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Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL NOTICES. FREEMASONS' HALL, 98 GEORGE STREET.- b R Ev. BOBT. J. GRAY will Preach To-xoRRow. Fos'renoos- S Gd-ward Aspiration. Fw-e)itW- Providential Wedges. rT'ABERNACLE, GREEN SIDE.-Mr R. MARl~iN r wil Preach TO-51R\o\iVo. Fsrcenss-' The Robe, the Ring,. and the Shoe' AfJterawoen-*The Swellin/g of' Jordan. Th'e Bzv. d: Prures~oR HlUXTER, of Leitb, wsill conlduct ,the, Service in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL NOTICES. fUJNICIPALELEOTIO N. BROUGHfTON WARD. Atteuai~srequest o0f the Independent, LiberalCommittee, AI M les ain kiny cone to aow Im f to be NOMINA TEDa h A EETAIV of the WARD at the e3soiitg EI e ttiefl. NO T I C E TO IN VE N T O R S. OFFICE FOR PATENTS, 4 mRAFALGAR SQUARE, CHARING C0OSS0 LOIalON. Printed Irsroetio-(Gratis) as to the Cost of Patents for Greet Brila~lis' Fs-e'gn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL NOTIaES. UNICIPAL ELEC-TIO.NS.a To JOuN TAwaSE. Esq., W.S., ~t Csosmlvsorl leud ofcharact, osr priuefootn ?? redtuhbyrottosfmli, d (Here folvowr the signatures.) . Edjniilgrh, 15th October 115D.. cl d el TO THE ELECTORS OF ST LUKE'S WARD. - Edinburgh, 22d October I r Having received a nusnerously and infuentially 01ged ernistin tatI shanld allow ysoyelf to be put in osomiuatiofl;' ?? ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JFEBOAT SERVICES.-During the Storms of L the pat Twenty Months the National plfeboat Institution hoe 5onttlbuteto the savng of 1250 Persons from Shipwrecks on our Voast. The Committee earnestl appeal for assi8stance to meet tbe n h ds on ?? 172 LifebOat Estabishnlento. Conribtins ~llhothankfully received ?? Willis and Co. 0it BSaukers in Scottal Leos Esq., at the Inustitutdon, 14 John Strseet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL NOTICES. H DIC K M E M O R I A L. MEETING OF THE SUBSCRIBERS. SUISCRIBERS are requested to attend a GENERAL NCithlibs the Ro0os of the CuAOEREP. of AGnRICULTURE, 9isth StA ndrew Street, Edinburgh, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, 3d c or (this day week), at 2.30, for the purpose of- I, Rewiring r Report of the Progress of the Subscription; 2 Etc seng on what the Memorial is to be; and, 3. C niof in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIFEBOAT SERVIcE S.-D i ty' storms of 34 -the pat Twenty M the thunatiof onu ?? ctri tdinhesving of 1250 Persona from ShlwOllO ow our Ceor .,i Connd i at e eeargeSP, appe a for ?? to meet the conined ~vydemnd onth~r172 IffoboA EotitllshmenOt. onti w I llv othsn, knd receined by Messrs Willis and o. Contribulws ,lfl b h u w bol tie3ankers in ScRotland, Coutts and Co.. Harries ac d Co.. bi a ll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE SILEDONIAN MERCURY AN31 WLY HERALD AND MERCURY - CHANGE DIF OFFriCE , fte Puslaihing Offices of the Carcodnfas 2curewV and of th Weey Herodld ?? have been REMOVED frm 257 High Moeet to the more comi ionlOU premises NO. 18 COCKEURN STRRET, abene Advertisneenta and Orders for the Poper wil be received : ¶1e New Offices have been i!tted up in a waY to meet the increased meirements of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL NOTICES. TOTIC1IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Reverend 111 OEFPB ASKY Minister of the IUnited Parishes ofi oAY ad EDAY. n Orkney D h raised a Proces Agen. I rsr. Modificrtion. nud LoSrlity. Lost, e-aiost the Patron. Tacksrnen of the Teinde,E ferileso and liferenlters. atnd ail othere having, or pretending to have, .i hiortil tbe Teiud6o of the rsid Pnrishes; wvhich w/ill be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N0TU~y ADVERTISERS.'.---, NOTICE TO -OllES - ECALE Or CHAG GO FOIUADVE 1 ' . ISROATSNOICSiCD UBLI VOR ~ 6,dpr ie Ineertisu n order to reaider the Advertisini Col1mis of the C)U=EONIANW ERCURY mnore extensively UbPfullt the Public. tle following REDUCED SCALE OF CHAR&ES is adopted for the nndervnex- Loned clS of PRsPAiD ADV TlISE T3-, SITUATIONS WANTED. CLERKS SSP.VAITS, &C., WE1TD. ANsiL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TFM R E y Aq WEEKLY BEEt&LD AND MIP=UY. CHAN-GE OF OFFIGES. '!Ebe Thldbg Oifcee ot thee CO?4doflknI M Ljrgcul) and of th Wfieey Epl ae d eroue hafvhe bcen B}MOVlD from 257 HMgh ~gtto tfloi COnflgnOdim pxoenaes Nc'. 18 COCKBUlRN STB:IET, wb.ere M dntrseants aUiD Ordeis for the Paper ill be redrea & The New O ige have been fitted up In Di swa to Meet the Innred equfreients of the Publshing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1' Si It I a It a! II II GENERAL NOTICES. OYAL o SCOTLAND, Edinburgh, 25th October 1SSS. gFE COURT of DIRECTORS Of the ROYAL T BANK of SCOTLAND give notice that a GENERAL COURT gpBOPRIETORS will be held at their OFrFIE in EDINBVURGH, on 5opAY, the' 217th day of November next, at Iwo'cokAtron Fosant to the Charter. JAMES WRIGHT, Sec. O T I CE TO INVENTORS. OFFICE FOR PATENTS, 4 TRAFALGAR SQUARE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GBNERAL NOTICES. LUBIC MEETING OF ELECTORS, P ON MONDAY, 22D OCTOBER. IbR INsDEPENDENT LIBEAL ELECTION COMMITTRE lavirg comlmunicated tel Mn'. M¶LAPEN their opinioon that a~ 5ge pumber f Etle~terS think that ?? Meeting should l'e called ly himat which to givesome aceoun~t of his Stewvardship during Che ?? o! Pa ?? M'AIStEN begs that the EsLECTOBtS si lo himx the honour to meet himhin ;4 QU X ...