BOTTLES! BOTTLES ! BOTTLES ! 10.UO0 DOZENS of WINE BOTTLES WANTED. A capital opportunity now offers for ..

... out their cellars. Apply to Hine Bros., wine and spirit merchants, 79 aad 80, Marl nd-place, Southampton. I~^llf HAVANNA CIGAR WAREHOUSE, 4, HIGH-STREET, SOUTHAMPTON. WM. LARBALESTIER begs to inform his Customers that he has, in good condition, CHOICE CABANAS LONDRES FLOR BROWN, DAMAB, DELICIAS TROPICALES, CONCHAS, LONDRES, OPERAS. HENRY CLAY. Ac. at MODERATE PRICES. STOCK AND SHARE BROKER.— ...

Published: Saturday 23 November 1867
Newspaper: Hampshire Advertiser
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12328 | Page: Page 9, 10 | Tags: Classifieds 

OF NATAL.— THE NATAL LAND' I nd COLONIZATION COMPANY invite the attention of GKAZIERS, and other* to the ..

... ofier faß .rftr BASE and CULTI V ATION of LAND in the fertile ie S he .f ud rioiis colony of NATAL. The climate is highly fa- ** hie io European constitutions aad habits. The Company T __« lands in all parts of the colony, which, together with P I. vantages offered to settlers, are fully described in a ?? hist oublished by the Company, and to be had at the Parapn'o p aperj or on application ...

Published: Saturday 23 March 1867
Newspaper: Hampshire Advertiser
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 22770 | Page: Page 1, 4, 5 | Tags: Classifieds 

BOTTLES! BOTTLES ! BOTTLES ! 10,000 DOZENS of WINE BOTTLES WANTED. A capital opportunity now offers for ..

... out their cellars. Apply to Hine Bros., wine and spirit merchants, 79 and 80, Marl ind-plaoe, Southampton. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER. Recommended by the Lancet and the Qaeen's Private Baker for n.akir.g pure digestive bread without yeast. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER was also recommended by the Qaeen's Private Baker and by the late Sir Wm. Barnett, Director-General of the Medical Departiient of the ...

Published: Saturday 19 October 1867
Newspaper: Hampshire Advertiser
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11738 | Page: Page 9, 10 | Tags: Classifieds 


... the fewest Varieties of FLOWER SEEDS ; also all worth growing of the older kinds. A Catalogue sent on I_jic-tion.— Among the Novelties of ihe present season are :— v~~- „ *^ VIOLA CORNUTA, variety PURPLE QUEEN. (The beautiful Variety,) same as grown by Mr. Bennett of Osherton Hall Gardens, Nottinghamshire, Price Is. and 2s. 6d. per Packet. c ' VIOLA CORNUTA, variety MAUVE QUEEN, __ m _ Price ...

*_T_nrs otf THE CULTIVATION OF H X TRI-COLOURED GERANIUMS. p _nd A. SMITH'S new Catalogue for 1867. Seff DULWICH,

... SURREY. 13797 G*— \7& R WIDDOWSON'S CLOVER~SEED STORES are in the BLACK BOY YARD. * FINE NEW SPRING TARES. 13802 ?? a SEEDLING STRAW- I BERRY- raised by Mr. Underbill, who was the * „,. of Sir Harry. Plants are now ready to be sent •^lots not less than 20). All applications must be td (m ' ?? by a Post-office order, on Birmingham, postage * ceamV m cash, to receive attention. _s» p ...

~rol*oLicrroßS, ESTATE agents, and AUCTIONEERS. ?? tc irnvr'tt upon Solieiturt, Estate Agtntt, and Aue- riMeert ..

... our office for fereace and distribution, the Plans and Particulara of tuuU t t ond Catalogue* of Machinery, Furniture, Books, and -/■/r Property advertised in our columns. tr Particular* of the fallowing Salet may be. had on applica- jTaA^GcAßDUNoSlA-e. ».™in£ Stock, Ac., Uppa- Broughtpn, by Mr. W. Wright. '^Thnnupto** • on Tuesday, Feb7s. . -nine Stock, Ac, Sutton Bennington, by Mr. W. Wright ...

Published: Friday 25 January 1867
Newspaper: Nottinghamshire Guardian
County: Nottinghamshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16263 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ST. MARIE'S .CATHOLIO CHURCH NORFOLK ROW. X^r, SOLEMN SERVICES will be held on Si-vday next, r , i 3rd, in

... aid of the FundE for the recent reparations in the abovi Church. Ai • •' ■ I- Service a Sermon will be preach- d by the Very Rev. FATHER P-« 'XL, from London, Fnai Pr acher of the Oidur t)f St Liinaniik. Bol ...

Published: Friday 01 February 1867
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10570 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Cbiircb, m behalf of the above Instim- ?? Service begme at Half-past Ten o'Clock. TO-MORBOW EVENING at 6 8a i> T IMPuHTANT LECTURE, in the T-,m- -\ EhABCE H*i.l, by the Rev R STAIriTON. Subject— Fraternal Brothei hood. TO-MOKR ...

Published: Saturday 27 April 1867
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 40652 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

THIS EVENING. K £ v. A XT H. L R :.l ORSE L L. Tub Wi » v) Evkkis.;, Hau-past

... Sevtsn. CEMI [*ERY ROAD OIiUR ?? fot tircnii 11-j urs ..nd other extras. THIS EVENIN'L TT T ATER! WATER!! \ » TOWN'B MEETING. - WORSHIPFUL 'IHE MANOR OF SHEFFIELD. We, tht undersigned Steam ?? v. Proprietors, Houne- IV j i lulH ri [uetst yiu t ' ' ill a ?? ii' MEETING oi I - -. 11 to taki ii.: : the pre-tenl and future W.. ter Supply oi the pass such Resolutions tiieir ou as may be deemed • * ...

Published: Wednesday 13 February 1867
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10783 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

THE REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE ACT, 1867. BOUNUABV COMMISSION. Notice it b*reby Given, that Lieutenant ..

... Artillery, Knignt Commander of the Bath, and H. aiNDAL ATKINSON, Ksquir-, &TJe-ait at ; j. -«, two of the Assistant Commissioners appointed by the Boundary Commissioners for England and Wales under the j r visions of the R* preset) tation of the People A«*t 1867, will »tt»nd at the Oouacn. Hali, at Bheffield on Tubsdat, the ?? day of 6epttmber, 18t>7, at Eleven o'Clock. f.jr the pur- l»o-e of ...

Published: Friday 06 September 1867
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10532 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

PARE WESLEYAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE Iht Rev- T. M'CULLAGH will deliver a LECTURE on • I'lK-.n ■ 0D Ti'bsd&t, ..

... Cb—U-taken at Eight o'Ciock. c_lecu«* at the cloae. J. COWLIBHAW, J. B. HALL KM, Secretaries. STeTFIELD GENERAL INFIRMARY. The Governors, Subscribers, and 8.-nefartors of this rhsritT are very respectfully n quested to attend the BEVEN- ,I,III ANNUAL MEEriNG of the same, to be Said ia the heaio-BOoa, at Twelve ?? at Noon, on Wcdnicsd*y, vpptro.lxr 4th, 1867, to receive the R port, appoint the ...

Published: Wednesday 21 August 1867
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8910 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds