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Advertisements & Notices

... RLKCINGTON AND 00. BY APPOINTITENT, SILVERSMITHS AM) AlAD r IANSFACTUREIIS To H.MI. the QuOcn and Il. lT. thcl Prinec of Wales, INVENTORS AN'D PATENTEES OF THE ELEUf O PLATE, 21, C'HURCIIl STREET, LIVERPOOL. M AI ANY New and Artistic Designs of EL- GISGOTO and Co.'s mauufacture have just been added to their lsual stocks together with a large and varied Collectio1 uf 1Urawig adl ~Dillilig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERIONETiRSHIRE, FREEHOLD ESTATE; q.O-BE SOLD BY.AUC.TION, bt the OAKELEY Aessa HOTEL, TAN Y BWLNC, in the Parish of FESTscccoG, in the County of MesRoNErTn, BY MESSRS. E. HUGE OWEN & SON, oa TURSDAT, the 10th day of Dacmmrsen, iS67, at the hour of Two O'clock in the afternoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be theh and there produced, mff E follbwing FREEHOLD ESTATE, situ- I ato in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y CYNNWYS-IAD. t04edd~ wei~id~ t 0i M aw r yd . 5ddd ni yr BEfil ?? .. .. y yg en e d d * ?? . ,. . Darnd~i 3 S W~iD11U , .. ,yr v adw ?? ?? ?? ?? tyjb yaiadau _ , . ..4 3 ?? ?? 3 ?? ?? 4 ?? 6 ?? ?? 5 '. ?? tZ ?? ?? .7 8 ?? 9 ?? ?? 11 ?? ?? 11 - ?? is ?? 14 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? - ?? - COUNTY. OF MERIONETH. 'REGISTRATION. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that FRANCIS FREDERICK BRANDT, of the J Nl Inner Temple, Esquire, Barrister-at-law, having been duly nominated and appointed to REVISE th e LIST of VOTERS in the Election of a Knight of the Shire for the COUNTY of AIERIONETH, will hold COURTS for that purpose, at the several Places and Times undermentioned. That is to say:- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y CNNYWYSIAD. Tystehanl .. .. .. .. .. . i Digwyddiadau ur Wuthnos 4 Yr appeliad o Ffestiniog am drwydded dafarnol, &e.. 6 Y Pwyllgor Seneddol at Addysg . 6 Y. r giwys Sefydledig ?? .. . . .. . 6 Adolygiad y Wasg .. . ?? 6 Darlith y Paroh. M. Roberts ?? .. 7 Nif rthyglau ?? - - ?? . .. . riewyddion Oymri g ?? ?? 9 Yr Anwariad Gwyn I. . i Barddoniacth ?? 11 Cyfarfod Chwarterol siroedd Dinbych a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THLBRAIJ BANEIR AC AMSERAU CYMRU. Cyhoeddir hi ddwywaith Jn yr wythnos; sef ar ddydd Mertcuer a dydd Saclwrnw .?ris argraphiad dydd Mercher yw 2g. Ei phris am chwrarter, os cymmerir 2, 4, 6, nen unrhyw gyfnifer dan yr un amlen, yw 2s. 2g. ond tal. yn mlaen, nee 2s. 6C. us na wneir hyny. Ei uhris wedi ei stampio yw 3c.; neu 3s. 3c. y shwvrter, ond talu yn mlaen; a 3B. 6c. os na wneir hyny. £ib ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TELERPALJn BANER AC A11SERAUCYHRU. d Cyhoeddir hi ddwywaith yu yr wythnos; sef ar ddydd Mercner a dydd Sadwrn. °ris argraphiad dydd Mercher yw 2g.. Ei phris b c chwarter, os cymmerir 2, 4, 6, neu unrhyw oyfnifer dan yr un arlen, yw 2s. 2g. ond talu g tm mlaeu; neu 2s. 6c. os na wneir hyny. Ei o 'TPis wedi ei stamapio yw 3c.; neu 3s. 3c. y t hwerter, ond talu yn mlaen; a 3s. 6C. os na wneir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? :7. 0 4 - ; e -_COUNTr O MERIO~NET. REG ISTRAkTION. NOTICE IS-lEIEREBY GIVEN that FRANCIS)FREDERICK BRNDT, ofhe a. Innr Temle, EquireBarriter-a-lawhaving been duly nomninated atu apponte t REVIETH tvfi he LIST df VOTERmS-h ?? of a Knight of the Shire for the COUNTY of MERIONll hold C7OURTS for that purpose, at the several Places andi Time~s unrentioned. That is to say .- At ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LLIS ' PATENT ROOFING FEALT, the E bespt and cheapest ?? Covering for all so rts of Sheds, Outbuildinlgs, Hay and Corn Rioks, A&c. Sold wholesale and retail by S. ELLIS & CO., Manufaoturers, 23, Strand Street, Liverpool; and respectable ironniongers tbro ghon te country. - l'roO ld per square foot. Als th in Felt, Hair Boiler Felt, aud Portland Cemenlt. PURE AERATEb WATERS. ELLISS, RUTHIN, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Starid Mainufacturers to 11. R. H. THIIE PINCESS OF WVALES. GLENFIELD STARCH. The Ladies are respectfully informed that this Starch is exclusively used in the Royal Laundry, And Her Majesty's Laundress say's, that although she ?? tried Wheaton, Rice, and other Powder Starches, She has found none of them equal to the GLENFIELD, which is the fintest Starch she ever used. PRIZE MED)AL AVARD)ED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '#nte0 lr t*uiont 3ENAI BRIDGE.-Twvo elegant semi-detached FREE- HOLD VILLAS for Sale-To be Sold by Auction, by z R. W. DEW, at the Victoria Hotel, MVIMneai Bridge, on Monday, the 29th of July, 1867, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions then and there to bh produced, all those substantially built Freehold semi-detached Villas, called Westbury Mount, situate on the Anglesey side ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTIOE TO ADVERTISERS. PARLIAMENTARY NOTIOES, ELECTION ADDRESSES, AND - PUBLICI COMPANIES, Gd per Line. LAw NOTICES, AUCTION8, AND MISCELLANEOus, 4d per Line. TRADES, BOOKS, CHARITIES, &c., 3d per Line. In order to render the Advertising Columns of the NORTH WALES CHRONIOLE more extensively usef I to the Public, the following REDUCED SCALE OF CHARGES is adopted for thle undermentioned chlsses ...