... TJ[EATRE ROYAL. It is gratifying to find that the atern business of political warfare, in which Birmingham iH noew # earnestly absorbed, has so little influence on the public taste for gecn, or and more humaniaing pursuits, and that it is possible f jr m em - bers of the snse community to take very opposite views of rival election candidates like Dixon and Lloyd without abating a jot of their ...


... WeTEWICESBURY REGATT AND FL ,WR E iTBVVKESB ~s a 0 \V. ADFOLI In tho somewhat exotensivo Ijet of papular li - gatherings in the midlnrd counties, the regatta a. * her, *i cultural exhibition which is held at Towkesblay tak high, If not the highest, rank; and that thil is, s - to be wondered at, when it is considered that the ar,,t ments which the committee labour indefatigably to lrvcvi for ...


... BIRMINGHAM CATTLE SHOW, DENTITION OF PIGS, The following statement, In reference to the recent diaqualificatione of pige, has been forwarded to us:- PEN 205, CLASs 41,-Threo Fat Pigs, of one litter, not exceeding ten months old, having been disqualified -by Profeesor Gamgee, with the remark, Disqualified-the state of dentiteon indicating that the animate are of dif- ferent ages, I think it ...


... The eighth annual exhibition of the Stourbridge and District Horticultural end Floral Society was held at the Corn Exchange, yesterday. The previous Ehows have taken place earlier in the year, and the present one can scorzely be compared with those of former years, from the difflrence of the season in which It is hall. One effect of this was that the show was not so large a one as usual, the ...


... There Is a feminine waywardness and perversity about Festivals which will often sot at defiance the most carefal calculations and the most seemingly perfect arrangements, Here we are within a few days of the great triennial event, for which we have been more or less actively preparing since the Festival of 1864 faded from view, and though we have bad the lemsons of a century's experience to ...


... B IMIEIGHAM CATTLE AND POULTRY I SHoW. A meeting of the Council of the Bsingbanham Cattle and Poultry Show was held at the Queen's Hotel, yesterday, at noon. Mr. H. Luokecek presided, and there were also present the Mayor (Mr. T. Avery), Messrs. J. Mathews, IL Adkins, G. C. Adkins, W. B. Mapplebeok, J. Smith, T. 1. Wright, T. Brn-man, J. Shackel, F. Sabin, T. Bur- bidge, J. Lowe, R. C, Chawner ...


... The annual show took place yesterday in Mr J. a Woolley's field, adjacent to the railway station, 8 The attendance was greater than last year, and the c number of animals exhibited was also large. Entire _ horses were as numerous as on recent preceding s occasions, and there was a good competition for other classes. The judges were Mr Stephenson, h Bushy Hill ; Mr John. Ingramn, Wood Hall ; ...


... THE BEST THING OUT.-An aching tooth. FOOD FOR THE IMAGINATION.-Faucy bread. CAUTION TO SISTERS -Harriet: I say, Charley, I've been stealing some of your scent; but it isn't very nice-something odd about it-smell. Chiarley: Not wiped your lips with it, I hope? It's the new stufffor my moustaches-brings 'em out an inch every night ! FAAIILY PRIDE,-First Boy: My father's a orficer. ...


... i ROYAL AMPHITAEATRF. .I i c. I; 4 -~ - r, ad lit. :, , - THE GREATMPRIZE DRAMAi TRWI:I TO THEV ORII Is a briflantluccese. The nagufficent sceney; surpasses Rnvhu o h inlcc jeini, ,Liodo'oE T'he'loca press say bcqptri1uc 'tio in exceedingly sinple bat th'e plotj. thbugh sjngulary simple, is .Uii op interest.. Mre S over, the story admits of effective illfustrtion, 6.'d'tMr, ByrkA'oh -this ...


... 1P1UBLC AMUSBEMENTS, a0. Prince of Wales Theatre.- The Love Knot, and the Pantomime I Ts Queen ot Hearts. Theatre Royat-Puntoemine Little Dliek WbittingtoL Royal Acphithntre.- Masks and Faces, and The Rag lickerv! Paris. Now Adelphi Trheatre.-Bitter Cold, Ballet, Farce, and Pantokinbo Dicky Sam and the Liverpool Liver. Royal Colosseum Theatre. -I Wtildre Ned, Brothers l'almer, ...


... PUBLIO A VMUEMENTS, . , Prinen of Wales Theaft*.- One Hollr in the 'Cartivr4 Ball, and tho } itoalt me, The Queen of Hearts. Thentre Royal.-1 The Artlat's Wife,'and- Pasitomxme .rUttle DickWbittington. Royal Amphitheatre, -Ring Henry 'N. ;!an tUe. Tantomime ,Srlequln Blue leard. New Adelph} Thestre.-George -BaiWOll, AIfi ate. Pantomime aiarlequin Dioiy 8am2. Royal Colosseum ...


... goOM:S L:: A: NAT, i * '.Yesilerdsi the eatire city went! eut of Porta PlJa In,- carriages and on footto greet the ?? met by a long train ofthewornndel. *:f- The melauchoiyt precession WR& watched, by 40,000: spectators. * *I A.0 tbe Yost Crowd, preserved an unbroken silence, bn6y - ?? to twhe Gailbaldlaflanc;- PoUhl1all Gazete, Novevaetrlalr. .. , Open tby gate, 0 Rome; totheme thal come- ...