... ?? ?? ?? 1 - - . .. ?? ?? - , ?? ?? : ,; JIng -I Reports of ?? gatherings in th city should run in rhyme, in,,5ie gay metre'dsncng like the ripple of.%he ses4-s;sk ]ike its :1auhing spray, andi genial as-the-un eam. playing ?? bounding waters. Andthen,.if any. one standingon tkhe shore shoaak hat are the wgild- waves saying?, the answer would Be, the-woids 6 nurId, old Amott6, 'Tis gi&d ...


... I Frasz Schubert has been served up as the subject Of an opera at FrLodtioh-Wilhlelmatadt Theatre at Berln. It appears that the Musical Society of Lon- ,IOn will [recomlealco oporations, as usnail, next year, under the conductorsbip of bir. Mlodon. p1ie Damnations of Faust) by 1M, Berlioz, has, according to the Gazette. I Musical, had. a great success at Vlinna. Miss Laura Harris, one of Mr. ...


... THE CHILDREN IN THE MOON. t Hearken, child, unto a story! For the moon is In the sky, P And across her shield of silver, V See I two tiny cloudlets fly. a Watch them closely, mark them sharply, 4s As across the light they pass,- Seem they not to have the figures n Of a little led and lass? a See, my child, across their shoulders Lies a little pole I and. lot Yonder speck is just the bucket, 7 ...


... (Frorn Punch.) Get out, Old Year, get out, get out I And don't keep lingering here about, We don't care whether you've got the gout, Or what's the matter, but just get out I You stupid, sorrowful, sad old year, You maundering, mischievous, mad old year, O law, w're heartily glad, old year, To enjoy the kucking you out ! Your life's a chapter of griefs and woes, You were always treading on ...


... CUTTINGS FROM THE M~A( -|Thhe sault of the.casesoffl,,e v on. .ugguggest. I 'atIhm e facts are su ~thV iae~ 500111r conclusid ionth othat an. ison the ote ?? jg 00 hoseinesthty staetaihn fcsan ly aarowa I lb anliuth fbes'whdli hcuedo & aws, itoutte feari oflb anL .m cuir y oaestls u roroesty ut erron0eou a pl~osotee4 maittes~ntbat~end that 6 wen aveetablishdle.hted is -ma nievertheless ...


... ,I Last evening the first of a series of penny Ul readings and musical selections in aid of the funds Is of the Boys' Refuge and Night Asylum, Soho- street, was given in the Concert Hall, Lord Nelson- street. Mr. Councillor J. Robinson presided, and there was a large attendance. The CAmniculA said the condition of the street boys of Liverpool was really pitiable, and he was sure they were all ...


... AR CHIE LOVELL. * IT may be taken as an axiom that in the path of literary progress no author can stand absolutely stationary. He will either advance or recede in point of merit, or diverge into new tracks, sometimes with more or less success, sometimes only to discover his error and return sadly to the old beaten road as one who has mistaken his call. Some authors put all their best into ...


... THEt1 PARIhS EkbniTON OF 1867.' * -~ ~ - - - 7 ' I (FROMs ou R'SPCaAL~ ConIMSVos4)NTwr) re There is turmoil in the Exhibition contract world bt again. There axe to be no posters in the Exhibi- P( tion building, and therefore nobody can or should ha have a contract for them. The Imperial Commis-, Pu sioners are wrath over the statement that has appeared in E~nglish advertising columns to the ml ...


... I ?? IES VICEREGAL COURT Their Excellenelee the Lord Lieutenant and the Mar- cbioness of Abercomn v ara £ ball on W tdnestay, JanMary ii, at thre Viceregal Lodge, to *hinio thre following had the Honour of receiving invjtaorl4tio ng * h li ian r rnegls an1d WtIirtarsdo nfa ?? and L4ady itr-, ey; ?? of'I Orniodo4 A oa ad d 8tountoS, of HIlo AnaaS4Jthabi$eoctrabaEEnnr arl' and 4 Countess .OfM ...


... I Prince of Wales Theatre- Done on Both Sides, and the lantomime The Queen of Hlearts. Theatre Royal.- The Houuch9ldFairy, and Pantomime Little Dick Whittington, Royal Amphitheatre.- The Laughing Hyecrn, and the Pantomime Harlequin Blie Beard. Varieties Theatre.-The Burlesque 'l King Arthur. New Adelphi Theatre- The Spectro Husband, and the Pantomime Harlequin Dioky Sam. ...


... aiteraturt. Homcr mid thee Iliad. By JOHN STUART BLACKEn, F.R. S.E., Professor of Greek in the University of Edinburgh. Edmonston and Douglas, Edin- burgh. It would be idle to affect astonishment, in the present instance, at the appearance of another version of the Iliad. There must be a public in- terested in the favourite old bard, or so many ver- Eions as have lately presented themselves ...


... ye PABRIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION. The following instructions have just been issued for the guidance of all who intend to compete for the dlistinct order of reward instituted in favour of persons, establishments,, or localities which, by a special organisation or special institutions, have de reloped a spirit of harmony among ?? those co operating in the same work, and have provided for the ...