... (BY TELEGRAPH.) LONDON, December 29th. COMMERCIAL.—The discount applications at the Bank yesterday were extremely numerous and large, and in the Stock Exchange also money was rather more in request in connexion with the foreign and share settlements. The heavy demand for money usually experienced during the closing diiys of the year, coupled with the receipt of weak quotations from Paris Bour ...


... The bend mastership of the Carmarthen Endowed Schools has become vacant; it is worth AJIOO a year, with capitation fees, and is open to the graduates of Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin. The vicarage of Manev Owes, Pfinbrnkeshire, has become vacant by the preferment of the Hev. Arthur Hill, M A.; it is worth a year, and is in the gift of the vicars choral of St. Davi.l's Cathedral. The Herald has ...


... THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. WE shall be doing good service at the commencement of the year by thus early recalling the attention of our Local Board of Health to the numerous nuisances that exist and flourish under its jurisdiction. Correspondents from time to time, and we ourselves in our leading columns, have exposed the shameful condition of the town, and the miserable arrangements that are ...

^puling Jti^lligcnct

... Hibberd. the I-nglish jockey, has been app intedtoihe post formerly held by Grimshaw, ot premier jockey to the Count de La J range. The Eastern Morning News says it is rumouied that the Hon. hrnest Duncombe is about to give up the Bedale hounds. The connty rather look to Lord Downe to come forward, but there can be no difficulty in finding a master for a countv a great part of which is ...

[No title]

... A MAGISTRATE CONVICTED. At the Ha Idin^ton Sheriff's Court on Saturday, before Sheriff Clark, Mr. John Fletcher, jun of Salton, and two of his gamekeepers, named respectively David Young and George Ainos, were charged with assaulting a miner, named David Scott, on the 9th of November last, by pushing him into toe river Tyne, near Salton, and finally keeping him in the water against his will, ...


... The season of Christmas is associated with several customs of great antiquity. The advent of this festive period is heralded by the waits, who perambulate the streets at night for a few weeks beforehand, and regale the inhabitants with musical strains of various degrees '!?. of merit. They also furnish the drowsy sleepers with the latest chronological and meteorological information, such as 3 ...

G-lamorganshira Spring Assize

... t: THURSDAY. (Before R. 0. Jones, Esq., and other Magistrates.) STEALING FOWLS. Robert Phillips, 26, Simon Hares, 30, and Jacoo Hawkins, 26, were charged with having, on the 1st of November last, stolen six tame fowls, the property of Evan Edwards. The prosecutor is a farmer and innkeeper at Caerphillv, and on the morning in question on going into his rick yard he found the prisoners asleep ...

---G lam organ shire Quarter Sessions. C)

... G lam organ shire Quarter Sessions. Tbese Sessions commenced on Tuesday last, at the Town-hall. Cardiff, before R. O.Jones, Esq., Chairman, aiictt.- h of Magistrates :— H'. J. V.-mu, ft* P. Lieut.-Col. Wood. rf ...

[No title]

... A BLACKBIRD'S NEST WITH EGG: IN DECEMBER.— The extreme mildness of the weather is proved by the fact of a blackbird's nest with four eggs in it having been taken on Monday last in a woodstack near the old pest-house situate about halfway between IIIr. M'Murray's Loudwater and Scot's Bridge paper mills, ltickmansworth, Herts, by a man named Dorrsfield, a watercress grower. The nest and eggs ...

[No title]

... The Lancet ha.s reason to believe that the prevalent umour respecting the three most recent Royal marriages n this country is founded on the truth, and that in each nstance there are good grounds for expecting additions o that family which is respected by every loyal subject. It is feared that no less than nine persona six of hem officers, of the cigar ship Ross Winans, have been Li-owned. ...


... FOREIGN COMPETITION IN THR IRON TRADE. TO THB EDITOR OF THE TIMES- cons'itnied onr last point in our passage through -TlJ'un coa' basin, as Mons constituted our point of departure, £ wjth the sketch of the establishment of the Soci £ t6 OCkell11 we havp concluded our account of what we personally and heard. We have endeavoured in that account to conourselvrs as much as possible to a mere and ...