... I HORTICUUTURAL SHOW AT KINGSTOWN. The stummer shlowY of the Royal Horticultural 2 Society wras held yesterday on the handsome and w well laid ant groundls of. the Royal ~Marine Hotel a' Company at l~ingstown, and passed off most nuccessx I fully. 'The day kept up, beautifuly, and permitted Ii the attendance of a numerous and fashionable assemn : blage. The fine band of the 02nd Ifighlanders ...


... SKREEN (CO. MEATH) SUMAIER F. A-IR. I Skreen,Thlusday, Jiune 21. This celebrated old establibhed fair, one of the two held here annually, came off on yesterday. It is a noted horse fair, and also famous for the exhibition of store cattle, sheep, and lambs, and the weather being fine buyers and sellers wereon the ground from an early hour in the firenoon. The supply of beef was moderate, ...


... On Monday, the Prince of Wales opened the new schools just erected at Caterham, Surrey, for orphans and neceessitous children of warehousemen an clerks. At a dejeuner subsequently the-secretarY MI- nounced subscriptions to the amount of 5,500 guineas, 2,000 of which were contained in puises presented at the ceremony. Prince Sigisniund. son of the Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia (Princess ...


... Hereward the Wake, 1 Last of tlhC E.nglish, By the Rev. C. Kingsley.-(London and Cam- bridge: Macmillan & Co.)-We have here, from the pen of one of our most celebrated novelists, an exceedingly interesting specimen of the historical novel. This is not only 'a very different class of writing from any of Mr Kingsley's previous literary productions, but it is a class which our English writers ...


... FASBION AND VARIETIES. The Crown Prince of Denmark,;'lettors state, ia about to marry the Princess Wlihelhira of Holland, born in 1841, and younger sister of the present Queen of Sweden. A Paris letter states, that Count de Montaq lembert is In a most alarming condition. It is reported that Sir Hugh Rose, Com- mander of the Forces in Ireland, will be made a peer. The following axe amongst the ...


... THE-- LANDING STAGES AND THE RIVER. 1 - . . . . d .1 - - v re. ' c of The neighbourhood of the docks and landing to IS, stages presented an unusually gay and interesting d he appearance. Along .the whole line of dook an q' of in ?? adjacent streets the display of bunting was o most profuse, but more particularly so in tlke , on immediate vicinity of the George's and Princes jP lii landing ...


... P. >T ANal) FA AS -ION. | il [ Tll, 1 COURT. I -lz~nl ?? (?en.lriness I'o1V ' ?? Te Queen. -i-et I Helena. and P'ircess l wouise with the Ladies and L(entleunellr in itin.1 attenled Diille service ill tthc Parish o'r CrailULiQ yesterdlay 1Ii'iillg, The 1iev. l)- M. leodl. chaplairi to her Majesty, eifliiazile(d P. M1 L 1 leftthe(astle This mining. T ni E L 1' EN'S LEV EE. ?? coioand of ?? ...

Literary Notices

... Tint CRI'rcla. ES(5L1S1 TE9;TASISNT. Editid Sby tl ' the I'ec. W&L.L BL'AcKaizr,'M.Al, and'tb~eiev. ' JAMEd1AWESJ MIA. VOl. I., The Go~pjelg. 'b London: Aiexan'der.trahao. . ID Tent. cou1ferudhebsive and valuable work . of :wbioh a this is tihe tirat'instalsmentmnstbs regarded a6' an 0 eesetttia~idcselc'atftu at ' a' 'tt likW'&th'e'present,, whenl thtt Ne~w as well as the 'Old Tes~tamtent, ...


... TO-MN ORROW. (From the Ailantic Alonthly AMagazine.) 'Tis late at night and in the realm of sleep My little lambs are folded like the flocks; From room to room I hear the wakeful clocks Challenge the passing hours, like guards that keep Their solitary watch on tower and steep; Far off I hear the crowing of the cocks, And through the opening door that time unlocks Feel the fresh breathing of to ...


... LITERATUR?E. ILLOSThATIOFS OF' SCnco'TOH HISTOBY FB015 THE MOHOMEHYC OF EurPr, CHSID.EA eLJ&ysA?, D BADYonOa; with a fewr vords on the Mosaic Creation, and a Short Accouat of the Several Verelons and TranelatiOfl5 of the Bible, With Masp. London: Lcthian & Co~npany. 1S666, (Pp. 79.) neSI work, tbough brief, is compendious, and coon. kaios a large amouant of information which cau only gae ...


... |TJR EW6,WMENS ]BX~BTIONt It .- I * AT . .I .- iigi~'~~ DISTRIBUTION O?IE ' from t~il be ememeredthat a short tih~ie since ~,and the. Workmen's Iodustrial ?? 'Art, Exhibi- tro, wicllo sme months Was held in Old ' lbaiPostoflice-place, wag brought. toacls. at were evenring the undertaking was, recalled to mnin'd by incil. the distribution of prisas to the successful w-hile 'etiters at the ...


... vAF i3ol AND VARETTIE,. THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, LivZAnPOOn, FPIDAY NIGUT-TIhO yacht raoe, owing to the failure of the wind, was not finished at the time the, Duke and suite had to land, and his Royal Highness was consequently unable to carry out his intention of delivering the Queen's Cup to the winner. As the Alert passed down the ?? with the Duke on board ahe was salated by the North Fort ...