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Strathclyde, Scotland

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... TITEIRATTJE- TBa Ae sRT N'vANrZA, Great Basin of the Nile, and Explorations of the Nile Sources. By Samuel White Baker, M.A., F.RG.S. With Maps, fl. Iustrations, and Portraits. In two voluimes, Lon. don: Macmillan & Co, 1866, XT has been left to the enterprise and heroism of men of our own time and country to solve the problem of the cradle of the Nile, which had bfflied the research of ...


... LOWER WARD OF RENFREWSRIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOW. Yesterday the annual exhibition of horses, poultry, and dairy produce of the Lower Ward of -R enfrew. shiz Agricultural Society was held in the Academy Park, Greenock. The weather was favourable, but the turn out of spectators was not so large as on previcus cecesions, which circumstance may be partly accounted for by reason of the ...


... THEATRE.ROYAL. Faust and Marguerite is still being played at this favourite place of amusement, and good houses have rewarded the exertions of the management in producing it in a highly artistic style. The scenery is entirely new, and manifests the practised hand and talent of the artist, Mr. Glover. Among the principal scenes which particularly strike the spec- tator, we may mention the cell ...


... THE SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTHIENr. The report of the Science and Art Department to the Committee of Council on Education has just been issued as a Parliamentary paper. In regard to the aid given to industrial classes in obtaining scien. tific and artistic instruction bearing on their occupa. tions, It appears that there are at present 158 science schools anu institutions in which science ...


... LITERATUR?E. ILLOSThATIOFS OF' SCnco'TOH HISTOBY FB015 THE MOHOMEHYC OF EurPr, CHSID.EA eLJ&ysA?, D BADYonOa; with a fewr vords on the Mosaic Creation, and a Short Accouat of the Several Verelons and TranelatiOfl5 of the Bible, With Masp. London: Lcthian & Co~npany. 1S666, (Pp. 79.) neSI work, tbough brief, is compendious, and coon. kaios a large amouant of information which cau only gae ...


... IIT:ER2ATURE. SuE DECALOGUE AND THE LOsDs. DAY, IS THE LIGET OF TEE GENERAL RELATION OF TEHE OLD ,JD NEW TEsTAMENTS: With a Chapter on Con- ?? of Faith. Bythe Rev. Wi. Mlilligan, .D., Profesaor of Divinity in the University of Aberdeen. Edinburgh and London: Black wood. 1&666 (Pp. 192 ) PROFESSOR MILLIGAN is well known to those who lbave been watching the progress of the Sabbath Controversy as ...


... I-JTEIATUnE. :, Law Goi: L.OSTOPPAQZ 11TRASIIU, A 1 ?? OlrFziEATTION{ nen DxLtVBY, ...


... LIT?ATUTE? Enx B O~t' TEe B3ADIOAL By George Eliot, aU thor of *Adam Beds, &c, In three vo'lumes. Williamn Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh and L:ondon. A UTTLBg law;, a little love; a little sin and, tAhere- fore, a little hate and much BOrrOW; a touch of politics; anX election. riot, with a death or two; a singular act of renunciatifon, and a marriage ;-these are the apparently unfavourable ...


... EAST KILBRIDE- OPEN SROW. This annual show took place yesterday, on West Boag iFarm, East l3ibride, and, favoured as it was with beautiful weather, attracted a large assemblage of visitors from the surrounding country. 'Owing to the restrictions rendered necessary by the prevalence of rinderpest, the show on this occasion was confined to horses, poultry, and dairy prodnce. Of horses the ...


... SMIMARY FOR MAY, .gere lOg, ~nd dall, and dreary, kee3e. throu;ek I WSD very weary. I 1 abo-I could never aee- j- ,. 'ree Curch, and UT.P.; L the were very dreary. c a c-;l 3 dark, and dreary ?? cotites cf Dr. Pine, get~ e 3'.ta ?? Dr. ILee g: ran a ' e root res, and liturgy. h; h-g is very dreary- tu ~s a orb ,a and Dr. Pinre- ?? ?? and viewe' wt~e e'r*~d~rken and confnsei Se o: Ji o ew of ...


... U;ITERATTMHE, DI.I EsoG LES NEST. By theauthor of iiiteefrst Redcicffe) Intwo volumes, Lon- don: macmilaln & Co. Ts' - of this pleasant ?? tale is lad ty the anclent city of Ulm, but chiefly on a P 5hsldei of the Swablan Alps, a long days sy from; the city; and the time during which c:-nte are enacted bridges that period of the air j~cmra Empire enlding with the reign of the Enpercr Frederick ...


... LITE1T?,ATUR Tan EDINMRGs H Rtsvnw. No. 252. Longmnyejs Green, a & Dyer, London. Adam & ChallQs Bieck, EdInlurgh. .By fr i the most able, and to many readers the most attractive. article in the Bcvr5w for the quarter, is en Mr. Grote's elaborate work On Plato and the other Companions of Sokrates-. The writer is un- derstood to be the gemberforWestmiaster, and the review certainly exhibits ...