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London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... sold by the author at No. 20. Paternoster-row. . 0. Q -Granville Sharp, not Wilberforce, was the first who ad- 1 vocated the slavery clause in the House of Commons. E. D.-Lord Colltngwood led the van in the mnemorablo actlon of Trafalgar, he commanded the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... conveyed. BREAKFAST to Air. GARRISON. --A PUBLIC B BREAKFAST in honour of WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON, Esq., the leader of the Anti-Slavery Party in the United States, will be held at St. James's-hall on SATURDAYMORNING, June 29th, at 11 for 12 o'clock. JOHN BRIGlT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... prodoced. BDREAKFAST TO MR. GARRISON. -) A PUBLIC BREAKFAST in lionour of WVILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON, Esq., the Leoadr of the Anti-Slavery Party in the United States, 6ill be held at Sr. JAxntss HALL Ol0 SA'URDAY MORNING, June 29, at Eleven for Twelve o'clock. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hb'organisin f ,so S . the State, iwould have suppressed, Free Trade. of : and maintained 'the Pen Rl Laws .and Negro spine Slavery. While the Executive tepresent:d evei only a, class, Mr. ARiIOD s eems inclined I eve reply, such a power would have been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lIDREAKiEAST TO MR. GARRISON. I-P A 'IUBLIC BREAKFAST in honour of 'ILI.IAM LLOYD GARRISON, Esq., the Leader of the Anti-Slavery Party in the Ceited States, will be held at ST. JANIES'S HALL TO- OJORROW (Sattirday, at Eleren for Tvelve o'clockl JOtIN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... having this week concluded a Twelve Nights' Engage- ment atTHE AMtPHITHEATRE, LEEDS, is now at Liberty. Orange Girl, ' Slavery, &c., s o. Address, 10, East-terrace, Cardiff. BISS ROSE BRAHAM, Vocalist, will be at A ft Liberty to accjo1t Engagements ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Trades Unions--The Sugested IncreaLse of our Aray. Amesrica: 'The Decay of Fenia=lasn: The Atlantic Yacht Race: Anti-Slavery Churches in the Southern States; The l'rsidelti Political Situation. Original Notices of New Books-A'rrespon- ?? Miscella ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fromTurkey. B12REAKFAST to Mr. GARRISON.-A PUBLIO JLD BREAKFAST in honour of WILLIAM LLOYD GARR1SO1, Esq., the Leader of the Anti-Slavery Party in the United State8b will be held at St. James's-hall THIS MORNING, Julie 2l at 11 for 12 o'clock. JOHN BRIGHT, Esq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : : . ?? ad .REAkFAST to Mr. GARRISON.-A PUB'TIC J :P BREAKFAST in honour of WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON, BEsq, ?? of the Anti-Slavery Party in the United States, - willibeiheld at St.'James's-hall on SATURDAYMORNING, June * 29th, at ll for l2 o'clock. JOIN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W.C. B REAKFAST to Mr. GARRISON.-APUBLIC BREAKFAST in honour of WILLIAM1 LLOYD GAIIrIISI)M, Rsq., the Leader of the Anti-Slavery Party in the United States, will be held at St. Jame3's-bhall on SATURDAY MORNING, June 29th, at 11 for 12 o'clock. JOHN BRIGHIT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W.C. lREAKFAST to Mr. GARIRISON.-A PUBLIC 4 J BREAKFAST in honour of WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON, Esq. the Leader of the Anti-Slavery Party in the United States, will e held at St. James's-hall TO-MORROW MORNING June 29th, at 11 for 12 o'clock. JO IN BRIGHT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... en oler~eu~te ae neraenii~ ter afce~~, ns'fo I ?? U.BE4JFAT n onur ofWILLA K LY ~l I4, SDS . isq,' the Leaqer of the Anti-Slavery 'Partv fn the Unltedf States,. ?glo 'whll, jeheld'pt St 'i-hall dhFATUnbAYMOBRL JtneI and 29th, at iI for i2o'Tlock. JOHN ...