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[No title]

... The committee for promoting the working men s excursion to Paris are desirous that some practical good should result from the visit, and have, therefore, proposed that a fund should be set apart for the purpose of awarding prizes to those excursionists who furnish the oest essays and reports on the subject of their visit. A selection of these is to be published in order that subscribers to the ...

[No title]

... The American House of Representatives, after a warm debate concerning the suppression of Protestant worship in Rome, has decided to discontinue the American legation in that city, and will hereafter be represented there only by a consul. A young Greek at Washington has given to the American parers a letter he has received from Athens giving an account ot the murder by the Turks of nine ...

)n4¡d Jitteltir^m;?,

... Jitteltir^m;?, LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL SERVICES. June 23rd.-SUNDAY. Morning Prayer. Venite—61. Daily Psalms—125. Te Deum—1, 3. Jubilate-139. Hymn—150. Kyrie—Nares in F. Hymn—135. Afternoon service at half-past three. Daily Psalms—127. Magnificat and Nunc DimittisNares in F. Anthem-In Jewry is God known, Clarke. Hymn—136. Litany and Sermon at o clock in the evening. Hymns 189, 200, 10. June ...

|fcti;ict glncs

... BONVILSTONE. ODD-FELLOWS FEAST—Last Saturday ^J^ers of the loyal Star of Glamorgan Lodge of Oad-iellows held their anniversary at the Old Post Inn. J ne procession being formed about 11 o'clock, and headed by the band of the 18th R.G.V. Cowbndge, proceeded to Lhmtrithyd church, where prayers were read and a suitable and most impressive sermon preached by the Rev. R. T. Tyler, M.A., Rector, ...


... persons appointed by the Liberals, and of Mr. HIBBERT, the member for Oldham, a man of extreme opinions, statss that there are about 4,000,000 houses in England, and under the Act of 1832, 1,000,000 of the occupiers were enfranchised. By the recent Act about 520,000 more will be added,—and this, our enemies shout out is household suffrage But, with our leader, we ask, are we to be frightened ...


... NE SUTOR ULTRA CREPIDAM.—We record in another column the result of an inquest on the death of an infant. We heartily endorse the very appropriate femarks made by the coroner, and concurred in by the jury. We cannot too strongly protest against the most objectionable practice resorted to by chemists in town and country, in venturing to prescribe for per- sons suffering from dangerous diseases ...


... The transactions affected are, with rare exceptions, quite retail, and prices extremely dull. The plantations at home and on the Continent are making seasonable progress. ...


... It appears that the two Liberal members for this county, Mr. Talbot and Mr. Vivian, as well as the Liberal member for Swansea, Mr. Dillvvyn, have come to grief with their coustituancies on the question of the Reform Bill. A mass meeting of indignation-to borrow a transatlantic term—was held at the Music Hall, Swansea, to express what was almost tantamount to a vote of non-confidence in their ...


... Some of the London newspapers have reflected very severely upon Mr. Roebuck for the decided stand he has made in the Trades' Commission against the offensive language of Mr. Coiioily. We give a very different, and we think, more just view of this affair, and we may add that we know it to be from the pen of a warm advocate of the working clashes.—Sheffield and RotJierliani Independent. The ...

JToqal Jiitqlligcir^c

... LLAXDAFF CATHEDRAL SERVICES. Feb. 10.—Fifth SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY. Morning Prayer. Venite,—3- Daily Psalms—61, 62. Te Deum—9, 2. Jubilate—63. Introit—137. Responses—Gladstone in F. Hnnn-GI. Afternoon service at half-past three. Daily Psalms—65. Magnificat—Arnold in A. Nunc DimitÙs-Arnold in A. Anthem, In my distress''—Hopkins. Hynin—l't.i. Litany Sermon at 7 o'clock in the evening; hymns, 141; ...


... The following gentlemen have been appointed magistrates for the borough of CardiffHenry James Paine. Esq. Henry Jones Evans, Esq. Alexander Bassett, Esq. Captain Johnson. R.X. Edward S. Hill, Esq., and Samuel Nash. Esq. THE INFIRMARY. TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. SIR,—In the present deplorable financial condition of the Infirmary, perhaps it may not be altogether useless to draw public ...


... TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH. The second session of the seventh Parliament of the Queen was opened yesterday by the Queen in person, with the usual state pageantry. On her way to the tlouse her Majesty received the heartiest demonstrations of loyalty from the vast crowd congregated in the line of the procession. The usual formalities having been gone through on her Majesty entering the House ot Peers ...