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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - -- 1 Br BIRTHS, MARRUIlAGES, & DEATHS. m] B I RT IT S. D .klexandelor-DeceenleLr 2G. at Belgrace Road, Dublin, lii thii' t-ie Of ('ozoirarider IV(. 2 -. Atoxauder, H.M.S. in 'ΒΆ uit'I. *E a dan- Ic iri'ftoln-1'eeiwnw,-r ?? ?? Gaii-n5' House, 1li'- i,'irgih. the lion. Mlrs. ?? ?? of a dxiuhter. . F-t- l:c- inlier 2S. at 1' lELe, Balltitra, Co. I _itn-'g-al. thre wife -f A.tllhur 11. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF WILLIAM HOWLEY, Eft, D.L. 'lAe venerable gentleman, named above, died on Monday laut, full of years and honours, at his beau- tiful residence, Riohbill, in which he spent his de- clining yeare in tranquil repose, and closed in all the haippnees that religion can shed, family affection as- srm and administer, and affluence contribute, a life upon which no imputation could rest, and a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS, Charttejor announcements of MAarriaugc 2i. Od., of BOrtfJ did Deaths le. -ff. ic7ch; artd to ienare inertion the atount smtcst, in alL cases, be prepali. M&RRIED. February 7, at Uarlborough-etrcet Chathedne], by tho key. -Dera, Cogan, brothieref the bride, saslted by thlolev. L. Blake, P.P.4 brotdhorof tha bridegroom, and RIa. N. Farrell, Liray lMartha, second ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MARTIN CRIEAN, ESQ, We deeply regret to record the death of this highly esteemed gentleman. The announcement thast Msartin Crean is no more will be read with sincere sorrow by large numbers of his countrymen, for his friends and admirer were not coafned to Dulilin. As one of the moat trusted as8ociates of O'Connell, Mr. Crean for years occupied a prominent position in the Liberal ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , IRTHST. MARRGES AND DEATHS, Ohoagejor atnouncesen& M -as 2r , qf Births and Deaths Is. 6d. ean; aeut to (nsr a 5nvrtot Ase amount mud. in -U car. pmaK ,BTATHS. Vebruary 22, at 120 Stephen's-green, tho wite of Dr. Edward Hamilton, of aeon. February 22, at Blakeney-parade, the wlfe of Chamber- lain IL Walker, eolicltor, of twine, a Eon and daughter. February 21, at Budsfleld, couuty Kildare, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... a BIRTHS, MARRIAGBS, AND DEATHS, , iarge for onnounements of Marriagjes, 2. ed., of Bir,,o, and Deathls I8. OId. each; and to insure itseriwo the amoint 7netSt, in alI cases, be prepaid. BIRTHS August 21, at Castlepark-road, Kingstown the wita 01 Jerentiah Leyne, Esq., of a son. Anguet 24, at 108 Pembroke-road, the wife of Daniel Sullivan, Esq. of a Eon. MARRIAGESi. August 21, at the Roman ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATPH OF THE .REV. p. KELLY, O.S.A. (PFnos OUR O0URtESPOMNDNT.) Itt&OHEA, SATURDAY;It id with ?? soaow-..a sorrow In whiob the public to a very large vxtgnt of all creeds and classes ahere-that I an- nounce the death, on yesterday morz4lng, AI Saiutb' Day, of the Rev. Patribk Kelly, at his restdeuce, in Liawrencestreet, aftera few days' illnessn id the 62nd year of his age, aud the fortith, i ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHlS. Ali ?WsiC-e Of them119, Ms .cs c's, nel DxUTcIss, iusit be aut hent icad i i y the ccaitt atntl adtlerces of the ?? B I It T IItS. Cl'llanci-.J'iie 22, at 1'atl',ael i1o'13Q Bangor, thec wife of PRicihard ose ('lilaicil, if a (laughter. C'-ng*reve-Jliuic 20, it ('loiE)rucl, tilt Honorale IJ Mint. Cwicgrev; of a soio scil-hl ,n Dixon-Junc 2;, at 'arkcvilli, tie ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 7-1;rAtiBo.; -7 i March 21, at the Catholic Cdthedzel, Piye3nuth, RiPhard Charles Psley, Ansitant Surgeon ?? ?? Royal Alfred, eldest eon of Ralph Crofton Lawrenson,, Esq. lBar- riter-at-Law, to Martha, daughter of the t1se Won. Bryant Lilirorp, Esq., of Plymouth, and grand-nice of the late Admiral LillItrop, DEATIO. March 31, at 20 Grenville-street, Edward, younest soit of James Corr, Esq. RIl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MAIRRIAGES AND DEATHS. Coheaefr announceesnts of Afarvkges 9z. ft, of Nrtes amd Doehs la, 6d. each; and to insure Wsereon tb amosnt must, in al oase, be pro atd BIRTHOS. April 2, at CootehilU, the wife of Mr. F. Donegan, of & April 4, ateGlenart, Blscrock, tho wife of John Murply, Esq., of a son, April 4, at S Druaricondra 11111, the wife of Mr. Edward Kevene of a daughter. April 4, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNEiaL OF LORtD DUNIflLLIN. (FnoM' otn Breponvan.) ATvninx, WDDNED4AY.-Tha funeral of the late Lieutenant Colonel Lord Dunkellin, which took place here to-day, wae one in every reepeot worthy of the deceased nobleman, and of the great hobto of Clatricarde of'which loe was a distignzished member. 'Ihe nobilily, the gentry, aned a very largo ?? of the inhabitants of this great county,. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MAIS. JA A JiE t'UONNELL, OF LAKEVIEW. Few there are who will not feel sorrow for the affliction which has fallen upon the home and hearth of one of the most distingu shed of living Irishmen, James O'Connoll, Esq., who haq ',on deprived of his devoted wife. It has l . to our lot to record the death of so ?? a lady, and her lowe will be deeply and heartily felt by all who came ...