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North Wales Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... ELKINGTON ANTV ao. JBY APrOINTMENT SILVERSMITHS AND ART MANUFACTURERS To H.MN. the Queen anu( H. B. ff. the Prince of Walts. INVENTORS AND PATENTEES OFr TIEELECTRO PLATE, 25, CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. Many new and Artistic designs of E1LKoNGTON and Co.'s manufacture have just been added to their usual Stocks, tog.ether with a large nnd varied Collection of Drawing and Dining Room TlIEPIECES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wublic Motives DRAINAGE i AND LAND IMPROVENfENTS. L ANDOWNERS contemplating the Drain- L age of land, the erection of Fanrm Buildings and other improvements, and desiring to take up loans for the purpose, are requested to apply to Alr. Williamu Scott, Towyn, agent to the General Land Drainage and Improvement Company for particulars. Mr. Scott will be glad to execute works for Land- owners and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERATISERS. PARLIAHMETARY NOTIROS, ELECTIoN ADDRESSES, AND PUBLIC COMPANIES, 6d per Line. LAW NOTICES, AUCTIONS, AND MISCELLANEOUS, 4d per Line. TRADES, BooKs, CHARITIES &c., 3d per Line. In order to rendor the Advertising Columns of the NORTH WALES CHRONICLE more extensively useful to the Public, the following REDUCED SCALE OF ECEIARGE isaadopted f,,r the undermentioned classes of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIR JA=IUaRAYSPURR.FLUID MAGNESIA [ 'AS been prescribed by the Profession L durig sixty years.ns .the best remedy for Acidi- ties, Indigestion, Hleart-burn, Gravel, and. Gout. It averts the dangerous concretiotis caused by the use of Solid Magnesii, or, Granular Citriites. His Acidulated Lemon, Syrup, when mnxed with this. Fluid, forms a pleasant effervescing-'ap&erient, peculiarly adapted for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVEIRTISERS |'.kiliLAMENTARY NOTICES, ELECTION ADDRESSES, AND PUIILIC COM e.AiES, ld per Line. LAW NOTICES, AUCTIONS, AND MI.SCELLANEOUS, 4d1 per Lin,. TntADES, BOOKS, CHARITIES, &C., 3d pa1 Milie. o In order to render the Advertisinig Columns of tile N1OIHi' WAT^LES CHIONICIE more ?? oseful o to thg Public, the following IED1)UCED SCALE OF CHAllGES is adopted for tilhe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G OOD DOG! Poor Fellow! I find that k you are much pleased with W. Glyn Evans' Food- hall have it most assuredly.-Chester. 1303 D ORDEAUX and BURGUNDY WINES J -now in perfect condition-are very freely pur- chased at W. GLYN EVANS', Chebtet. The number of ladies and gentlemen whose taste are against these cheap, pure, and wholesome Wines, are becoming less day by day, and were those who are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1861, R ICHARD JONES, of Bodnod H1ouse, hiLloyd-street, Llandudno, Plasterer, having been adj udged Bankr upt on the 14th day of October. 1867, is hereby required to surrender himself to Mr William Hughes, a Registrar of the County Court of Carnarvon- shireholdeu at Conway, at the firstt meeting of Creditors, tohe held on the 28th day of October, 1867, at 12 o'clock at noon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANGLES§EY. M R. WVtL DEW will sell by auction the Bull's Head Inn, Llanerehyinedd, on We nesday, the 27th of November, 18137,) if not previou ely sold) about 25 acres of excellent old pasture land, part of linfodyinyn farni, ''lie fields adjoin the Amlwch and Llanerchymeddl High road, and aire distant half-a-mile from the Llauerchynscdd railway station, and five miles from Andvwlb. Possession ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B1ants. Wl7ANTED, a situation by a trained ex- W perienced uncertificated Sahoolmaster, Pre- ferences and testimonials. Addross-Z., Post-office, Dolgelley. W .ANTED, a situation as GARDENER, W bya married mai, who understands vines and forcing. Has nearly 4 years of excellent ?? dress, T.G. Deanery, St. Asaph. TANTED, a small Furnished House or Y COTTAGE, standing in its own grounds, near a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - -- n7 ?? to Purclhase, a' small Farm in VX Waleoi Shropshire. t-i Address, with particulris, to Henry Young, Post-6fice, - Southport. C ANTEIIa, situation by a trained; ex- . Wk perienced- uacortifielitel bZ Posomnter. Pre. fer.enes nd testimnonials. AddressZ Pr- Dolgelley. GOVEltNESS. I . ! A N Engrlish Landy accustomed to TuitionI £Awisher, an engagement as abovoin a family. Is competent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO AD)VERTISERIS. PAILLIANIENTAIIY NOTICES, ELticreo AODDRESSESI AND i'UBL1O COMANs'IESe, 6d per Litc. LAw NoTICEuS, AUCTIONS, AND MISCELLANEuus, 4a per' Line. TRtADES, BOOSe~, CHARTIErS, &o., Pdl pet' Linle. Ilk ordeor to rolnder tile Ad~vertisilig columus of the N011 II 1-XTNALES 014liONICLE note extensively useftil to tilt Public, thel followitng IlEDCUlUD SUCALE O01.' CHAIUES 1is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Important to Contractors, Builders, &o.--Largo SALE OF 'RAILWAY PLANT, PORTABLE ST'EAM ENGINE, &c.-To be Sold by Auction, by l t.W. DEW, at ABEtI)DOVEY, on M 'Tuesday and WVednesday, the 15th and 19th days of June, 1S67, commenncing each day at Eleven aiiU., precisely, a large Stock of Railway Plant, Material and Valuable Machinery, consisting of a Portable Engine, 12 Horse-power, by 1 ...