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... I -- _ | DEFAME JlY FaIR : DU1DAL, WEDNiEDAY.-Tho s8mmer fair of Wthi town was held to day, and in many respects wa& .a very good one, as there were a good many bnyera from Dublin, Drogheda, and for the Engliah mar- ket. The supply of sheep and lambs was ver con- iddable, and a good sale took place, but at a decided reduction, on former Prices. J. Bigger, Esq., of Falmorehall, had two fine ...


... ,, FA.HION .VARI1IE8. Their Royal Higblesses the Prinee and Princess of Water are expected toaivo at Owndlngbamu about the mIddl6 of next week-on Wednesday e Thurs day. A new wing, contalwag Servantsi'ofloe, 4c., hbs bean complleed S Sandtinlgham Maus& The stay 4tbe PrlMe and Princeus at Sandringham will pobably be prolonged till the middle of January or tbe beglnlngof Febray. . .. . I Lord ...


... I :~ .. .. _, . I. I WATmiIOoD, MolDAY.-From theinflux ol blyera cn yesterday and this morning it was apparent to the most disinterested observer that a dear and busy fair wecuidbe the renult, Traiaations began about five b'clocun aud untit ten W uyers lmv emen iadiapsed't catgle . nex s the hecond bid was acelpted roo was made for a new ma) , but after the latte r hour p perceptible dulneg s ...


... I FA'RITO A&D VARIETIE'. :2 -is. Ro yal Highness the Prince of Wales 79 ?? the Duke and Duoheos of Bucoleuchby his coca- iO palnyct dinner at Montagne HBouoe, Whbtehall on Fridea 1 eoinlng he Prince ot Wales, attended by Captainu Elih, 88 arrived about a quarter past eight. There were present to 84 I~q i ?? Prncimrs Mary Adelaide end 1. PRtcof Tech, the Duke aufl Duchees or Blnhmond'aud G3 -2 ...


... 7 - sTERATUrRE. Osoaslc La.Nkforf.-By 4gir'4 Dolcrly, M.D, Trubnw dcd o ,atensfer.The present volume is. the s~cohd 'ri df a verbrpyfound work. The firs tvOluua, published in L8BE, treated of man's true place in nature. The second treats of the outlines of ontology, or eternal forces, laws, and prin. ciples. To know naan's true place in naturo we must firstknow something of what man is, and in ...


... | (FRnoH OURn 4i5OIAL REPOTRSIL) SrOxEBrowoN, FnIDAv.-The dinner in connection with the aboveo'show took'place yesterday, in Mrs. Duffy's Hotel, in this town, and, having regard to the influential position ceoupied by many of the gentlemen present, it was undoubtedly attended with great success. About 120 menbers of the Strekestown Farming Society filled the spacious apartment in which the ...


... IA MOCKERY, A DELUSION, AND A SNARB, , , - - . - e (,Prorm the Ulster Observer.) spesoh is silverp but silence is golden, is an axiom whiif, we venture to predict, will be heartily endorsed by the Right Hon. Robert Richard Warren's superiors in the ministry when they shall have read the report of his speech and of the other proceedings c0n aeqelant on his election, au representative of ...


... II FASMON AI IrIEIS, Thd Earl and Countess of Dartry, Lady Mfary Daweon, the BOS A#l4WnyDawr3ema ad ?? hars left neysolds's Hotel for ELI qlraona-treet, London. r, Captan the Hion. Mr.' Czic1155 has left R eynolda's Hotel for Crom' C'astla r! Captain Liddall, 10th Hussars, has left r ynolds's Hotel for England. I Ur. Ogilvey has left Reynolds's Hotel ofor Scotland. Dr. S S. Lynn is still in ...


... FASHITON AND VARIETIES. I GENTLMAN USHER'S OFFIOE, Publin, Castle,lot Jfanuary, lilay Bi5 Excellency t'he Lord I ,eutenant wLU hold a LEVEE at Dtubln Castle, on TUE131D) Y, the 29th January, 1857, at On o o'Clock. It is requested that each Gentleman attending the Lovee wiU bring Two Cards, with his Nanme and Place of liO- jence, both in lown and Couatry, Iegibly Wrltten, not printed, thereaoss ...


... KINGSCOURT SPRING FAIB 1t { a ~ ; . - 71_ lo . - sXs.rWNUSOOU1 eZB. 7.-The spring Iair of thbs e towu, was; coaIdered, a. full average one ?? blac ed. cttl'e. Beef was ie beitter request than suppl, , sat some nice lots fetched as the highest priea, 6Ss 62s. per cwt. One lot of fat heifers I to 201. lOs. each, and were Purchied for exportation. A fine lot of Kerries brought13.lspeba. Ar ...


... I . ?? ?? - . _- NAVAN (COUNTY MEATH), F sacUAnY 12.-Our spring fair, although not so large as that of lest year, presented a very considerable show of stock of every kind, except sheep. In the beef department of the fair there were several valuable lote of prime finished beasts exhibited by Lord Mayo, Messrs. Ruesell, Allet,Dillon, M'Keown, Davies,Butler, &c We must quote rather improved ...


... VIRGIN I FAI. A I * - VlOGINIA ( 1OUi2ry CAVAN), Apkcr. 23.-ORr April fair thie sear ?? thie largest for a length of time. The .weatlher: was fvourable, and buying commenced early., Steck appeared to improve in value. Tisere were only twfO or three lots of beef of an inferior uauty, and no nu otation can be made. Store cat- tie were in excellent demnand, and very few lets re- ?? unsold. , ...