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Advertisements & Notices

... -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? atne to/. I,-tEREBALB WA'T ERS., the 4*M oral Water MakeufActor ullivit81 ?? l tth -l h E th IVE S¢*!tALE OF WOO ?? G'q~tOODKe Waters ,tha ty Manfture, eling sNSured' th heT n oed lI tial. to ?? S hemil atakerl at sh¢ peeoiag; * m~ost supoflor fi~VciO awd. ?? dsp. ot ek. elleuce te anyr ye man beturvdl5 while the ?? preseun at whloh iili thodt' WVrs aro jrepaid insdre te ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T R ROYAL VUBLIX THIS EVANING,(TUR BDkY) M'AROH 6rn, TENTH AND LAST IILE NIGHT, For the coesvenleneo of perions twldlug aS a dit~nO6, and the Juveoile Branches of Families, the Perormnances will ?? at Seven o'Clock, and be so arranged that the Pantomimo will torminate by Half-pait Nine o'Clook. The Ferformanees will commence with tlbe Pantomime of HARLEQUIN SINDBAID THE SAILOR, olt T5E GREAT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL POSTINGS. ( kAoTICE AND ADVEETISEMENgT OF WltlT 6 'UMN AUMN~y PAINTLAN .4aoed in d Acins ari U' incoan I Body, Itllwa C 66a~pl sj, Gdriis c Whei o of TIOH is hereby 'Whomah-stont, id the A OvIiJ5ns u5t to the L of Dblic, Milerprov1iat11s of the At 10,1 P nf 'uu, ileVisioria, chap. 18Bo. 8 e, that D The Guardisfl 'of the &, writ of onsd Plantt Poo o of tl e South Dl- JiW1 bo s Issued this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATE :>Uk OYM,. DUBLIN, THSvAThle bolng Ath-WedpakTAore7*wi1 7bO Ila ?? Mig7ht buS TwoN e2i tlhe ?? TOIMORROW EVENING lThurnuidy),. Jirer* 7bhj 1i07. the performnancO will COn77neto wlth., (4e6end tins. these seventeen yease), the Musical Farce of WOV$ LA.U11i18 AT LOCKSMIsXTHS I To eonclude N0th the. OrA6d Comnic Cbristnsaa Pantomime ,of HAVLR.lUlIT, SIlP- gAD TElR SAILOR; or. the Great, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL POSTINGS. , IN COANtERY. ADVERTISEMENT TO CREDITORS. LE GATE13, AND ] INCUMIIBANOCERE- Cause Petition un- T HEREBY require der The Court of I all persons claiming to be Chancery (Ireland) Re- Creditors or Peouniary Legs. gulation Act, ltos, teen of John Pluakett, late see, 1S., of Freseati, Blleebroeok, in tho - _ County of Dublin, deceased, In the Matter of eu or before the 1Ith diay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATIB ROYAL, DUBLIN.- On ?? PtStT o ntme. Or THIS' ,MVIS-ING (Thur9a1y), Marsh 7th, 1867, mm perromaimo, *111 comnmence with (ieeto4tisme these setealeeri ytM, the Musteitl Fareg of IAW~i LAUGS AT LOCOMITH SI To concludo with the Grand conic dtristness Pantomimoe o IoAHAPLEtjIlN 8IND- DAD TOE SAILORt ori th e Groat Rootot tte Dla- enoud Valtey andt the Sevezi Wonders of the World I I !- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL POSTINGS._ ADVERTISEMENT TO cRKD11 O1$S, LEGATEES, AND INCUMBSANCERS Cauge Petition under I HEREBY require The Covut of Chanocery I J ll persona oilainlug t0 (Ireland) Begulation Act, ihs Creditors or Pooinelary L. y 185055o.18. =aesof Miss Emmta Bita~ -- ?? Inte of Hardwickoe. In the Matter of street, In the County of the Patriok Joep h Kelly, City of Dublin, spinster, de. Petitioner; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- J Last Night of the Pantomime. On TFI EVENING (Friday), March 8th, 1807, the perlorrletoe will commerce with (third time these !erenteen Jeari), tho Musical Farce of LOVE LAUGHS AT LOCPCt'MlTL8 I To concludeo ?? the Grand Comic Christmas Pantomime of HARLMIUIN SIND- BEA T;RY SAlLOR. or, the Great Roc of the Dls- moml Valley nnd thie even Wonders of tho World I I - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N EW AD ARTISTIC PHOTO. .4k. 11 GtAPiJy: Tow Wille 4 Visit. ONE SHILLING De. Two Posltions ONE SHILLING asid SIXPENCE I t Do. per ,Doman subsequently FOUR SHILLINGS And BIXPI4CAlS I BZrllsntily, beoautitfsil. and AistIIallY E etg by The new publija Dentral Branch of The LONDON MIETROPOLITAN PHGTOGR1ARJIC COMPANY, S8 GRAFTON-STRIRT (Norly opposite Brown, Thoma, And Co,), and 22 WZSTMOlIC tND. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M ESSRS. J. BAROROFT AND SONI lM L hle sreceived instructions from Messrs. MAUTIN and iSON to offer by A AUCTION, On THURISDAY, 14th Maroh, At the Timber Storeo, NORTH-WALL, The SUPERIOR CARl}O OF FRESHLY CUT MAHOGANY, Now Dieharglug ?? DUNDRENNAN, from MINITITLAN, Containflg 98 Logs, E0,000 Feot. The attention and examination of the Trade is par Lion. arbr requested and directed to this Cargo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIAMONDS, EMZRALDS, RUBIES, D PEARLS, WATCHES, GOLD, SILVER, iLATRD WARE, do. we are almost dally.sked- Do you bul old things for eash. We ?? answ er, ' Wodo, proylded they are ?? giveethe very beat priee that oats p~esltbly be oh- ?? for any oJ the iabove exticlenasnd wre then rensaks ys.model, orsmelt them., as the case ma~be, and re-geil them at the lowvest ?? ?? rato of profi't 'ihese ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE baa ROYAL,-.: i Lm. JL MR. UARRIS hao the k~ono; tbi tinc ht 'hl; IDNAVIT will iare llace on TI0iSRY11 N G i Mach l9ti, On wbich con the cebeit'ee tkit AeressMadllue. BFETfttOE, *IJI ajpe~r} in addliouto ,,whkh the Members of the Dublin Garrick Clublhve itsiy pyoflered thair services. Tbo perfontlc will. eomrnierle with ShakaPaOW' PIY ATNTElOHlt r OF VElNXOU jermitating at tho I ~onth ...