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Advertisements & Notices

... short time longer. TheDanube, as high up as Galatz and Tbrail, may now be considered effectually closed. Cable advices from America state that front hbd stopped the canal navigation earlier than usual. Dornbush's Corn Circular says that virtually our wkole ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RYE RYWBEowq PUBLICATIONS. ;W WORlK BY J. P. MAGUIRE, M.P. On Tnesday. the 17th Inst., In 1 voL post 8vo. rp HE IRISH IN AMERICA. TByJore1e FAO4OIS 1MKoUIRc, M.P. for Cork. London: LONGMANS, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster. row. In the Press, and nearly ready ...

Advertisements & Notices

... interest, pathos, and knowledge of the Lmeheart, will be found to luactsn the high teputation fteWritter, whoa, Works In America, Germany, and Prancebhav achieved a ftoesx second. only to their im- Fidens POPnlardlY In hiRowD country. T~beatol Balrauer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ELLY, 8 Grafton-atreet. d2,o NEW WORK BY J. F. IAOUIBE, M.P. On Tucsday, the 17th la1t., in I vol. poet Ova.. H HE IRISR IN AMERICA. V Ey JOHN FwNAlio MAcsuomx, U. P. for Cork. London: LONGAXANS, GR13EN, and C00, Patrnoster- row. PB()Fi;SSOR ROBERTSON'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... from being damaged. IEDWARD RELY .AwD CO,, Patentees for Groatlrirtatn, France, Belgium, Germany, aind United Statee of America. Wololsnaleo nlyat 17 LOWER ORMOND.QUAy, And Retell by all Rospartlable 5tvatgnerg, - --S=w venting the ehelozares trom betng ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Arrstis, Informnere' Revelation, D2. An Insurgent's Account of the Affair in Kerry. 4 Tbe Rising Foretold. sO EXCITEMENT IN AMERICA, Sympathy In Congress, Threatened Rlaild on Canada. of Committal of. the Clare Prsoners. THE MOVEMENT IN SCOTLAND, Da THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10 0 and Co ?? 8 0 A Magdalen ?? 1I0 0~ Mer&ldroColeean a 0 0 Mrs Kealing *. 0 10, 0 Rev Mr Kirsean, A. Priest ,, 0 10 0 America .1. 8 0 O J 0Reynolds, eq 010, 0 lira Lalonatte ?? 2 0 0 Mrs Murphy ?? 010 0 11Charlt; ?? 2 0 0 Mrs Leonard ?? 010 0 I1llfe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... feom, being damaged. ED)WARD RElLY D o~C., P4,rr~cce for (, Atlnlritan, France, Baelgam, Germany, and UnitedS States of America Wholesale only at 17 LOWiIL ORMOND.QUAY. And IRotall by all Respectable 8Malgeisrg, ?? I i! B RASS AffD IRON BEDSTEADS AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... enclosures from being damaged. EDWARD HELY AND CO., Pstentee. for Great Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, and Urited States of America. Wholesale only at 17 LOWER ORMOND-QUAY, And Retail by all ?? Stationes F F 0 B7EST VALUE IN DUBLIN. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS IN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Liverpool Vemols. Extraordinary Sicide- Sitarving a Child to Death. SPOi RS O 0 TWiE WEVE. Stephens Pronounced a Humbug in America. OUR POLICE COURTS. Assault on n Wife. Charge against a Fireman. Charge of Robbery. Desporate Assault. Our Lodger. Aesaulting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Caution. Trespanslng In the Park. Ass aulting Cous lablee, tc. SPORTS FOR THE WEEK. TTlE FENIAN MOVEMENT- Startling News from America.-An Invasion of Canada Threatened ! SuspIcIons Arrival of Thirty Irish Americans near Duagaman. Surrender of Fenlane In Thurles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... frosp being duuesgd. . EDWARD HIELY I1D 00., Patentees for GreatBrlitaln, Prncen, Belghum, Gernany, ant Unlted States of America. Wholesale only at 17 LOWER ORMOND-QUAY, And RetaIl by all Respectable Stationeom IN THE READY-MADH DEP MEENT of our EstablLehmant ...