... Lue_ Considerable anxiety was felt in the town on Monday wad, night, about half past ten o'clock, by hearing'the bugle use calls' at the New Barracks and the Marine Barracks )M- sounding the fire call. It proved, however, on inquiry, henthat the alarm had its origin in a large ekimney which was He on fire at Bury. off'uy the An admirable lecture on Our Olden Poets was de. livered to the ...

Published: Wednesday 30 January 1867
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2202 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... BREACH OF TtuLs'r BY MANAGEBS OF CHARITIIES. On Wedlneseivy, the 11th inst., Vice-Chancellinr Sir J Stuart gave jwirgugteut iu the case 'of the Attorney- General v. tile Biishop of Mancheeter. This was am itl- formation tiled at the relation of Mr. Robert Neecihmn ?? a merober of the board of wanragerrserrt ind one oif the trustees of tbe HerrsIlkrW's Blind Asyluir urear Manchester, and ...

Published: Saturday 26 January 1867
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1508 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... I MONTHLY MEETING OF THE. COMMISSIONERS The monthly meeting of the Rhyl Improvement Comr missioners, was held o9n Friday, the 11 th inst. Present -Rev, H. Morgan, N.A., chairman;. R. W. Preston,. Esq, James Taylor, Esq., Thos. Ilealing, Esq., Messrs E. Powell Jones, J. 1A. Jones, WV. B. Byne, Jno. Roberts (Qneen-street), John Roberts I Shipley-street), H. Pierce, S. S. ])avies, Jonah Lloyd. ...

Published: Saturday 19 January 1867
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1129 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... THE QuEEN has sent 200 to the Bishop of London to be distributed during this inclement season, amongst some of the different refuges, for the homeless poor in London. PRINOE ARTaUu, having been examined be- fore the Council of Military Education, and having passed it most satisfactorily, will join the Military Academy as a gentleman cadet on the 11th of Febrnary. TEm BISHOP OF EXETER.-It is ...

Published: Friday 18 January 1867
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1408 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... I It is reported in Paris that Lord Lyons will succeed Earl Cowley as British Ambassador at the Court of. the Tuileries. THE TYNE.-The revenue of the river Tyne Comia- sioners in 1866 exceeded by £6,000 that of 1865. Last year the commissioners dredged live millions and a half tons of sand and rubbish out' of the river, being a million tons more than in 1865, and a million and a half tons ...

Published: Saturday 19 January 1867
Newspaper: Preston Chronicle
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2572 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... (Fromn the Oa6deners' Uhroeiwe. )!l PLANT 4OUSES.-Me-ny Orchid(s, such, as Cnttleyac, Ccelogynes,: Ml tonias, Deadriobeumsg, and- similar plants! which dQ, not reouiro. so much heat as vandas, sacco.| labiuzus,. &c., will now show the breaks at the base of the pseudohculbs somewhat prominently. R1eep all such in as even and moderate a temperature as possible, in order to delay their starting ...

Published: Saturday 19 January 1867
Newspaper: Preston Chronicle
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 976 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... WESLEYAN MISSIONS& Sermons in connectionrsith these missions were preached on Sunday, at the two chapels (Wesley and Moor Park) belonging the new or tsue-l circuit in Preston, by the Revds. T. A. Rayner, J. Adams, and J. Lamfie. The sum realised by the collections after the services amounted to £16 18s. 10.ld. TRE ANNUAL MISSIONARY MEETING- was held in Wesley Chapel, on Monday evening last, ...

Published: Saturday 19 January 1867
Newspaper: Preston Chronicle
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2577 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... (Fronm the Odd-fellois' Maqazine.) From MIr. John Tidd Pratt's annual report we learn I that during the year 1865, he has examined and certified the rules of 1,076 Friendly Societies not previously en- rolled. In addition to these, alterations in, or, additions I to, thb rules of 1,248 other societies have been pronounced by him to be in accordance with the Friendly Societies Act. This result ...

Published: Saturday 26 January 1867
Newspaper: Preston Chronicle
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1131 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ' THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND has caused notice to be given to his tenantry on the Trentham estate, Staffordahire, that such of them as sufered loss by the cattle plague before the compensation clauses of the Cattle Plague Act came into operation will have the half of such losses made good at the expense of his grace. - THE ABSUtBDIT of some of the cattle plague regulations was prominently brought ...

Published: Saturday 12 January 1867
Newspaper: Preston Chronicle
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1234 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... AN E1.lMqSsTZ AT THE M&N(OBN IMOUSI On Tuesday Oveairg, the Lord Mayor (1lr. Aldertmt Gabriel) and the Ledy Mayoreea entertained the mom- bsre of the Onurt of Aldermeen, the Hight Hon. the Ia- corder (Mr. BRssell Gunmey), Mr. fherif Waterlow eand Mr. Bberiff Lycott, the trim Warden of the Fish- mongers' Company, the Master of the Merchant Taylors' Company. the Maeter ff the Salters' Oompany, ...

Published: Sunday 20 January 1867
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 872 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... romloU n aLumEO All the minstebra the other day placed their resignation In the hands of-the BEmperor. hi Rouher retains big functions as Minislter of State, and la, moreover, appointid, Minister 'of Finance,,In, place of hi. Fould, Whoas inosallon is Aoseoted. MILashal Nfet is. apointed MinsterOf W`Ar. AUii~raI-lp-guld do Genonlly Is named hiblatep of Mjrnn ndh. ?? Ia BItprette MlIter, of ...

Published: Sunday 27 January 1867
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2096 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... THn RZIGN OF TRUORE in SPAtu. Spaniards, of all other European peoples, have prc- bably the most cause to complain that The greatest evils that the world bath known Have sesned from the altar and the throre. Other nations, by some moens or another, either by moral coercien or physical insarrection, have aeo- trived to loosen, or entirely shake off, the fetters whereby kingaraft and ...

Published: Sunday 13 January 1867
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 570 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News