Inn, Capel Curig. At the appointed h0our, about 30 of tile sturdy and sunburnt sons of toil, sat at tile ...

Our Library Table

... olir ?? Z'71,04, burgh an ud 0 W ilaokwovod and Sonls. This 1in1nh11r opil, to ith a ?? ttilo, ill blank vet-se. cxteitdiii4 - nnr tiii-y-ittt A t i, likze ill thle pet-try tliit ipnu ` N1aga.'' good~ ?? oa' u two balladls, A 'In \lain forI a' Thit,' and ?? Thei Pvr. mlissive I'll littlo '1f lt~iiigt'ie I tip~nopetry Coneitn sip) to thaI ili I aiptwi, inl this ?? pi'riodicall. '1'he tale of ...


... THVUE MASS IACRE OF THE ROBINS. [Soggested by information fromt a celebrated naturalist, that fashion is decorating ouryoutig ladies with sttlled robins,- and that in some Iiarts of laugland the redbreast is in danger of extermination firo) this 0ool0ih bit of vanity; which alo trims dresses with swallomsi, ind pins kingfisliers on pork-oic hats.] Whakt?-muilrdr the Rtobins for Vaiiity Fair ...


... .I I Oh. , 911VAOUTA MARWOLAkETH GLAN ALLUXN, h O aegeulet ie ely. dynoliaeth Yr wyt i'th arsiWy'0 yn Wr a ymmylau Oalay toa. iit Dros .Gymru-am wladrwr cedd ibr, . Glen AlU, mab inwyl if Wliia I Trywaua~et, a gw77ywsiet ?? O elyn, pa bryd daw: y atdea Y cawD dy roi di'n y bedd 9C Gwroniaid .^iD tir aydd yn syrthioi Ya ablerth itb biceil o hyd, 0 ! anger, ynattal, 0! Aigona Rhabth g'edd yn ei ...


... Contra. THE OLD COTTAGE CLOCK. Onl I the old, old clock, of the household stock Was the brightest thing an1(d neatet; Its hitds, though oid, hail a ?? of gold, Axnd its chimoe rcng slill the sveetest. 'Twsm a moiltor, too, though its words were few, Yet they lived though nations altered; And its v still strong, warned old and young. 'Will) tile voice of frienlship faltered ! 'lich, tir-k,' it ...


... ??Octq . 'IIS THE FASHION, DEAR, YOU KNOW. Now, Mrs. B3., I really think You're growing qulite absurd; \'our (dress is full a yard too long, It is upon my wordl! Yo2re very rude, sir, ladies nay '1I cy're very gracef I so, Anid een nlow it is full short 'Tis the fashilon, dear, you know Well, hasten love, 'ti6 growing late And time that ve wvere gone, The gardetis ope1n now tit six, So ...


... Voctril. c7d MAY SONNETS. llhrdce is his heart that lovoth nought Un -Mey, whviai all this mirth is wrought. Chretcer. The qiiecs of all the moniths is witvih us now, Stvp-pping throuigh woods aed folinge-baeannered delle Over the regal purple of hrehells, Witi a rli~ht royal still, and crownetdl brei; And fllsaslxeu-litedl ulii, that gather flowers, Suistaini her rich rolte's lfmver ...


... j-T~l;A .: wp, IV; W. ?? w.. .. rlwthbn ; ditl r~i'l kgo! Wybo 'a .~ l : ?? hwti ia; daft e., iriy;$W,a,. ?a,@ear t° ; bimne ;d, at; *- iflo.W ,ai3~ Tludwy yrw Wr h s ; uV2 ,,R a gat af I 04 rvi fi# - * 'Rwy ijii-c'afylhlsl 'fin Afy .- ' ol:hy, 'tctba'r byd o i gwydd . .* ,-'4iegy i'm~fi rhwvydd;,.-' ,v-- Da -glbtrn V b'fi bd ;4 iwj> i ...

Our Library Table

... Our 4cfibrarg 7.01C. TnsE DiAriY ol- Till: MOUT Ilo(. NMM, AVINDIIAM.- El Edited by Mrs. ?? Baring. London :-Long- c1 mans. WiVlliam Windliam was an cminent statesman and po- litician of the last eontury; and might havo risen to ?i greater eminence but fr all habitual infirmity of pgl- A pose, of whielh we find mhanly inenutoes, an lls onie bit- J. ter self repriaches in this Diary. lie was a ...