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Advertisements & Notices

... TWNAN UCH3A', LLANELIA5N. SALE of first cl.s Mich Cows on the eve of calving, Welsh hBrll, two year old Cattls, 2 Breeding Some with Litters of Pigs, 35 pcine Store Pigs. MR. J. THOMAS, Of Croesaa) is instructed by Mr.. HuGHiJONES,'who Is selling his surplus Stock, TO SBELL BY AUCTION, On the premises at Twnau Uch,', ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3BTH, 1867, rpHE whole of the following, viz.:-l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PREGETHAt y PARCH. JOH JONES', * TAYSA . or CYHOEDDIR Cyfrol o'r prif Bregethau, Pel gJ gw,.th Pedwar SwIlt, snor faan ag y eelr nieR d tgonol Ij( 0 dlZbeyr. Dymti r arddobarth vZ IVl=rau a Uyfrworihwyr anion at . q;onaA O LLOYD Jo01O, Talysarn. M NEWYDD El GYHOEDDI, an Yr ail argroahiad o waith JoEN PATTISON, M. D., ar IG: YR AB±WYLDERAU FERTHYNOL I ItV FFI5 YWOD: hi V zU triniaeth mmewn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. PARLWAMENYrARY NOTICES, .ELECrION ADDRESSES, AND PUBLI COMPANIRS, 6d per Line. LAw NoTioCL', AUoTsONS, AND MISCELLANEOUS, 4d per Line. Ti'ADEs. Boo100, CHARITIES, &c., 3d per Line. In order to render the Ailvertising, Columns of the NORTH WALES CHRONICLEi more extensively useful to the Public, the following REDUCED 90ALE OF CHARGES is adopted for the underrnentioned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEls be Auction. SA4IE of a Genteel FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, at t P.NhORFA, near TREMADOC . TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. W. DEW, At the Commercial Hotel, in the Town of Portrnadoc, on Monday, 14th January, 1867, at Two o'clock in the Afternoon (subject to conditions then and there to be produced), A LL that very Desirable and Substantially A Built FREEHOLD HOUSE, called PLAS ISA, most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISlALES BY MR. DAVIES. P -Bettws Abergele, Donbighshire. - IMPORTANT SALE OF VERY DESIi- t' . S BIE IREEMBOLD PROPERTY- , ig .: jj,, r! ?? MR:i~t.'9.8 DA. E , its the pleasure to announce that he is ?? ins- ln . truetione to submit TO PU:BBLIr.C COMPETITION, At the BRm Hrvz blrs, Battws, Abergele, on TEIURODAY1 JANUARY 17th, 1807, at 2 o'elock in the afternso, Rnu sut-^t to ondltloaz to be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TE1E1 RAU BANER AC AMSERAU CYMRU. Cyhoeddir hi ddwywaith yn yr wythnos; aef ar ddydd Merseer a dydd Sadwrn. Eris argraphiad dydd Mercher yw 2g. Ei phris am chwarter, os cymmerir 2, 4, 6, neu narhyw gyfnifer dan yr un amlen, yvw 2s. 2g. ond tabi yn mlaen; neu 2s. 6c. os na wneir hyny. Ei rhris wedi ei stampio yw 3e.; nea 3U. Se. y *hwarter, ond talu yn mlaen; a 3s. 6c. os na wneir hynv. Prls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TFLERAU BANER AC AMISERAU CYMRU. * BA NER AU A1V1ZLxL u L - - Cyhoeddir hi ddwywaith yn yr wythnos; sef ar ddydd Mercher a dydd Sadwrn. Pris argraphiad dydd Mercher yw 2g. E phris am cchwarter, os Cymmerir 2, 4, 6, neu unrhyw gyfnifer dan yr Tui amlen, yw 2s. 2g. ond talu -yn mlaen; neu 2s. 6c. OS na wneir hyny. Ei 'hris wedi ei etampio yw 3c.; neu 3s. 3c. y lhwarter, ond talu yn mlaen; a Ss. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIURE AERATBDO W;ATERS. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, SODA WATER, ELLIS'S, RTEHIN, POTASS WARE. SLLIS'S, RUTH1N. SELTZER W4TIM, ELLIS'S, ROTIIN, LEMUNADE. ]ELLIS'S LITHIA & PO-nASS WATEER AN EYXCElENT INTESRNAL RUMEDY FOR COUT. F5HE Public are particularly* .requested t4 ?? ebsorve that scnv Cork is brandied U R. BUis :and Son. Enthi, writhout wvhicbs uonesis genuir e. May be oitsined fren ap rsqpectabie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVERPOOL AND NORTH 1WALESoi The Splendid Past-SMalng StMOWN PRINCE OF WALESE, t S 1e0 HORSE POWBR-OArT.. R. DAVIES, I Will ply between Mostyn Quay and the Landing Stage, Liver- pool, during the month of SEPTEMBER, 1866 (Steamer not held responsible for non-sailing), as under:- FROM LIVERPOOL. FROM MOSTYN. 7FARES :-Fore Cabin, ls. 6d.; Saloon, 2S Return Tickets, available for the same day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EL KINGTON AND 00. BY APPOlNTMILNT, SILVERSMITHS AND ART M1ANUFACTURERS To H.M. thc Queen and H.R. H. the Prinme of Wales, INVENTORS AND PATENTEES OF THE - EiECTRO PLATE. 25, CHURCH STRBET, LIVERPOOL. M ANY New and Artistic Designs of EL- KINGTON and Co.'s manufacture have just been added to their usual stocks, together with a large and varied Collection of Drawing and Diniug Room TLIME. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO PROPRIETORS OF QUARRIES. TJ 011N OWEN, Iron and Urass Founder 0 MENAI FOUNDRY, BANGOR, begs to announce to Qunarry Proprietors that he continues to manufacture Quarrjy waggons, &c., and that lie is now in a position to supply every description of Quarry Machinery. Incline Drums, Rollers and Waggon ?? (case hardened) and castings of every (lescription. Also Salving and Plaing ?? slate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TELERAU BA NER AC AMSERAU CYMRU. Cyhoeddir hi ddwywaith yn yr wythnos; sef ar - ddydd Meretler a dydd Sadwrn. Pris argraphiad dydd Mercher yw 2g. Ei phris am chwarter, os cymmerir 2, 4, 6, neu unrhyw gyfnifer dan yr un amlen, yw 2s. 2g. on(I talu yn mlaen; neu 2s. 6c. os na wneir hyny. Ei nhris wedi ei stampio yw 3c.; neu 3s. 3c. y .hwarter, ond talu yn mlaen; a 3s. 6c. os na vneir hyny. Pris ...