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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales



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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales

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... It has been ascertained that an iron girder will break with about 400,000 changes of load, accompanied by vi- brations, a fact which but too clearly shows that the spon- taneous destruction of our iron bridges is but a question of time, and that not a very long time. THE WAGES OF THE WORKING CLASSES.—The'facts and figures arrived at lately by Mr. Leone Levi and Mr. Bass, respecting the wages ...


... (Before His Honour Judge Falconer.) This court opened on Monday last, at the Temperance Hall, before his Honour Judge Falconer. The cause list contained the following :—Original plaints. 332 adjourned ditto, 24; summonses after judgment, 53 adjourned ditto, 14 total, 433. Action to Recover Fixtures in an old Farm House.— Mary Williams v. William Howclls.—Mr. Smith for the plaintiff and Mr. ...


... PENNY READINGS AND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. — On Thursday evening week another of these popular enter- tainments was given at the National school-room. The room was quite full, and Mr. Place, with his usual effici- ency, presided. The following programme was gone through:—Pianoforte duct, Mrs. W. R. Smiths and Miss E. Williams; reading (Welsh), Rev. W. Lewis song (Welsh), Mr. ,T. Hughes; ...


... OCR LOCAL CANTATRICE.— Miss Walters has proceeded to London to finish her musical education. Merthyr, Dowlaid, ftttd Swansea have seat forth vocalists of some renown, and we hope that Miss Walters s futures career will enable us to say that Tredegar has produced one second to none in the Principality. THE FROST.—The return of the frost has been welcomed by those whose love to spend an hour or ...


... ICE ACCIDENT.—On Saturday morning a poor woman, bordering upon 70 years of age, slipped down on the turn- pike-road and broke her arm. She was assisted to her own house, which was not far distant, and under the judicious treatment of Dr. Butterfield, is doing as well as the nature of the oase will allow. The accident was mainly the result of the slippery nature of the road, rendered doubly dan ...


... GWYLNOS.—The usual Welsh readings were given on Tuesday last; Mr. W. Dawkins presided. The house was uncomfortably crammed. Miss Cooke contributed to the evening's amusement by giving several airs, both vocal and instrumental, the instrument being the harp, upon which Bhe is no mean proficient. GREAT FIRE.—Before going to press a report has reached us that the premises occupied by Mr Richards, ...


... PENNY READINGS. —On Thursday evening last, a meet- ing for reading and singing was held at the Lower British School, which was well attended, and gave general satis- faction. TWYNOARNO SCHOOL READINGS.—On Tuesday evening last a meeting was held at this School-room, when S. Buchan, Esq., was the chairman, and, after a few humorous remarks, the programme was proceeded with as follows Song, The ...


... TUESDAy.—(Before J. C. Fowler, Esq.) Cattle Plague Information.—David Davies was charged with illegally removing a cow down Bond-street on the 14th of Jan., not having at the time a declaration in his possession. P.C. 79 proved the case, and was corrobo- rated by Inspector Matthews, who said the cow was brought from Trcbanog-fawr, in Breconshire.—Defendant was fined 10s. and the ccsts in ...


... THE inquest upon the two men, killed in such a manner at the Vochriw last week, has been held by the Coroner, and the verdict of the jury is Accidental death. It is not difficult to under- stand how this decision is arrived at. And, indeed, a review fthe evidence, by any one with a slight knowledge of colliery management, must lead to the conclusion that a mistake was made, which proved fatal ...


... GRAND CONCERT IN PENUEL CHAPEL.—Never before, perhaps, were the inhabitants of this town favoured with such a musical treat as that given. on Saturday night in the above chapel by the following accomplished artistes, under the distinguished patronage of John Jaines, Esq. :— Vocalists, Miss Watts, Miss Gedrych, Mr. Moses Davies, assisted by a select choir of over hundred voices pianist, Miss ...


... A murder of the most cold-blooded and brutal character was perpetrated in Bristol early on Tuesday morning. A man named Samuel Sinnott, aged 31, a hawker, lodged at the Balmoral Tavern, Lower Castle-street. On the Monday evening, he with his wife, visited the mother of the latter at her residence, Exeter-place, Hotwells, where there was a kin8 of family gathering. About midnight, Sinnott and ...


... There are two matters upon which the British juror goes mad—breach of promise of marriage and libel. Tha popular reason assigned for the insanity in the former case is very readily given. Jurors do not generally consist of impassioned young men absorbed in the charms of their first love, much less of worn-out roues, tired of everything under the sun, the fair sex included but of fathers of ...