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[No title]

... A SLIGHT COLD, COUGHS.—Few are aware of the importance of checking a cough or Slight Cold in its first stage, that which in the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected, soon attacks the lungs. Brown's Bronchial Troches^ give sure aud almost immediate relief. The Troches have proved their efficacy by a test of many years, and bave received testimonials from eminent men who have ...

^foreign: Jftisaltancomi

... It is reported at Prague that the Emperor of Austria will proceed to that city shortly, to be crowned King of Bohemia. Charivari offers a design for a Statue of Peace for the Universal Exhibition-a figure armed to the teeth standing on a platform of cannon and shot. Mazzini's address to the Romans, calling on them to rise and proclaim a republic, has been seized, and a new prosecution for ...


... EXTRAORDINARY DETENTION OF TRAINS. The mail steamer from Holyhead to Kingstown, carrying the English mails for all parts of Ireland, did not arrive at Kingstown on Sunday until 3 p.m., being then eight hours overdue. She brought neither passengers nor mail bags, the reason assigned being the blocking of the London and North Western line by an avalanche, which prevented the train reaching ...

[No title]

... The Imperial Review (new Tory paper) believes that it is me intention of her Majesty's Government to propose early te„ensuingr session such alterations in the Conscience Clause as will remove the objections to its practical effect that are at present so strongly felt by all Churchmen. THE CITY OF LOXDON.—Mr. J. J. Mechi, of Tiptree-hall, writes to the editor of the Times: Sir,—It may not be ...

-d-gjfltttfi Heirs. I .-

... gjfltttfi Heirs. I An innovation has been quite recently noticed in ladies' dresses, jet ornaments having been replaced by amber. We hear from Edinburgh that Alexander Smith, the poet, died at Wardie, on Saturday morning, after seven weeks' illness, aged 38. General Blood, who was a severe sufferer by the failure of the Agra and Masterman's Bank, is in such a state of mental aberration as to ...


... LONDON, Saturday, Jan. 5th, 1867. SPAIN. Madrid is reported to be in a perfect state of con- sternation at the arbitrary proceedings of the Govern- ment. Many deputies and senator are preparing for flight. Marshal Serrano, the President of the Senate, has been sent to the citadel of Alicante. PESTH. A telegram from Pesth informs us that the Im- perial rescript summoning the Austrian ...


... The importation of live cattle and sheep, &c., into the port of London from the Continent during the past week has been limited. The Custom-house official return gives an entry of 1,419 oxen and cows, 315 calves, 3,540 sheep, and 274 pigs, together making a total of 5,548 against 6,045 at the same period last year. The beef trade to-day was very quiet, with a decided decline in prices. The ...


... A trial is now proceeding in France which proves one of the most extraordinary in the annals of crime. There are sixteen of the accused, and they are arraigned at the Court of Assizes of Draguignan, chief town of the department of the Var. On the 3rd of October last the Penitentiary of the Levant, the largest of the group jf isles known as the Islands of Hyeres (a reformatory where young boys ...


... The ship China, from Shanghai for Batavia, arrived at Hong Kong on the 4th of October, with the chief mate and seventeen of the crew of the ship Westminster, bound to London, which they report at Pratas Shoals. The captain took a boat, and made for East End Island for assistance, leaving the mate in charge of the ship, which was soon after boarded by Chinamen, who advised all on board to leave ...

I John Jonas Thomas, Deceased

... John Jonas Thomas, Deceased. Pursuant to the statute 22nd and 23rd Victoria, cap. 35, intituled An Act to further amend the law of Property, and to relieve Trustees. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all Creditors and others having any claims or demands upon or against the Estate of JOHN JONAS THOMAS, formerly of Cardiff, but late of Bridgeud, both in the County of Glamorgan, lirewer, who died on ...


... TO THE lWITOR OF THB TIMES. Sir,-In your excellent leading article upon the fishing riots in Uadnorshire you point out that the matter is one of more than merely local interest, proving as it does that in a not very remote district the law is openly defied. It is, perhaps, worthy of notice, as illustrating the feeling ,v ith which the salmon laws are regarded by all classes in that district, ...

|ottii©I Jttlpjpit,

... Jttlpjpit, The Pall Mall Gazette says it is the intention of the Irish Government to call out the militia for training this year. Mr. Seymour Fitzgerald is to be presented by his neighbours and friends in Sussex with a testimonial before he leaves for India. The Bristol Daily Post contradicts a statement in the Telegraph, to the effect that Sir M. Peto intended to resign his seat for Bristol, ...