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COVERED TRAVELLING BATHS. these Baths are most con- _....,.tin. sift bask Whig constructed that they may either ..

... COVERED TRAVELLING BATHS. these Baths are most con- _.,.tin. sift bask Whig constructed that they may either be used as baths or as commodious Travelling, Boxes. TRAVELLING TRUNKS, of all sizes, and of the best quality, at reasonable prices. At J. ...

enough to wry eat kis osiers, • who have raised Mr. Disraeli to power because he broke the heart of

... but those changes will but make them more competent, and to change effete Whigs into active Whigs is not, as Mr. Disraeli will • shortly discover, equivalent to dishing Whig& Lord Hartington, with a Radical programme, is at least hSforouilable a person ...

1k Mirror it at rw

... speedily whether it is peace or war. THE FUTURE OF THE WHIGS. (Frost tAe Saturday eerier. It by oo means follows—and it is here, we think, that Mr. Disraeli miscalculates—that ii the Whigs are bit, and even bard hit for the moment, the Conservatives ...

De Mirror d At RM. THI CHURCH BATE ABOLITION BILL. (From the E.anniaar and Titles. So far as we can

... by the absolute and unconditional surrender of church rates. DISHING THE WHIGS. ( Frew tAe Spectator. ) In Mr. Disraelia opinion, as in Lord Derby's, the bill has dished the Whigs. The great party, which for ISO years has, tinder one name or another, ...


... he was called to the Scotch her, and, in 1823, appointed an advocate depute, en afire which he held until 183°, when the Whigs came into power. On the return of the Tories to power he was appointed sheriff of Lanarkshire, an office corresponding as nearly ...

entail the least harm upon them. The problem they have to solve is, what course will keep together their own

... upon himself the shade of Peel, by inducing the Tory party to perform the great feat of running off with the clothes of the Whigs whenever he has an opportunity. A short month, however, will let us into the secrets of Cabinet Councils, and we can well afford ...

POETRY. 11 AUTUMN OF THE WIND. The-wind has a new sound: Not the soft whisper of the early Spring. },re

... to the electors of High Wycombe. Mr. Disraeli was supported, at first, by a combination of Radicals and Tories against the Whig candidate; but the former party, iliscoveritig that his Radicalism war something very different from their own, deserted him ...


... advantage. Nor must it be supposed that this mutinous and semi-treacherous spirit is confined to what are called 'the aristocratic Whigs.' It extends to many who have no pretensions to aristocratic connections. These and like statements, not forgetting the deputation ...


... drowned. The Belfast Whig says there is hardly any doubt of the loss of a child, named Fox, in the steamer Wog, which was ran down on Wednesday morning hut. On Saturday night, Mrs. Fox, the mother of the child, called at the Whig office and stated that ...


... democratic has still to declare its true character by its results, while its authoreare Conservatives, and the remonstrant. are Whigs. But there is now an excellent opportunity of reviewing' the many dark predictions with which the. present reformed House of ...


... else. With good mew faith is found with the too extensive me mad* of the bid languages, in our better class of schools. The Whig would hive them in the cast of all as hiniliewiental to the superstructure: but I would not WOW, structure raade, in caw all ...

Re ANN DEASON, Deceased

... that Earl Russell owl the Whigs are veny weak iu the upper house, that if they should be able to moo ry a Reform Hill through the Commons, they would be sure to foil in tile Lords ; it took. I helieve. seven years for the Whig. to carry a small Jew Kill ...