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... (Before E. W. David and F. C. Vachell, Esq.) ILLEGAL HOURS.—Edward Milward, of the Prince of Wales beer bouse, Canton, was fined 20i. including costs, for keeping his house open at illegal hours on the 7th inst. The defendant had been cautioned for the like offence. DRUNK AND RIOTOUS.—Tuscan Davies was charged with being drunk and riotous at Grangetown on the 18th inst. Discharged with a ...

! | ficclcsiiajital JiMijcnije

... | ficclcsiiajital JiMijcnije. We are glad to learn that the Bishop of London was able to sit up on Monday for the first time since bis recent a'tack, and to dress Lim ...


... GOODWOOD RACES. -Thursday. SWEEPSTAKES (200 Sovs.)—The Parson, 1; Paiushill, 2; Helvellyn, 3. Three ran. RACING STA.KES-J alius, 1; Palmer, 2; Feodor, 3. Three ran. SEVENTEETH BEUTINCK MEMORIAL STAKES.—Tregeagle, 1 The Parson, 2 Formosa, 3. Three ran. Duke cf Beaufort's Vauban Mr. J. Johnstone's Tynedale Mr. Graham's Regalia ••• ••• Five ran. This race was started at six minutes and thirty ...

i'loinc :flcirr,

... i'loinc The Shipping Gazette has recorded 394 wrecks since the first ot January. Land and Water announces the death at Regent's Park of the comparatively large chimpanzee from catarrh. It is understood that the return of her Majesty and the Court to Windsor Castle will be the beginning of a somewhat gayer season than usual. The Irish Times of Saturday states that it has been determined to ...

Re Reverend Edward Jenkins, deceased

... PURSUANT to an Act of Parliament, made and passed in the 22 and 23 years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, Cap 35, intituled, An Act to further Amend the law of real Property and to relieve Trustees. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all Creditors and other persons having any claims or demands whatsoever against, or upon the Estate of the REVEREND EDWARD JENKINS, of the Vicarage, in the Parish ...


... [FOXMOIT MSS.] Circu 1316. Sciant presentes et futuri quod eiro Paganut de Turbervile dominus de Coytif filius et beriB domini Ricardi de Turberrile dedi cor.cessi et hac pvesenti carta mea coi.finnavi Jolianai Alger et MaiilJi fi!ie Hatuundi >le Turbervilo eon»anguinee mee aei acras terra met arabilis de Henripstou quas prius de mee ten,.it Thomas J'iye ad raluntatem raearn que quidem sex ...

Glamorganshire Constabulary

... 1VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a SPECIAL GENERAL SESSIONS of the PEACE for the County of Glamorgan will be holden at the TOWN HALL, Bridgend, in the said County, on TUESDAY, the Twenty- sixth day of FEBRUARY, lS(j7, at One o'clock in the Af- ternoon, for the Appointment of a CHIEF CONSTABLE of the Police of the said County, in the room of Captain Napier, deceased, and for other general purposes ...


... A paragraph appeared on Thursday in the columns of a contemporary in regard to the Abyssinian captives, which, if not corrected, may lead to considerable mis- apprehension of the course the government have taken to procure their release. The paragraph is to the effect that on the 28th December Colonel Merewether had left Aden for Massowah to hand over to the Emperor Theodore the machinery and ...

[No title]

... CIGAR-MAKING IN HAVANA.—There may be small manu- facturers of Havana who own but two or three slaves, or em- ploy but two or three workmen, and they may do their work in a brutish and uncleanly manner; but so far as my own ex- perience at the Hija de Cabanas y Carvajal's renders me a trustworthy witness, I may vouch for the scrupulous cleanli- ness and delicacy with which every single stage in ...


... At the Manchester City Police Court, on two labourers, named William M'Donogh.and Laurence Dolan, were charged with the manslaaght fames M'Evoy. The principal witness was a s p > named Mary Lacy. She saw the prisoner and dece^ed iaoompaa/ in Poll.r,J,»«et httto o olook on Saturday night, one nMrV •, « -it- >» lenge deceased to fight, and the deceas aftp'r- and went away as if going home. Afew ...


... To the Editor of Sg man's Monthly Meteorological Magazine. SIR,-J ust before your notice of Col. Capper's book Oil Meteorology, I had perused that woik, ail copie out the rainfall table to send to you. That table is not to be relied on as an accurate account of the rainfall in this district, the true quantity being very nearly double the colonel's measurement. There is no reason to suppose ...


... M'Donnell, the Life Guardsman, is considered in a precarious state. An attempt has been made to blow up the armoury of the Rifle Volunteers at Harrow. Orders have been issued by the Police Commis- sioners for all the constables in the Metropolitan Police Force to learn the cutlass drill. There is a slight improvement in the health of the Earl of Rosse. The weather on Friday morning was very ...