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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales




Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales

[No title]

... TUE D JBMN- FEXTAX FUNERAL.—A scene occurred in the Dublin Police Court on Monday, when Mr. John Martin and two other persons summoned for leading the demonstrationists in the city on Sunday week ap- peared. Whilst the counsel for the Crown was proving that it was all unlawful assembly, Mr. Sullivan, of the Nation newspaper, who had bee I summoned as a wit- ness, interposed and declared in an ...


... MERTHYR POLICE COURT. SATURDAY.—(Before J. C. Fowler, Esq.) trunk and Riotous. — William Uren, who was drunk and eating a. disturbance in Post Office-lane; on Wednesday nht, was fined on the evidence of P.O. Griffiths, 7s. 6d. rusive of costs.—The same constable gave evidence aiinst Dennis Sullivan, who, on the 21st inst., was flourish- ii a stick near the Glamorgan Arms, being at the time ...


... RE BENJAMIN DAVIES, ABERDARE. PORTIONS of the Bankrupt's Estate and Effects being, it is believed, in the possession of various persons who have not rendered any account of the same, this is to give Notice, that any person who shall wilfully conceal such Estate, or fail to discover the same to the Court or to the Assignees, will be liable under the Bankruptcy Laws to forfeit the sum of One ...


... POLICE COURT. SATURDAY.—(Before J. C. Fowler, Esq.) A Tatter-Denial ion.—William Hircy, a young man, with a very ragged wardrobe, was charged with wandering abroad, and sleeping in an unoccupied building, being without any visible means of subsistence. P.C. Rees found the prisoner in an empty dwelling-house, near Danyderri coke-house, stretched on the hearth in front of a good fire, which he ...


... ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. ADDRESSED TO TilE EDITOR. the Editor is not responsible for the opinions of his Corres;>on ienti gIB> —Allow me, through the medium of your valuable journal, to say a few words with respect to the present plan on which religious services are held at the Union Workhouse. It is known, I think pretty well, that since the Union House and Iufirmary have been open in Merthyr ...


... THE EXTRAORDINARY BULLION ROBHERY. The removal of two cases of hnmon, valued at up- wards of £2000. belonging to Baron Rothschild, oil Tuesdav night or Wednesday morning, from the fore- held of the Waterloo steamer, while lying in the Thames off the Tower, is still unexplained. The directors of the General Steam Navigation Company, to whom the Waterloo belongs, made inquiries at their offices ...

[No title]

... AN AmttL SoMw.—A thumb-screw., CON. BY lb. CAUDM.—Why is a wife likely to bd come equestrian ?—Because she's always on the nag. A DISGUSTING FEAT.-The man who bolted the dooif with a boiled carrot has paid the penalty of his glut- tony. He is suffering from internal hinge-eries. Didn't you tell me yon could hold the plough? said a farmer to an Irishman he had taken on trial. How could I ...


... ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. ADDRMSM TO TUK EDITOR. Ths Editor 111 not responsible for the opinions of his Correspondents THE RELIGIOUS SEIRfVICES AT THE WORKHOUSE. Sm,-I am glad that I have expressed my views un this subject, in conjunction with my friend Mr. White, in another part of to-day's paper, as I have not been invited to attend the meeting to be held in Zoar Chapel this even- ing; at ...


... TREDEGAR INTELLIGENCE. FORESTRY AT DUKESTOWN. The first anniversary of Court Foresters' Home, No. 4,110, was held at the Prince Llewellyn Inn on Monday, 28th October, when the catering of Mr. and Mrs. Rosser gave great satisfaction to the large number of members present. The geese, roast beef, and mutton, and the plum pudding were thoroughly enjoyed. The cloth having been removed P.C.R. Wall ...


... SUNDAY SCHOOL. —On Sunday last, the English Wesleyans here celebrated their Sunday-school Anniversary in St. James's Chapel, when three sermons were preached in the morning and evening by the Rev. G. Rogers and the Rev. J. C. Garlick. In the afternoon the children sang a selec- tion of melodies from Sage's Sunday-school Harmonist, with good taste the singing being conducted by Mr. John Short ...


... THE PAY DAY.—On Saturday last the usual pay jtook place, and every thing connected with it passed off gatis- factory. THE ENGINEER OF THE WORKS.—We understand that Mr. Fairnburn, from the North of England, has been ap- pointed the engineer of the works instead of Mr. Moyle, who has resigned his appointment in consequence of ill- health, and goes to the south of France. THE WATER WORKS. —This ...


... MEN AND THINGS, MEK and their circumstances are always current topics. Circumstances have often much more to do with men— their habits, their tastes, and the aspect of their cha- racter, in tho estimate of others—than the most distinct attributes of personal predilections. It is a. very sug- gestive problem, Which is tho master power ? that of the man in forming the circumstances or that of ...