... |STAFFORDlSHIRE ADJO1JRNEED SESSSIONS. An ?? Sessions forthe county of Stafford was held at the Shire Hall, Stafford, yesterday at noon, the principal business being the reception of a report from the Police Committee with reference to the recent charges against Colonel Hogg, the Chief Constable. The Earl of Liohfield presided, and there was a numerous attendance of Magistrates, among whom ...


... THURSDAY, AUGUST 3. CROWN COURT. IB;FORE MR. JUSTICE LUSH. ATTEMPTED MuRDnn.-JohuWhittaker, 29, was indicted for having at Oldham, on the 31st May, discharged a loaded pistol at James Burrows, with l intent to murder, The prisoner was a deserter, and Burrows gave information, twelve months ago, which led to his apprehension and im- prisonment. He said then, in the hearing of a policeman that ...


... BIRKENiHjD POLICE COURT. 7ONDAY, AUGUST 27. BEFORE MR. a. J. PARSTTor. SAVAGE ASBAIULT WrrU A JUG.-A married woman, flanzed Miia Neile, was brought up charged with ha severely assaulted Margaret Black, an unforteunate whota appeared In r th prVotinae~ .Behr ?? ?? with her head and fade bandaed. -Inspeotor Went stated that the presoctrir, on unA morning, gavethe prisonerincohageforhaving aaul~& ...


... :~ L7EPqlp POLICE. COURT. i I E P 0,,lUz AUGUST 14. ,: ,j tE5OAU UR. RAFFWSkS MURDNA0ous ATaVK DBY.A WOMAN.-Mary Coleman, described as a basket woman, was brought up on the ?? cf bl'ing 'committed a murderous asatt upon Anthony O'Donnell, a labouring mais' who lived in No. 6 Court; Jordan-atrebt, and with whom she had cohabited. About halfp east 'one o'clock on Monday night thle injured ...


... . THURSDAY, Al-GUST 30. BEFORE XESSRS. LAWVEFSCE 7tEVWORt'rH AND .J li BAL GHTON. CONOMITTAL OF A DISAP''OIXTED SUITIH, 3 k; F- TE311'ED MlUBDEn.-A young man1 of ratlhr ::-^sprtA appearauce, namned James Fitzpatrick, a habwr, i;5; at -No. 7, Nevshamn-street, Lives pool, was pla. e ie dock charged with attempting to murder Emna wyrse, a domestic servant employed by Mr. John Henry litts- sall, ...


... BANKRU1TCP? tCOURT. II ?? b is i s A: s r f * I I BIDFO a~w N . a ero s t' luY | W ,! .UESfDAY, !JULY3Sl. IN RE W. H. DAxurm-This was'a furthor hearing, by direction oft the, Cburt of Appeal, of a trader debtor summons eued out by the.North-weptera Bank ([,trnated) agaiinst Mr. WV. H. latnt' a merchant, uarying ou Prosiness jn LIverpool. The matter was'last 'before this court on;r the bth June ...


... MURDER AND MAASLAUGHTE IN1 865. It appears from the Judicial Statistics of Eng- land and Wales just issued that the total number of murders reported last year was 135, exceeding by I the number in the preceding year. Seventy six were reported from the counties, 51 from boroughs, and 8 by the metro- politan police. In Lancashire 28 cases occurred, of which t were reported by the county ...

Law Intelligence

... I . . a i, I alaJSAb~ noTIOEB.-THIS DAY. BAHE3IUPTY COO&T. VASINGHRALL'TUEST. 1BU05u1 Mat. COXItN5SIONER HoLROYD-~ApplcatIOIA: Stern, v at II-T. Yeomnan, at 11-Mottram, releasa, Iat ?? and Co., 1 audit, at 11. Last 036minStiOnl5 and discharge: F. F. Walker, at 14I . Miller, at II-F. Coley, at 11-1. Howlett, at 11-4. . Daniels at 12-J Matson at 12-W. H, Paoker, at 12-0. a1. Mainat 12 T. F. ewi, ...


... LEITH POLICE COURTT-TIIs DAY. (Refore Bailie Mackinlay). A BEmrAI, AsSAULT--A respectable lookingyoung man, named Joseph Hepson, pleaded guilty. to a charge of having assaulted a man named Nicolson on Sunday fore- noon last. It appeared Hepson had called at Nicolson's lodgings, where he found him ' asleep. Nicolson asserted that Hepson then kicked him on the breast while he was still asleep, ...


... T , EDINBURGH POLICE COURT-THiS DOY. A .. I (Befoye Bailie Millar.) Gao . A Pn~Ei oP IMFVDENUE. - Awonan furom Glasgow, named 1igaret Adams, at present residing in, lodgings i in the Cowgate, .pleaded gutiltyr to forcing open .the door of i t'he house of Mr Finilay, in Riehmond Street. She was j drunk at the time, a'id the house being at present unoccu. pied, tshe forced the. lock off the. ...


... LAW AND POUCR *tb iftogtaphi6_dealer,~ of Eniidll~tet es5, the Bow-streetPoie4ura h iea rvsadC, p -elea ?? al os~ are ?? rea them enraeatavrlag redr-,g ?? hneree wthfo h &~lower prc sphotograpahio opiestae ?? 'of his, assis~tant Mr. Jb ~degnap4?t s -hpon thrieecocasious andpuej of thiese twod pi riuis. , , Uetya Mr., Eiktrin~g, clld lae&hopesented bmefss Rodweli's, and lsoe purchased copies. ...


... ALLEGED pOISONGNOG OF SEVENTEEN On Thursdy, the Coroner for the Conty of Hants resumed the Inquiry at the Plough Inn, Itchen Abbas, into the death of Mark Sims, aged 90, who died on the 25th Jly, under circumstances whch gave ?? to vey strong suspicion that he had been poisoned. The facts of this very remarkable case have created the utmost possible excitement. They may be thus epitomised :-Mr ...