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North Wales Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... DEFENSIO NON PROVOCATIO.' HElB Licensed Victuallers Tea Association 1 is nov.supplying through any licensed Victualler or Wille Merchant, the finest strong black tea, packed 1iilead oaud cri61sin wvrappers, in quantities of 1 lb., Ilb., and 416i at 29. 6d. -per lb.; -and the finest: green tea packed in lead aud green wrappers at Bs. 6d. per lb. Every packet bears the Trade .Mark, Price, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * FRENCF(IfITALtAN,} ANIi CLASSICS. .rHE Rev. 1?. Lansard' D'Elbene, B.A., of 1Turinl.University,, attends 4nglesey and Bangor every week, on Tuesday and Friday,. to give lessons in ?? and private famniies. . Classes and Pivate Tuition at his residence, 7, Crown Street, Chrnarvon. 1D95 BRYN OWEN, MENAI BRIDGE. T the above delightful Country Residence A pupils are prepared for Commerce, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? AERATED WATERS. LLIS'S, RUTHIN, SODA WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTIHIN, POTASS WATER, ELLIS'S, RUT-HIN, SELTZER WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, LEMONADE. ELLIS'S LITHIA & POTASS WATER, AN EXCELLENT I'TERINA REMEDY FOR' GOUT. The publio are particilarly requested to observe that vcr.!u cork is branded( R. Ellis and Son, ltuthiu, with- out wvhiclh none is genuine. lay be outained from all respectable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hjr~ k udisn.w ANGLESEY.-Sale of Farming Stock at TREFOR ISSA, near PENTRAETH.-To be Sold by Auction, by M R. W. DEW, on Tuesday, the 19th day M of November*J18i;7, at the above-named Farm, in the Parish of Liansaidrn, a lasge portion of the FARMI- 1NG STOCK, the pioperty of Mr. Griiitl, who is giving up the Farm, consisting of 3 MILCH COWS, to calve in December. 1 Ditto to calve in March 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hale% bp Aucction. To BBE OLD BY AUCTION, BY M R. WILLIAM DEW, at the Dinorben M Hotel, Amawol, Anglesey, on Saturday, April I131h, 1867, at 3 o'clock, the Ships, and shares of Ships folollving. Flat Slampson, 64.64 will carry 50 Tons. Schooner Anne & Catherine, 44-64 will carry 120 Tons Flat Dalton 8.64 will carry 66 Tons Smack Unity 8-64 will carry 80 Tone [Flat Juno 8.64 will carry 65 Tons. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mONEY TO LEND. .iV ~ O8 TO Lend on Freehold Property, VWEJJ in ono or in Various sills. Apl)ply to IMr. S. 0. Williams, Solicitor, Llantdutdno, :17S1. TIIE NEW CURTVED EPOIN lED PEN 2s. PER GROSS BOX. POST FREE, 2s. 20. UNRIVALLED MAGNUM IDONUMI PENS. BOX CONT&INING 12 PENS A.ND HOLDER, GD POST FREE, 7D. J. K. D O U G L A S, ETA 7'IONR, B A NT a- 0 Rt P LVRE AERAT:ED WATERS. ELLIS'S, RUJT11TN, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERlTISER~S. CARIrt kNIAMNTAaY NOTICES, E1,ECTIoN ADDREILSSES, AND I1 Puenrlc Gomls'aillls, (3d peor Line. LAW'Nces AuCTIONS, AND M1CEiL-LANOBOU3, -dPer Line. 11ow TitADE-s. BOOKS, CHLARITIES, &e., 3d per L'ine. III Order to reiidur the Adveltisieg 00101115 of the NORTH WVALES_ CHRONIMCLE iiio,,re etensivo~y e &I to the Public, tho( folko~vilg IMDUCE SCAE OF o CIHARGES is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY TO LEND. L {O Go TO Lend on Freehold Property, 9.40 \ 0 in one orin ?? sums. Apply to Mr. S. 0. Williams, Solicitor, Llandudno. 1781 THE NEW CIJRVED.POINTED PEN, 2s. PER GROSS BOX. POST FREE, 2s. 2D. UNRIVALLElD MAGNUM ]3ONUMI PENS. BOX CONTAiNING 12 PENS AND HOLDER, 6D POST FREE, 7D. J, K. D O U G L A S, ST'A 'IONBER, :B _A_ C 31 G O ER pW R F. ATED WATERS, ELLIS'S, RUTJIN, SODA WATER. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CRPONICL CYMRU, PRICE ONE PENNY. A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PRINTED IN THE WELSH LANGUAGE. fYONTAINING well-selected Articles, Re- J ports, Local Intelligence, Spirit of the Press. Agri- culture, Mdarkets, &o. It is extensively circulated among the Lower and Middle Classes of Wales, and among Welshmen generally in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, and other towns in England, Irelaud, and Scot- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ICIN GT ON AND a0o. q j BY APPOINTMtENT, SILVERSMlTHS AND ART MANUFACTURERS To Hi. the Qaeen and H.R.l. the Prince of Wales, INVENTORS AND PATENTEES OF THE ELECTRO PLATE, 25, CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. Many neiv aud Artistie designs of ELKINGTOX and o.'s mnufactutre have just been added to their usual ocks, together With a large and varied Collection of Drawing and Diuing Room TIMEPIECES, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. PARLWAMENYrARY NOTICES, .ELECrION ADDRESSES, AND PUBLI COMPANIRS, 6d per Line. LAw NoTioCL', AUoTsONS, AND MISCELLANEOUS, 4d per Line. Ti'ADEs. Boo100, CHARITIES, &c., 3d per Line. In order to render the Ailvertising, Columns of the NORTH WALES CHRONICLEi more extensively useful to the Public, the following REDUCED 90ALE OF CHARGES is adopted for the underrnentioned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ld 'FRENCH, ITALIAN, AND CLASSICS. Lid PHE: Rev. F. Lansard D'Elbene, B.A. of ed Turin University, attends Auglesey and F-ngor every week, on Tuesday and Friday, to give le,00ina . schools and private families. ?? Classes and Private Tuition at his residence ,e Crown lit Street, Carnarvon. 1595 BRYN toWEN, MENAI B5 GE. 'at T the above delightful H- try Residence lie A pupils are prepared for ...